You can’t give up because you think it is not easy

Because it’s difficult, is not enough reason to give up. You won’t know what you can achieve if you have predetermined failure. It’s easier going down the mountain than climbing up, but the view at the top is more beautiful than when you are at the mountain foot. If the destination is beautiful, don’t worry about the journey.

You can’t give up what you love

If ever you give up, then you never really fell in love with what you did. The best form of a fulfilled life is dying for what you love and believe in.

You can’t give up because no one believes what you do

it’s true anyone can give up. It is indeed one of the most easiest thing there is to do. You can’t give up because, no one believes in what you do. The person who should have the utmost believe in what you do, is yourself. If you haven’t done anything that people say you are crazy, you are yet to do something amazing. Every new idea to the world is always impossible but this is the truth “impossible is something nobody have done until someone does it and  “that person might be you”. Isn’t it amazing today how everyone uses their phone or electronic gadgets to send and receive information? Do you know “the first man who thought of sending a message without concrete objects like paper and pen was bounded and taken to a psychiatric home ?” His friends thought he was crazy and he needed medical attention but he was perfectly OK. He was just in the realm of “infinite intelligence”.

You can’t give up because no one believes in you.

The greatest person on earth is you. It doesn’t matter where you come from or where you have been. The person to win the greatest prizes is you. The person to do the greatest works is you.  The person to go the highest places is you. Being yourself in a world, that is trying endlessly to make everyone into what it chooses, is the greatest strength. Believing in yourself is more than the whole world believing in you. Keep this in mind that, “nature sets a natural test for everyone, who wishes to be great and only few pas this test”. You must be wondering what this test could be! (Self-doubt and critics from those around you). If you can overcome this, the world is yours. It might be only one person who believes in you, it is ok if that person is you.

You can’t give up because things are going wrong

Whatever happens to you only breaks the old you and build the new you. It’s your choice to stay down when things go wrong and never allow what happens to you, keep you down. See every situation as a chance to become what you have always intended to be, don’t let it get you bitter but better. Humans fall and what matters is if they rise after falling. Falling on its own isn’t wrong, but refusing to rise up after falling is.Humans fall and rise and what matters is how you rose. Falling isn’t on its own bad, but how you rise is what matters. Don’t rise and remain the same person, but rise up a different and better person.

You can’t give up because you fear failure

The fear of failure shouldn’t get you down rather, let the joy of success inspire you. The world at anytime never celebrate failures but achievements. A man who never failed once definitely never tried anything new yet. The world will never celebrate your failures but your success. Nature sets it, that the world soon forget your million mistakes but remembers only your achievements. what makes great men is this ; “They do what no one else have done”.

You can’t give up because you don’t have power

You may have intended doing something and just realized you need power or authority before things can be done. You have said to yourself that the voices of the weak are never heard. Well, this is just a lie, the liar in you is saying to you. “power doesn’t give you great things but great things gives you power”. Power doesn’t mean being in control, but it means pointing the way. There are many unsung heroes, history may not remember them but they bled and died that we might be free. America is built on a solid foundation, (The blood and bones of our unsung heroes). If you must have power, the quest for it doesn’t make you have it but the quest for great works gives you power.

You can’t give up because your desires are not met

You can’t give up on your desires. Desires cause people to drown and you know what desires these are, ‘wrong desire of material and power’. True desire, is desire for great works and never let this wrong desire bring you down.

You can’t give up because someone gave you a prophecy about a bad destiny

Often, you hear people say it won’t just work for me and someone told me I wasn’t meant for this. Destiny is never something that actually happens to you as you are told ; destiny is what you make out by overcoming all difficulties and moving forward. If you ever lost the power of moving forward, then you are doomed and that’s your destiny. We shape our destiny, our destiny doesn’t shape us.

You can’t give up because you loss

Winners are losers who never gave up. The more material things you lose, the more less of material things you have and the less material things you have the more desire to win. Losing is not an excuse for giving up. You must lose something to gain something in return, either in material things or in your effort. If you are not willing to lose something then you will lose everything. This you must know, there is nothing like “something for nothing”. Every great achievement comes with a price and if you are not ready to pay this price, your chances of winning are slim.

You can’t give up because it is taking too long

Have you ever wondered why the darkest hour of the night is a signal that dawn is approaching? That very time you want to give up, is when you are close to the end. This is a test set by nature to prove those who are determined. When this liar inside you speaks out that you can’t just do this anymore, reply and say ‘I HAVE COME TOO FAR TO GO BACK’. You can always quit so why quit now?

You can’t give up because there is a possibility you will fail

Did anyone ever say you won’t fail? Well let me tell you this now, you will fail a thousand times, until you know to how to do it right. Did anyone ever say you won’t win? Here this again that you will win, once you do it right. There is possibility of losing or winning and it’s your choice whichever happens. If you believe in the possibilities of winning then you will win. You don’t fall because you failed, you fail because you fall and there is a possibility of rising up again. just one success is worth a million falling.

You can’t give up because things seem unclear

Some situations put us on mental test. Most times when things are clumsy or not clear, you shouldn’t hate them. These are times you should make good use of your mental power and never to give up. Just never give up! Featured photo credit: blog/biblia-kor-hirei/filter/month/20… via