Moving in with your partner is a big decision that should be planned and considered with great thought. Being in a relationship can change a lot of things in your life. You’ll have to make decisions not just for yourself, but also for the sake of your partner. Soon you’ll realize that it’s not all cuddles and kisses. There will come times when you have to argue about bills, dirty dishes, laundry, or who has to take Fifi out for a walk. Moving signals your both ready to take your relationship further. It means that you’re ready to see the not so attractive things about your partner. Are you ready for that? Before you utter that confident YES, here are 11 moving tips you both should read.

1. Plan Together

Cohabiting with your loved one puts a lot of things in to a new perspective. This is why your opinion and his is important when it comes to planning your move. You’ll both be responsible for each other soon; planning ahead will assure you’re both ready for this big change.

2. Pick the Ideal Place

Will It be your place, his, or are you both planning to start fresh?  This is one of the hardest decisions couples have to face when it comes to moving. For things to work out, you should both agree with the new place. If not, one of you should be willing to compromise for the sake of the other.  You also have to consider a lot of factors like work, studies and convenience. There are also many variables that might affect your decision when you’re considering where to live. (Ex. lifestyle, culture and preferences)

3. Visit the Place Prior Moving

Don’t let looks deceive you. Whether you plan on renting or buying a place, be sure to inspect it first prior moving. See the place with your own eyes so you get a feel of the place, who knows you may see hidden damages that are not present in the pictures. Furthermore, visiting prior the move will let you contemplate better which stuff may fit or not in your apartment.

4. Decide Things You Want For Your New Home

Make an inventory of both your apartments so you can address duplicates, items you lack and items you may want to sell, donate or keep. Items that have memories and value in them should also be packed safely.  Listing your stuff will avoid overcrowding, and making poor decisions when it comes to your valuables.

5. Talk about the Chores

You both probably have expectations when it comes to the chores at home. Most couples can get into heated arguments over these issues, and it’s best to lay down the rules so that fights never happen. Since both of you share space, it’s important to share responsibilities. Talk about how you’d like to divide the chores. Who will cook, who will wash the dishes, who will do the laundry?  On the same note, you should also understand that sometimes your partner or you might not be able to do his job so you have to compromise.

6. Talk about the Expenses

Money may not buy happiness but it certainly will be part of your life. The truth is you cannot feed each other with love alone. Who gets to pay the rent, the water, the electric bill?  Expenses should be discussed prior moving. Sometimes expenses will cost more than you think, and you both have to be prepared for it. If you’re both working then you can split expenses so that each one has responsibilities.  But be careful, A 50/50 split can be quite complicated, especially if you both have varying incomes. A fair share might not sound well for someone who makes less money in the relationship. You can opt to have a shared bank account, or pay in ratio according to both salaries. However, if one has to be the breadwinner then the other should take the responsibilities around the house (like cleaning and cooking).

7. Build your own Individual Spaces

Even when you’re in a relationship, sometimes you may need your own individual space. You need to have your own space where you can practice being yourself, to do your hobbies, or just to be with your own thoughts. It can be as simple as your own desk, your own painting corner, where his stuff doesn’t mix with yours.

8. Find Opportunities to Save

Moving is an expensive ordeal. It requires not just your time, energy but also money! Save by only bringing things you will be using in your apartment.  Most movers will add fees for additional cargo weights. So make sure that you are weeding out stuffs that you don’t need in your apartment.

9. Organize Packaging

Packing stuff can be quite stressful. You don’t want to regret decisions you’ll make by leaving out some stuff you actually need. For efficient and more organized packaging, label boxes on top and either side. This will make unpacking fast and more systemized. Box items that should be placed in the same room. Use the right boxes, for heavy items like books, use small boxes. For light items like linens and pillows, it’s preferable to use bigger boxes.

10. Save Time and Effort by Hiring Movers

Moving can be difficult without help. However, you can save time and energy by hiring professional moving services to do this task for you. There are a lot of licensed moving services that can do the moving job more efficiently. You can be rest assured that your valuables will be handled safely on the day of your move.

11. Resolve Conflicts Immediately

Don’t make quarrels last for long. Resolve conflicts immediately and be more willing to compromise for one another. Stop yourselves the moment you know you’re heading into the blame game. Problems are solved better when they are addressed in a calm manner; shouting to each other’s faces doesn’t solve anything. You’ll both start a new chapter in your life, and moving together is a big step. Even if you’re married or not, you two both share great love that makes you want to stay together under one roof. Goodluck! Featured photo credit: hands-love-couple by Takemeomeo via