Charismatic people do things differently.  Demystify their act and emulate their behavior to get the results you want.

They exude joy.

It’s a tough world out there, and people are drawn to happiness like moths to a light.  Whether your style is exuberant or more subdued, when you’re happy, people simply want to be around you.

They tell stories.

There are many common human experiences that are likely shared by your best friends and that guy on the bus alike. Charismatic people are the folks who actually share them, and get the whole room laughing and talking together. What’s the key? Having the courage to share.

They inspire confidence.

Cultivate a firm handshake, look people in the eye when you are talking to them, focus on the person in front of you and leave any stories of questionable moral content for the privacy of your own home. Sound simple? Not always, but start practicing now, because charismatic folks have these skills down solidly.

They share conviction.

Who do you want to go to dinner with – the guy or gal who is passionately talking about something that is clearly important to them, or the monotone dud who doesn’t seem to care about anything? Charismatic people are passionate. They’re engaged. They want to tell you all about it, whatever it is.

They listen actively.

Nobody likes an ego show. The key to charisma is an ability to spark other people to engage with you and each other. Once they do, these magnetic people listen actively, validating the audience’s decision to flock to them.

They are approachable.

Charismatic people are often described as “approachable”, a trait usually rooted in empathy. Like dogs, humans can just kind of sense when someone will or will not be receptive to what they have to say. Whether a charismatic person agrees with their audience or not, they are able to maintain that air of openness.

They pay attention to detail.

Ever struggled for conversational material? These folks don’t, because they pay attention to detail, ask questions and redirect the conversation according to the audience’s body language. Everything from the jewelry a person wears, to the regional verbal tics in their speech and the way they laugh is fodder to keep the conversational ball rolling.

They are not slowed by social criticism.

If a rolling stone gathers no moss, then these folks are squeaky clean! Charismatic folks are figureheads, high liners, somehow visible. Controversy and criticism are inevitable, but these people build a tough skin and keep on doin’ what they’re doin’.

They take chances.

Everyone fears failure, but charismatic people do not shirk from it. They walk across the room and ask the person they like on a date; they put their resume in for a job that no one thinks they can get. “What’s the worse that could happen?” is a way of life. They roll the dice, and they get what they want more often than perhaps expected.

They are active.

A person cannot be labeled “charismatic” unless people are drawn to them, which by default means that a charismatic person is engaged with those around them. Whether through a gym, school, social club or other community function, they are not found dozing off in front of the television.

Their glass is half full.

We all have hard days, and there are tough things going on in the world. Charismatic people leave the negativity to the birds. Even when offering candid, harsh assessment, they do so in a way that also presents the positive.Their word choice and body language reflect their optimism. Eager to be regarded as a charismatic person yourself?  Check out this study that argues charisma can be learnt. Featured photo credit: Steve Jurvetson via