1. Put Yourself Out There

To pursue a life of passion you need to put yourself out there. Volunteer for opportunities that come your way. Put your hand up for new experiences. Challenge yourself. By putting yourself out there, you’ll open yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities and ways to live a passionate life every day.

2. Connect With Others Who Share Your Passion

Reach out to people who share your passion and get to know them. Surrounding yourself with passionate people will put you in an “anything is possible” mind frame and make achieving your life of passion that much easier. There’s a old adage that says “you’re the sum of the five people closest to you.” Make sure you’re surrounded by other people who are living out their passions and soon, you will be too.

3. Bring Passion Into Your Daily Life Bit by Bit

It doesn’t need to be an all-or-nothing approach. If you’re ready to start living your life with passion, you can start today by making small changes to your day-to-day routine. Start living your passion in a small way today, and continue to add pieces of what you love. With every week that passes, you’ll be getting closer to living the life you dream of.

4. Know Yourself

Before you can get started, you need to know yourself first. Get to know what you love doing, what gives you natural energy, and conversely, what pulls you down and drains you. By knowing yourself, you’ll know whether the passion you are pursuing is the right thing for you.

5. Start Taking Action

Nothing great ever happened without big action! Start taking action today to take a step in the right direction toward your dreams. It might be as simple as doing some online research, enrolling in an art class or sending out some emails about volunteering with a local community group. Whatever it is, take that first step today.

6. Make Your Passion Part of Your Identity

To start living a life of passion, you need to identify with it deep inside too. There’s no point in pursuing things that are only surface deep, so make sure your passion is something that deeply resonates with you inside and out first.

7. Put Yourself First

It’s a wonderful thing to put others first, but sometimes you need to put yourself first. Of course some things like supporting your family and being there for your friends are essential, but in other areas of your life, you can cut back on your unnecessary obligations to make time for what’s important. Carve time out of your weekly schedule for pursuing your passions and little by little, you will get there.

8. Take a Risk

Sometimes to achieve a goal, you need to take a risk. It might be as simple as reaching out to a new person or as crazy as quitting your day job. It’s important to think through the crazier risks before you take them and make sure you can make it work practically as well. That being said, sometimes you just need to go for it. You’ll know when the time is right.

9. Keep Up the Momentum

Keep your momentum going by doing something to get closer to your passion-filled life every single day. Some days are busier than others, so naturally not every day will be a haven of productivity and goals being achieved. That said, every day, no matter how busy you are, do one thing to move closer towards achieving your goals.

10. Believe in Yourself

More important than anything, you need to believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either, so it all has to start with you! Believe in the power of your dreams and know that although the road might be long, you will get there. Image credit to lilivanili via Flickr CC You might also like: 7 Ways to Enjoy Working Toward Your Dream