Life’s dating game has had its fair share of ups and downs, but you realize, at last, that you’re in the type of relationship you’ve always wanted! If this sounds like you, great! Here are 11 signs that you’re in this type of mature relationship.

1. You Have Little to No Arguments

You and your partner argue very little, if at all. This is so important in relationships. Couples who constantly argue and fight over every little thing are bound to fail. These couples don’t see eye-to-eye and there’s an obvious disconnect on some level. Not to say they can’t fix this, but it certainly requires a lot of work and attention. If you don’t have this issue, however, you don’t have to worry!

2. Your Arguments Are Productive

When you do get into arguments with your significant other, the end result is usually something productive. You don’t just have shouting matches or ugly quarrels with one another in an attempt to put each other down, but for a more noble purpose. Your arguments, are more like respectful disagreements, and you listen to one another with an open mind. Typically, at the conclusion of these disagreements, all parties are satisfied and ready to move on without resentment.

3. You Trust Each Other Completely

Whether it’s allowing your spouse to go out with their friends, not having the urge to look through their phone, not being jealous of their opposite-sex friends, or simply, having no doubt in your mind that your partner would ever do anything to compromise your relationship. If you can feel these things about your significant other, and they feel this way about you, you’re a very lucky person!

4. You Feel Good About Where You’re Heading

When you’re in a mature relationship your future looks bright. You can smile when you think ahead and when you imagine your upcoming life together. You know deep down inside that you’re doing the right thing and that you’re with the right person.

5. You Have No Regrets About Being With That Person

You don’t have any desires to be with anyone else. All you care about is the person you are with. You never regret settling down with them and any other person before them seems completely insignificant. You only have eyes for them.

6. You Have Great Communication

You freely talk about anything without needing to drag things out of one another. You never hold things in that are bothering you. You love discussing different topics, issues, concerns, plans, and ideas. You’re both on the same page and you express this congruity frequently.

7. You Think In Terms of “We” Instead of “I”

Before, it was just you. Now, it’s both of you together. Although you know you’re separate people with separate lives and separate souls, you love sharing life with that special someone. You think in terms of “we” instead of just “I”, meaning you always consider your partner when deciding important things. You think about the two of you when pondering weekend plans, monetary expenses, future goals, and everything in between.

8. You Completely Respect Your Partner

You respect your partner in every possible way. You respect their values. You respect their feelings. You respect their character. You respect their outlook on life. You respect their time. You respect their career. Your respect their goals. And most importantly, you respect their relationship with you. You respect everything about them.

9. You Can’t Wait To See Them When You’re Away

You’re often left wanting more of them in your life, or wanting to see them when they’re away. Although you enjoy your time alone, you can’t wait to see them again. You miss them when they’re away and you think about spending time with them always.

10. You Truly Love Them

You don’t have to think about it, it just comes naturally. When you’re in a mature relationship with someone, you truly love them. They make you happy and your affection for them cannot be denied. They’re everything you’ve always wanted in a partner and you love them infinitely! Being in the right relationship can take time. If you feel like the aforementioned signs don’t fit into the relationship you’re currently in, it may be time to move on. For the sake of both you and your partner, it may be better to look elsewhere. If, however, you’ve read some of the signs above and they resonate with you and the type of mature relationship you’re in, congratulations! You’ve successfully found someone to share life’s experiences with. There may be no greater gift to mankind than the ability to lovingly connect with and traverse through life with someone else! Are there any other signs of being in a mature relationship that you can think of that are not listed above? If so, please comment and share your thoughts! Featured photo credit: 11 Signs You’re In A Mature Relationship via