Check out these 11 signs of an exceptionally likeable person:

1. They are genuine

Likeable people say what they mean, and they mean what they say. They are always honest to themselves and to others. They never try to be someone they are not.  People who appreciate honesty feel comfortable asking for their opinion, because they know that they will always tell them the truth.

2. They are curious about others

Likeable people is very interested in what others have to share with them. They enjoy learning about others and value what they can learn from everyone. People love to share their stories and experiences with them because they know that they will be thrilled to hear their stories.

3. They are good listeners

Likeable people are always attentive to what people are telling them. They are not distracted or too eager to speak out when someone is sharing their stories or telling them something. People enjoy talking to them because they are always respectful to the person they are interacting with during conversations.

4. They are humble

To them, humility is the ability or the willingness to learn from others. They never hesitate to share the credit for the accomplishment they achieved. People like having them as their friend, because of their humbleness.

5. They are always punctual

They are always on time for their meetings or appointments, because they respect the time of others. They organize their time effectively. People are pleased with their punctuality and are rest assured that they will always be on time for any occasion.

6. They are not judgemental

They understand that every individual is different, so they don’t criticize the choices other people make, even if those choices are very different from their personal preferences. People feel comfortable sharing their situation with them because they know that they will always respect their choices, and that they will never judge them or the decisions they make.

7. They are caring and helpful

They always lend a hand to the people who needed help if they are able. They care about others’ feelings and need. People come to them when they really needed help, because they know that they will try to help them as long as they are able to.

8. They love to smile and are a positive thinker

They never fail to put on a smile when they come across someone. They lighten up the mood of others. They look at the good side instead of the bitter side of things. People feel happy or lighten up when they are interacting with them, because they possess a friendly and upbeat nature.

9. They are empathetic

They understand others’ suffering and are compassionate toward them. They always stand in others’ shoes and are able to feel others’ pain. People will put down their defenses and replace it with positive energy when dealing with them, because they are able to show them deep compassion.

10. They have an open heart

They are always willing to let others in. They know that only an open heart will allow them to be equal with others. People are willing to be more open to them because they have shown them that it is okay to be vulnerable.

11. They are not attention seekers

They do not appreciate narcissism, therefore they don’t focus their time and efforts on seeking for attention from others. They rather use their time for productive activities, to gain more knowledge and learn new things. People like to hang with them because they know that they don’t have to be the audience of a narcissistic person.