Here are some of the most important things that you can learn from your younger sis.

1. They teach you how to be compassionate

Having a younger sister has taught you about a whole new level of love. She has taught you about how important it is to show her that you care- whether she’s recovering from a skinned knee or a broken heart.

2. They teach you how to be a leader

Being an older sister means that you have learned from an early stage to take a leadership role in your relationship with your younger sister. You are careful to make sure that your actions impact positively on her and that she sees you making good decisions in everything from your career to romantic relationships.

3. They teach you the power of forgiveness

No one is perfect and no matter how hard you try there will always be times when you slip up in front of your little sister. One of the most important lessons she had taught you is that no one is perfect and that she still looks up to you, even when you falter.

4. They teach you the importance of being patient

Having a younger sister is one of the best ways to practice the art of being patient. From teaching her how to tie her shoes to teaching her to drive a car, you are not only her older sister, but also her teacher.

5. They teach you that imitation is the best form of flattery

When you were younger, you would often get annoyed when your little sister would copy everything that you did. Now that you are older you realize that this was the highest compliment you could have received from her.

6. They teach you about your maternal instincts

Sometimes when you were younger you would babysit your little sister and these experiences helped you to realize that you do have a soft, maternal side. Whether you were helping her to brush her teeth or read her favorite book before she went to sleep, your maternal instincts helped to make sure she was cared for and felt safe.

7. They teach you how to stand up for them

Whether you protected her against the mean girls at school or helped your parents to see her side in a disagreement, you have learned to be her biggest advocate. She knows that you will always have her back and help her through any difficult situations that she encounters in life.

8. They teach you the importance of selflessness

From the moment that your baby sister was born, you began to learn the importance of sharing. From sharing toys to sharing clothes, it hasn’t always been easy. But through these experiences you realized the importance of being selfless and it strengthened your bond.

9. They teach you to live in the moment

In a blink of an eye, your younger sister went from being a child to a grown woman. Through your relationship with her you’ve realized how quickly time flies and that it’s important to live in the moment. Life is to short not to spend your time with her in this way.

10. They teach you the importance of good communication

Having a younger sister means learning to work out your differences and learning to compromise on many different issues. You many not always see eye-to-eye, but you’ve learned to be respectful of her opinions.

11. They teach you that you matter

Whether you’re having a bad day or going through a rough period in your life, your little sister will be right by your side to lift your spirits. You were there for her when she was younger and now she’s happy to take on the role of your biggest cheerleader.

12. They teach you that being a bully is not cool

You might have picked on your little sister when you were younger, but as you grew older you realized how much harm bullying can do to a person. You realized that it’s important to be on the same team and that there are enough difficult people in her life for her to deal with, without you being one of them. Featured photo credit: Flickr via