1. You Have a Mutual Understanding

If you, and your partner are both on the same page in your relationship, this is a good sign that they are the right one for you. What I mean by this is that if you and your partner both have the same goals in the relationship (i.e. marriage, kids, living together, etc.) and there is no confusion about it, you are in a really good place! There is nothing worse than going into a relationship thinking that things are serious between you two, but your partner doesn’t feel the same way just yet.

2. You Don’t Play Games

If you and your partner naturally avoid playing games with each other (and no, I am not talking about monopoly), then you are probably in the right relationship. If your partner makes a habit out of trying to make you jealous, or to lead you on for nothing, they are probably not the one for you. That just means that their heart isn’t in the relationship, and that they are probably just looking for a way out, without having to be the one to end it.

3. You Communicate

I can not stress this one enough! If there is a lack of constant honest, clear communication then you are probably not in the right relationship. You cannot start a relationship off of lies, and secrets, especially if they are secrets that you are worried about your partner learning about. If they don’t like what they have to hear in the beginning, then at least you know beforehand. If you are honest in the beginning, it can instill a sense of trustworthiness between the two of you, and that can create a stronger bond between you two.

4. You Don’t Expect Perfection

If you expect your partner to be god-sent, you are probably not in the right relationship.  You have to remember that they are a human being and humans are hard wired to mess up every now, and again. If you learn to love, and cherish the flaws that make your partner who they are, then you can be rest assured that you are in the right relationship. Just remember this, “Pobodys Nerfect”.

5. You Give Each Other Space

If you and your partner understand the value of personal time away from each other, then you are probably in the right relationship. As much as you thought you guys would just love to spend every waking moment with each other when you were first together, you know that it’s probably not true now, if you are more long term. Give yourself and your partner time to miss each other.

6. You Work Things Out

If you are like any normal couple, you have probably gotten into a fight or two by now. If you guys have been able to work them out pretty easily, you are probably in the right relationship. It’s important not to hold grudges over these fights, because chances are they aren’t that big of a deal. If you or your partner are the ones to always threaten to leave, and storm out during a fight, it’s probably not the right relationship for you.

7. You Support Each Other’s Goals

If your partner allows you to follow your goals, and dreams, and supports you no matter what, you are in the perfect relationship.  You have to understand, that it’s not about always making them happy, especially if you have to sacrifice your happiness.  You should be able to achieve your goals, without it affecting your relationship.

8. You Don’t Let Others Affect You Negatively

If you and your partner can function normally in your relationship without letting other people’s opinions affecting either of you, then you’re probably in the right relationship. With people oversharing their lives and opinions on social media, having a common positive outlook on your relationship, without allowing anyone else’s two-cents to be come an issue, is a really good sign that you were meant to be.

9. You Respect Each Others Feelings

As you would hope your partner would respect your feelings, you should also do the same, and if you both do this, you are probably in the right relationship. I’m not saying you always have to agree, but there has to be a mutual respect on how you both feel, even if you don’t agree.

10. You Compromise

If you and your partner can compromise on disagreements, then you are probably in the right relationship. If every time there is a disagreement about anything, and you end up arguing over who is right, and who is wrong, then it might be something you should work on or a telltale sign that you might not be a match.

11. You Get Along With Each Other’s Families

If you and your partner’s families can accept one another, that is almost a sure sign you are in the right relationship. If your parents have a bad feeling about your partner, it’s usually not because they want you to be unhappy, it’s for a good reason, and you should probably listen to them.

12. You Don’t Let The Spark Die Out

Every new relationship has this magical, special feeling when you first start out. If you and your partner still make it a habit to try and surprise each other, and make each other feel special, then you are most certainly in the right relationship. You are going to go through a lot in the course of your relationship together, and you should make sure you guys remind one another as much as possible how much you love and cherish each other! Featured photo credit: lifehack.org via lifehack.org