1. Set an Example

The first thing employers need to do is set an example for their employees. We realize that this can be difficult because business owners are likely work very hard to make sure their companies succeed. However, if they can’t show their employees that they can have a great work-life balance, how can they expect them to be able to do it themselves? Employees look up to their employers, so it is up to employers to show them how to create the perfect work-life balance — or as close to perfect as possible.

2. Go Home

When you work after-hours, it can lead to a lot of stress and burnout, not to mention overall poor health. It is the same for both employers and employees. So, you need to clock out at quitting time and encourage your employees to do the same. Sure, there are going to be times when everyone has to stay late, such as inventory days if you work at a retail outlet, but as a general rule, it is best to leave at a reasonable hour — and to leave your work at work and not bring it home with you.

3. Know when Employees are Over-Worked

Employers and their managers should be able to easily recognize the signs of overwork in employees. These include fatigue, an abundance of mistakes, absenteeism, and not caring about their jobs. It is a good idea for employers to start talking to their employees personally to find out how their workload affects them, and what can be done to make their jobs easier. In many cases, employees are afraid to let their bosses know that they are having difficulties because they are afraid of losing their jobs. The workplace should be one where employees feel comfortable coming to employers or managers if they are having difficulties.

4. Be Flexible with Schedules

Employers need to realize that it is no longer a 9-5 world, and schedule flexibility is more important than ever. When employees have flexible schedules, it is much easier for them to find a good work-life balance. They have the time they need to take care of their families and themselves. They don’t have to worry as much about who will be able to pick up their kids after school or who is going to be home to cook dinner. Employers should also recognize that if an employee works extra hours on one day, they should have the option to work less time the next week. A great way to track employee shifts and tasks is using online shift scheduling software like Zip Schedules.

5. Allow Telecommuting

More and more people are working from home, and they are getting a lot more done. It was once thought that there are far too many distractions in the home for people to be able to get much done. But, as telecommuting is becoming more popular, employers are realizing just how valuable a stay-at-home workforce can be. When employees can work from home, they are able to better balance their home and work lives.

6. Take Vacations

When working for or owning a small business, people tend to take fewer vacations because they don’t think that anyone else can do their work and things will fall behind. Everyone needs a vacation once in a while, even if they are just going to spend it at home. When employers encourage their employees to take a vacation, they are encouraging rest, peace of mind, and better employee health. The workload can always be adjusted while employees are away, so everything will get done on time. Some employers are even forcing their employees to take vacations by adding policies that require employees to take vacation days or lose them.

7. Have A Family-Friendly Workplace

When companies are family-friendly, it makes for a much nicer work atmosphere. There are many ways that companies can be family-friendly. For starters, they can host regular events, such as company picnics, where all employees are encouraged to bring their families. Another great idea is to implement a bring-your-kids-to-work day. Not only do parents not have to worry about childcare on these days, but the kids get to learn about what their parents do at work.

8. Create a Healthy Work Environment

A company that has a strong employee health policy is one that has employees who are happier, healthier, and less stressed. They are better able to balance their work and home lives and they get more work done. Employees and employers should take time to exercise at different times throughout the day. Walking meetings are a great idea because you get work done while exercising. Standing desks are another option that allow employees to move around. Don’t forget about providing healthy snacks as well.

9. Take Plenty of Breaks

You might be surprised to learn that when you take frequent breaks, you get more done. This is because the more work you do, the harder it can be to continue. You start to burn out and you can’t even see straight after a while. Getting up and moving away from the desk or work station for a few minutes is the perfect solution to the problem, and you will be much more productive.

10. Encourage Communication

It is important that employers and employees communicate with one another about how to improve their work-life balance. If an employee is having difficulties, they need to speak with management about what they can do in order to have healthy home lives and still do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Featured photo credit: KaboomPics via kaboompics.com