We get so tied up with the daily hustle and bustle that sometimes we forget to be in the moment with the people closest to us, and before we know it, a season has passed.

Here are 10 Ways To Maximize Quality Family Time This Summer

Go to the beach, playground or theme park. Go on heart pumping adrenaline rushing rides. Bonding sessions – try something you have always wanted with your family. Sign up and go do it together. Learn something together for the first time (beading, arts & crafts making, painting lessons, skating, baking courses). Explore a new place or find new food to try (and, engage them in finding the new location you are going). Do something that is an all-time favourites in the family (camping, fishing, swimming). Solve a puzzle together. Go picnic, do bbq (and kite-flying) together. Ask them to teach you something, and vice versa. Tell them your childhood stories. Take a summer family portrait together. Not ‘selfies’. Proper photos and frame it up.

Family activities are often thought to be routine, but that’s only true when you let them be! With the above, you don’t even need to spend on staycations or expensive holidays to have fun.

How to make time

It’s hard to get time off especially when you are bogged down by work and other commitments. Our job pays our bills. The work we do could even be our passion, but the time and moments spent with people who matter to us overwrite them all. How about starting with the below steps? There are bound to be disagreements and hiccups along the way, but that’s what makes it fun and memorable! Take disagreements with a grain of salt and go ahead with what you have planned anyway. If you have to divert from the original plan though, so be it.

Keep It Going

Once you have started this practice, don’t stop it at there. Here are some ways that you can start doing on a daily basis even after summer is over Make memories and build stronger bond with your loved ones. This summer, make it the best one yet. Featured photo credit: flickr.com via flickr.com