But what if our dreams and wishes weren’t really dreams in the first place and that everything we could ever imagine could in fact come true? Our lives can at times be quite confusing and at times, exciting, depending on how you choose to look at it. But one thing that’s certain is that we are in control of everything we choose to experience in our lives, baring worldly and natural disasters. The hard part is actually believing it and convincing ourselves that we can change our lives for the better. Here are 12 tips to help you make the shift.

1) Pretend that you’re already successful.

What do you really need to do to see yourself as a successful person? If you feel you have to achieve or be something in order to become it, then chances are, you will be waiting forever. The truth is: success has no prerequisite and can only be given and assigned to the person who doesn’t think too much about it. Have a belief with full conviction that success is something you were naturally born with and that success in itself is a byproduct of everything you do. Which in reality, it is. All you have to do is think back at everything you’ve ever achieved in your life and you’ll begin to realize the truth. Whether it’s succeeding at passing your exams or being lazy in front of the television with a tub of ice-cream, success is constantly around you.

2) Believing that you’re successful isn’t necessary.

Similar to #1, you don’t need to convince yourself that you’re successful in order to get started. If you look back on all the times where you failed at the things you were doing, you’ll realize that it didn’t really stop you from continuing to do it, simply because you had fun while doing it. Focus more on the activity and its enjoyment and less on the success part, because your achievement will simply be a process of what you do and who you are. Don’t struggle or work for it, for it will come in time eventually.

3) Set goals that are larger than you ever thought possible.

While setting goals is important, they very rarely stay constant due to consistently growing and maturing over a period of time. What I hoped to achieve at 19 is hardly similar to what I want to achieve now that I’m 29. But what has become clear over the years is that I’ve gained clarity on why I’m on this planet. I have a purpose now that I’ve aligned myself to it, which is forcing me to take action. What’s your purpose? Discover what it is and if you don’t have one, spend every waking moment searching deep inside yourself until you find it. Most of the time, it’s constantly staring at you in the face. If what you do excites you, then it’s a hint that you’re on a right track.

4) Become interested in and conscious of your personal development.

When I look back at myself over the years and watch videos of myself talking and communicating, I realize just how far I’ve developed and how much I’ve acquired over the years. And this was back when I had no clue about personal development or self-help. In short, it excites me just to see where I’ll be in the next 10 years having now become conscious of it. You now have a choice as to which direction you want to go. This includes the choices you make, what type of personality you want to develop and the type of person you ultimately wish to become. Nothing is left to chance and is all down to the decisions you make. It all starts now.

5) Focus on what needs to be done for that moment.

Whatever grand vision you have of yourself, realize that you can only achieve it by taking small baby steps towards it. No one ever got there by taking massive strides or within just a few days. Have a realistic plan of action and focus on what needs to be done in that particular moment. It’s pretty intuitive once you get the hang of it. Think about what you’re doing and then ask yourself whether what you’re doing is going to lead you to your ultimate goal. If it doesn’t, then change your decision or if it does, continue.

6) Do things for the right reasons and not for the wrong reasons.

Always have a healthy reason as to why you want to be what it is you want to be. Is being a movie star or a musician a way to finally gain the approval of people and women in order to finally see yourself as attractive? Or are you doing it because of your love for music and your passion and dedication to adding value to the craft? Understand that succeeding at something in order to cover up wounds from the past won’t clear them or make them better. The important thing is to firstly accept your past as a learning experience and to move on from it. Because the reality of it is, whether you succeed or fail, no one really cares. All that matters is how you value yourself, because no one else will see you in quite the same way as you will.

7) Track your mindsets and make notes on everything you do.

Always monitor your thoughts and feelings because they tend to get you off track if you’re not careful of it. It’s normal to feel down at times but if you let it go out of hand, it can affect your progress moving forward. Learn to write down your thoughts and feelings on a notepad. Or better yet, write it in a diary and use it to deposit whatever’s on your mind. It will help you find clarity with where ever you currently are and provide you with perspective, which will aid you with making progress.

8) Become conscious of your learning.

Similar to point #7, you have to always be willing to grow and improve on a daily basis. You can only really ever do this by keeping an open mind and reading up on whatever material you can get your hands on. Sometimes, gaining access to mentors isn’t possible. But it’s never a bad idea to reach out to them via books, courses or audio products. Make a decision on what you need to learn in order to get to where you want to go and seek to acquire them from in as many ways as possible.

9) Share your experiences with others.

There’s simply no way a person can ever be happy or satisfied without sharing their lives with others. We’re designed to be social creatures and as such, gain tremendous satisfaction with spending time with others who share the same values and interests as us. Whether it’s through friends or family, always share your thoughts, ideas and ambitions with people as it will help you feel less lonely.

10) Embrace your failures and frustrations along the way.

I firmly believe that life itself is a series of failures, which we need to experience in order to become better. There isn’t a single person I’ve ever met on this planet who never managed to make any mistakes before they became successful. It simply doesn’t make sense for life to lack failures, else each person would have been born with everything they ever wanted to begin with. In truth, it’s the failure that’s the journey.

11) Learn to remain humble and down to earth.

Through failure, you’ll get to develop an appreciation for what you eventually have in your life due to the hardships you had to deal with in order to get there. I don’t know a single person who appreciated what they had when it was given to them easily versus when they had to work hard for it. At the end of the day, you owe it to yourself to work hard for what you want out of your life. Because it’s what will help you appreciate it and remain humble once you do.

12) Keep track of your progress.

While life is short, there are many things that we learn each and every day that helps us grow and reach the next level. But we never seem to notice it due to failing to track our progress. Always keep a diary and write down everything you experience on a day to day basis; it will help you develop an even bigger appreciation of yourself moving forward, knowing that you managed to outgrow yourself, which is an achievement in itself.