1. You are constantly thinking about them every day for a long time.

As you go through your normal day they are constantly on your mind.  You let go because of all the bad times you had, but now all you think about are the good times.  You think about how much you miss them because of their smile, their personality, their charm, kindness, or whatever turned you on when you first met them.

 2. You have yet to meet another person you are more impressed with in your life.

During your search for Mr. or Ms. Right you are always finding a reason why they just don’t compare to the one you let go.  The flaws that helped you decide to let them go now seems incredibly small.

3. You have never loved anyone more deeply even if you did love again.

You fell in love again but it is not the same deep feeling of love you had with the one you let go.  You wonder if it is even possible to love that deep again.

 4. You know that the person you let go makes up much of the person you are today.

When you think back, you realize that this person really made an impact in your life and you would not be where you are today without them.  Many of your good characteristics came from the help of the one you let go.

 5. You know that if that person needed you, you’d immediately drop everything to help.

With out a doubt, if the one you let go contacted you out of the blue, you would not hesitate and would be helping them in any way they asked.

6. Your best times were with that person.

Looking back at your past, most of the best times you had in your life were when you were with the person you let go.  These memories always flash through your mind and you catch yourself smiling when they do.

7. You know it’s too late, but your gut screams otherwise.

Maybe it’s too late but you can’t help but think about what it would be like to be with them.  You cannot let go of your feelings and keep wondering if you should try to contact them.

8. You realize that all the reasons you let them go were all wrong.

At the time your reasons may have been valid, but today you know these reasons were brought on by feelings that were blurry.  When you think back and see the past you second guess your reasons why you let go.

9. You always hope you run into them when you are out.

When you are out shopping, or meeting friends for a few drinks, you always keep your eyes on the lookout in case you happen to get lucky and see them out and about.

10.You still check your inbox thinking they just might send you an email.

If you used to get emails from the person you let go, you always watch for their name when checking your email.  Sometimes the only reason you are checking your email is to see if for some reason they are emailing you.

11. You sometimes wonder if they are thinking about you.

You are thinking about them, but are they thinking about you?  Wouldn’t you like to know?

12. You day dream about what life would be like with them today.

Do you see yourself with them laughing, having fun, and enjoying life together? It happens, and when you realize that you let the wrong person go, you can either reach out and try contacting this person, or keep your past in the past and live for the present.  This is a difficult decision, but sometimes the tough decisions are the best ones you will make. Featured photo credit: Melina Souza via flickr.com