1. They don’t crawl out of bed.

Really powerful people leap out of bed, bursting with energy to tackle a glorious new day that is full of exciting new opportunities and adventures. They wake up happy to have the chance to write another chapter of the story they call, “Life.”

2. They don’t socialize all day.

Really powerful people cherish the people they love, but they also know it’s impossible to get anything done while spending every waking moment in the company of others. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying good times with close friends, but you can’t expect success if you can’t stomach the thought of spending some time working alone.

3. They don’t believe in “problems.”

Really powerful people realize that a “problem” is nothing more than an opportunity in disguise. Instead of freaking out about what to do about an inconvenient situation, powerful people spend their time inventing a creative solution.

4. They don’t play checkers, they play chess.

Really powerful people hustle with passion and purpose, but they aren’t trigger-happy. Before putting any business plan in place, they think ten steps ahead — identifying every possible outcome of their actions — so that they can react quickly and decisively, no matter what happens.

5. They don’t blame their problems on other people or circumstances.

Really powerful people are the CEO of their life, so they refuse to pass the buck by blaming another person for their faults. Life is full of mysterious events that cannot be predicted, but when faced with unexpected negative situations, really powerful people focus on their ability to react in a positive fashion. 

6. They don’t accept defeat without putting up a fight.

Really powerful people are not immune to making mistakes. Instead of agonizing over a bad idea or failed business approach, they ask themselves, “Why didn’t this work and how can I do better next time?” Really powerful people know honest reflection will help them evolve into their true potential.

7. They don’t hide from harsh truths they need to hear.

Really powerful people are willing to confront the truth… whether they want to hear it or not. They are confident enough to confess their faults, develop their weaknesses, and evolve as required.

8. They don’t forget the people who helped them succeed.

Really powerful people appreciate those responsible for their success. They would never get so caught up in delusions of grandeur that they can’t take the time to call their mom, check in with their best-friend, or send a thoughtful email to a networking contact who helped them achieve a specific business goal.

9. They don’t work without a higher purpose.

Really powerful people are passionate beings who cannot contain their excitement when they speak about what they hope to accomplish in the world. They are not fans of simply performing an eight-hour shift; instead, they see every work-day as another step forward to achieving their higher purpose.

10. They don’t care what people think about them.

Really powerful people are comfortable in their unique body and individual personality. While they hope to get along with as many people as they can, they don’t make any apologies for who they are.

11. They don’t get consumed in negative feedback.

Really powerful people don’t flinch at baseless claims, irrelevant criticisms, or nasty comments. While accepting constructive feedback is something anybody should do, really powerful people don’t get caught up in negative opinions they can’t do anything about.

12. They don’t neglect their personal health and well-being.

Really powerful people treat their body as if it is a glorious vessel that protects them from illness and injury (because it is, of course!).There is no denying that life can get busy, so they might not stick with their healthy living plan 24/7. When they get off track, they give themselves a gentle reminder with a mantra like “To take care of others, I must first take care of myself.”

13. They don’t give away their power.

Really powerful people are willing to perform an honest assessment of their social situation. They know it’s hard to maintain an upbeat attitude while hanging out with people who bring you down. While it is always polite and proper to give a toxic person the benefit of the doubt, there can (and often will) come a time where the only option left is to walk away. This isn’t something really powerful people enjoy doing… but they know success is hard to come by if you’re surrounded by an atmosphere of negativity. If you’d like to help your friends become more powerful, please click here to share this on Facebook. Featured photo credit: One-Eyed Powerful Owl/Rex Boggs via media.lifehack.org