Do these characteristics apply to you?

1. You have a set morning routine.

Some experts believe that routines are more common among successful people. Particularly, following a morning routine can help strengthen your willpower, and is associated with better self control. Along with this, those who consider themselves morning people were found to have fewer neurotic and depressive traits than night owls.

2. You love gossip.

Everyone is guilty of engaging in gossip once in a while. But if gossip is your bread and butter, it’s not a great sign. Research has indicated that gossipers may have higher level of anxiety, due to factors like boredom, envy, or a need for attention. Gossiping may also reflect a need for leverage or superiority in a social group.

3. You have a sweet tooth.

We often call nice people “sweet,” and strangely enough research has hinted that kindhearted folks are more likely to have a sweet tooth. In a study, those who opted for sugary snacks are more likely to volunteer to help out. They were also found to be more agreeable.

4. You love to travel.

We all love a good vacation. But why is it that some are ready to return home after just a week, while others set out around the world for months at a time? Research suggests that travellers may be more open-minded, as well as creative, intelligent, and (no surprise) wealthy.

5. People gravitate to you.

If you have no trouble wrangling a group of new pals at any social events, you’re probably a charismatic individual. More specifically, you may put others at ease and posses the confidence they admire. This makes you a great candidate for leadership and managerial positions.

6. You are indecisive.

Indecisiveness is often confused for flakiness. In reality, the difference between decisive and indecisive people is about information. A study found that decisive people tend to consider fewer factors during decision-making, while indecisive people look at various advantages and disadvantages.

7. People are intimidated by you.

For some folks, intimidating others is a regular occurrence – in most cases, unintentional. Being intimidating suggests that you possess a specific trait that is exceptional. For example, one study found that men were intimidated by highly intelligent women. Another found that very attractive men received fewer job offers because they intimidated bosses.

8. Your desk is messy.

Messiness is often considered a negative or problematic trait. But several studies have shown a correlation between messiness and creativity. So don’t be too hard on yourself for the tornado that’s happening at your workspace.

9. You’re an adrenaline junkie.

People who are adrenaline junkies share a common desire for excitement and spontaneity. And while everyone enjoys some excitement now and then, these people are more experience-oriented, valuing activities that stimulate their senses in new ways. Thrill-seekers need only make sure they are not chasing thrills at the expense of safety or purposeful goals.

10. You always remember birthdays.

Remembering birthdays isn’t necessarily an indicator of an impeccable memory. We know that salient information tends to stick in our memories much easier. Thus people who are natural caretakers will remember others’ birthdays, as they feel responsible for family, friends, and even coworkers.

11. You love children and animals.

OK, so basically everyone likes children and animals. However, empaths have been said to possess a particularly strong connection with them. This is likely due to empaths’ ability to sense and feel the emotions of others without in-depth verbal communication.

12. You meditate.

Being comfortable with long stretches shows a tendency toward introversion. However, even more significant than this is time spent meditating. Studies have shown that learning how to meditate can mold a personality that is less reactive and better at emotional regulation. Featured photo credit: carianoff via