1. Internet Surveys

It certainly sounds very tempting and oh so easy. Simply fill out a few surveys and earn some easy, cold, hard cash. While there are a lucky few who report success in filling out surveys. The person has to be within a very narrow demographic in order to profit big. Also, the surveys may pay a penny or a nickel and a particular limit must be reached before the money can be withdrawn. The result is hours of wasted time filling out very few surveys, all while the cash-out remains illusive.

2. Investments

Here the old adage holds very true, “you need money in order to make money.” And most of us simply do not have that kind of disposable cash. If we did, we likely would not need to invest in the first place. Besides the stock market has been very unstable since 2009, when interest rates were kept artificially low. Ultimately, day and foreign market investing are little more than dangerous gambles. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a “sure” thing when it comes to the stock market.

3. Medical Testing

Not only is medical testing an ultimate waste of time, money, and effort a person is risking their overall good health. The money does sound “easy.” Treatment for certain illnesses is free, plus a small compensation is usually provided. Trouble erupts when one person decides to take more than one experiment at a time. The medication or treatment provided may only make the person sicker. Medical testing only puts the person at unnecessary risk.

4. Selling Bodily Fluids

Once you get past the “ick” factor and really think about this option, it really is a poor way to make money. The process is very, very time-consuming for what amounts to very low pay. Women can opt to sell their eggs, as well. This practice also takes up time and can be quite painful as fertility shots are often required. Donations simply are not a dependable means of making money and very often the practice is limited to strict time restraints.

5. Holding A Sign For Traffic

These folds are often referred to as “sign spinners.” We’ve all seen them standing on a sidewalk, holding a sign to advertise a particular business. Rain or shine, someone can usually be noticed attempting to attract business. The job is tiring due to the requirement of standing on your feet day in and day out. And the pay is generally very poor. Some dislike the practice because it has the potential to distract drivers.

6. Renting Your Stuff

This practice has become more popular in the last few years. For example, some may rent out their privately owned vehicle or storage space, while still others may rent out homes. The problem is that the return payment may not fully cover any damages done to the personal property. Another disadvantage is that a renter may simply walk away rather than paying on time. The practice simply doesn’t reap the rich rewards in the end.

7. Illegitimate Work-At-Home Jobs

While it sounds great, unfortunately “envelope-stuffing” is not a thing. There are machines that can do the same thing for far less money than their human counterparts. There are hundreds, if not thousands of sites prepared to take your money and offer absolutely nothing but heartache and empty pockets in return. Some of these sites are designed to sucker good people into laundering money for illegal reasons. The best policy is to stay away from these empty promises.

8. Treasure Hunting

Who hasn’t dreamed of digging up a Spanish gold piece on some distant beach. Geo-caching is another form of the treasure hunting dream. A prize is hidden somewhere and with the use of longitude and latitude people are encouraged to find the hidden treasure. Instead of a metal detector, a GPS is required to hunt for lost treasure. Great amounts of time are required to invest in something with very low return.

9. World Of Warcraft And Similar Games

What could be better than searching for and then selling virtual treasure? It’d be great save for the fact that the market has become over saturated and many have simply lost interest in the practice. Often the result is extremely time-consuming at very low return. Video game reviews and testimonials end up with the same result, too much time with too little return. Not to mention the fact that companies don’t want negative reviews, only positive ones.

10. Recycling

Here again we see an extremely time-consuming effort for very little return. Not to mention the fact that a lot of recycling has to be done before a profit can be turned. In most cases, you would have to collect recyclables from others. And unless you have the storage space and the means to move and clean substantial amounts of items, the effort simply is not worth it. Collections of old cans doesn’t even generate the minimum wage that the effort involves.