Anyway, it seems that scientists know the answers to all questions. And they insist that they’ve found and checked 12 ways to make every person happier, or give him a good mood at least. These are simple advice to follow. Just try! Who knows, maybe all people would be happier if everyone listened to scientists and followed their recommendations?

Spend your money on others

American scientists insist, that when a person spends money to help others, he feels himself much happier. The results of this research have been even published in Psychological Bulletin, a popular scientific journal. It says that the happiest people are the most generous ones, regardless of how they earn money for living. By the way, maybe this is the reason why rich people give so much money to charity. It just makes them happier!

Write down all good things happened to you

Literally. Martin Seligman, an American psychologist from the University of Pennsylvania, proved the fact that people feel much happier when they write down every positive thing that happened to them during a day. He says that you shouldn’t forget even such a simple fact as having your favorite dessert for example. I am going to check this method starting from today. And you?

Try something new

Those people who always look for adventures and are not afraid of trying anything they’ve never done before become much happier at once. Well, I must admit that this method sometimes works for me: one day I decided to jump with a parachute, though I was always afraid of heights. No words can be found now to describe what I felt after that jump, but I had been smiling for a week at least. May I call this condition a kind of happiness? Probably, it was exactly what I felt.

Don’t try to get everything at once

Experts say that the anticipation of future pleasure makes people happier immediately, even before they get what they want. We all enjoy waiting for Christmas or vacations. And when you buy an ice cream, you’d better not eat it at once, but put it in a fridge and wait for a couple of hours. They believe that such a waiting can make you happier, and it helps you get a double pleasure afterwords.

Surround yourself with a blue color

Do you like a blue color? Psychologists say that its contemplation makes your self-confidence grow and help you cope with stress. So, just choose everything blue, look at it all the time, and become more confident and happier. What can be easier actually?

Set a goal

People who set long-term and short-term goals are usually happier than those individuals who don’t do that. A feeling of reaching the goal suppresses all negative emotions that can arise at your workplace or home. These are the results of Jonathan Freedman’s investigations. He is a well-known specialist, an author of several books on the topic of social psychology, so, he probably knows what he talks about.

Stop defending your point of view

Deepak Chopra, a doctor and an author of many books about holistic health and alternative medicine, insists that the best way to stay happy is to remain neutral in all disputes and never defend your point of view, especially when it comes to politics. He described this method in his book The Seven Laws of Superheroes (2011).

Go to church

All new studies show that visiting temples helps even atheists. Plus, it has long been known that religious people are usually happier than non-believers. Bruce Headey, a professor from University of Melbourne, says that people who go to church regularly don’t usually worry about their careers, and they don’t take part in family conflicts.

Sleep no less than six hours each night

According to experts from the British company Yeo Valley, the perfect sleep time for a good mood is six hours and 15 minutes. So, don’t make yourself sad, sleep well and stay happy.

Live closer to work

British scientists have conducted a study recently, which showed that people who spent less then 20 minutes on they way to work appeared to be much happier than those ones who had to spend an hour or two in transports every day.


Several studies have confirmed the fact that if a person smiles, even when he had no reason to do that, it makes him feel better. As for me, this is the easiest method to become happier, so why not to try it?

Keep a romantic relationship

Scientists from The Cornell University say that having a regular sexual partner makes people happier, even if there is no love between them. But the stronger their affection is, and the longer they are together–the more they are satisfied with their life in comparison with their lonely fellows. Don’t be alone, friends! And these happiness quotes are here to make your day and inspire you!