1. Offer to Interview Them

There are a few ways to do this. You could look for the person you wish to interview on Twitter and send them a direct message. Be concise and professional. If they have too many followers, this might not be the best approach. Another way to go about arranging an interview is to contact the VIP’s agent. It is relatively easy to find a VIP’s agent by looking online. If you write a blog or have contacts in the media, this will increase your chances.

2. Write a Heartfelt Letter

Write a well thought out letter to the relevant VIP. Explain how they have influenced your life positively (give good examples) and how you would love to meet them. Have a valid reason for wanting to meet them, whether it be a shared interest or state why meeting will be of benefit to them in some way. VIP’s usually are short on time and will need a good reason to meet up, such as being involved to a charity that they support.

3. Look for Mutual Friends

Social networking and online social media has made it much easier to contact other people. Use this to your advantage. Network and follow staff, acquaintances and other followers of the VIP you wish to meet. Linkedin is a good networking site for finding mutual friends and it can certainly help in your quest to meet VIP’s.

4. Find a Conference they Will Attend and Go See Them

Look out for conferences and events that you could attend. Placing yourself in these types of events increases your chances in meeting them in an environment where they will be comfortable and prepared to interact with the public.

5. Get Involved with their Favorite Charity

Many VIP’s support charities and becoming involved with their chosen charity is a plausible way to meet them. Keep an eye on their Twitter account and make sure to attend any local charity events that they will be present at.

6. Join a Promotional Team

If the VIP you wish to meet is in the music industry, find out which record label the band/singer/VIP is signed with. Many record labels have promotional teams known as Street Teams.  If you join one of these teams, you could help out with things like marketing (handing out brochures and flyers) before the gigs. You might even get a backstage pass and be invited to promotional parties in your area. Sometimes bands will stick around after the show and hang out with fans.

7. Join a Fan Club

Once you are in a fan club, you get to know a lot of the inside information. Where the VIP is going to be, what their upcoming events are and so on. Check out online fan forums to find out relevant information about your VIP. See if a fan club or fan site offers VIP packages for concerts and fundraisers. These often include tickets to a show, invitation to a meet-and-greet, priority seating and sometimes a gift or autographed piece of memorabilia.

8. Local Clubs/Pubs/Restaurants

VIP’s have ‘downtime’ and enjoy a social life. Meet VIP’s at their favorite hangouts’ or consider booking a hotel room if you know where they are staying. The trick is to blend in and have fun without being intrusive as VIP’s enjoy their privacy. Be respectful and friendly. Send over a round of drinks/shots if you’re in a bar or ask the bar staff what they are drinking. VIP’s often appreciate this non-intrusive gesture and it might lead to an introduction.

9. Write Reviews

Get involved in writing reviews of concerts and records, perhaps for a website or local newspaper. This should enable you to get on the guest list, or better still, a press pass which allows you more access during shows.

10. Become an Extra

There are plenty of opportunities online to be an extra for T.V. and movies.  It’s a fun experience and could be the foot in the door that you need to meet your VIP.

11. Corporate Liaison

As odd as this many sound, it is possible to meet famous people if you are in any position to serve as a corporate liaison; and you don’t even necessarily have to work in human resources. Corporate organizations often sponsor big events that VIP’s attend. Big companies like Vodafone, Budweiser, Coca Cola and BMW are just a few of the companies that sponsor events where VIP’s attend. Work for one of them and increase your chance in meeting VIP’s.

12. Get a Job in a Coat Check

If you want to actually interact and meet VIP’s, get a job working at a place where they go. Everyone goes out to eat, drink and party sometimes, right?  If you can manage to get a job at the place they like to hang out then you’ll definitely be in a great position to meet them.

13. Get a High KLOUT Score:

Geek is the new chic: A swanky L.A. nightclub has offered to let customers cut the queue if you have enough Facebook friends or Twitter followers. Playhouse Nightclub in Hollywood has partnered with Klout, a website that rates social media influence, to offer a new VIP package. Klout users with a score of 50 or above don’t have to pay the club’s cover charge before 11 p.m., and only pay 50 percent thereafter. Owners of restaurants and nightclubs in New York City have openly admitted to giving preferential treatment to people with social media reach, according to a New York Times report.  The popular Manhattan restaurant Nobu, revealed that they were more inclined to give a table to a person with a high Klout score. Be inventive and don’t see VIP’s as completely different to you. They are people too and if approached in the right way, they are likely to respond positively. Don’t act like an obsessed person and treat them as you would anyone else – with respect and consideration. Treat them as equals and they will be more likely to engage with you. It really is possible to meet VIP’s if you know how.  Good luck!!