1. He is your biggest fan (arguably at par with your mom). 

You are a priority in his life and he’s always looking out for you. He supports you and your dreams, encourages you when you are feeling down, and uplifts and keeps you focused on the positive side of life. He is just there for you.

2. He initiates and holds intellectually stimulating conversations with you.

That’s because he doesn’t like gossip or mediocre, empty rhetoric like who’s wearing what and where. Instead, he initiates meaningful conversations that stimulate your mind, such as new ways to look at a situation or make an impact in your own and other people’s lives.

3. He listens to you. 

He’s actually your go-to person whenever you want to talk to someone or just share an experience you’ve had, such as an experience about work, about a feeling, about anything. You used to call your friend(s), now you don’t feel the need quite as much because you are satisfied after you talk to him.

4. He lets you vent. 

Sometimes you just want to voice your anger and or frustrations and have someone there with you who understands where we are coming from. A great guy is patient and stays put with you as you vent without getting annoyed or upset. The only thing that upsets him is that you are frustrated and he wishes you were not.

5. He speaks his mind – and does so coolly, calmly and respectively. 

You see, a great guy has got high self confidence. He knows his own self-worth and doesn’t agree to everything you say. He has a mind of his own and is more than happy to let you have it. However, he speaks his mind in a cool, calm, collected and respectful manner.

6. He admits he’s wrong when he’s wrong. 

It’s not in him to shift blame or try to maneuver out of a situation when he knows he’s clearly on the wrong. He simply admits when he’s wrong, apologies when the situation calls for it and tries to make amends. He knows to err is human and mistakes are learning opportunities that help you do things in a better way next time. There’s no shame in that.

7. He is passionate about his job and more than capable of motivating himself. 

This is not to say that a man who is not passionate about his job is a bad guy. But, a great guy has figured out what he wants in his life and does it passionately. If he’s stuck in a job he doesn’t like, he’s working towards getting where his heart really lies and motivates himself throughout each step of the way. In other words, he has something else besides you he is passionate about.

8. He takes care of himself – mind, body and soul.

It’s difficult to care for others, if you can’t even care for yourself. A great guy knows this and does what he must to keep himself in good shape, physically, emotionally and spiritually. He might workout to take care of his body, read books to take care of his mind and go to church or meditate to nourish his soul (or spirit). Whatever it is, he takes care of his whole self (mind, body and soul) and ensures he is a well-oiled machine inside and out.

9. He surprises you with sweet words and/or acts of love every now and then. 

Although he’s always loving and kind to you, sometimes he does things that take you by surprise and leave you muttering, “Awww! That is so sweet, honey.” He might tell you, out of the blue, you are the most beautiful woman on the planet on a day that you didn’t even put on your makeup or make you breakfast-in-bed. Those seemingly little, unexpected acts of love tell you he truly cares and wants to make you happy.

10. He genuinely cares about your friends. 

Your friends know a thing or two about you that he doesn’t and they have helped you get through some difficult situations when he wasn’t around. So, yeah, he cares about your friends too. So much so, that he might asks how one of your friends he’s not heard about in a while is doing or even suggest you go spend time with that friend who’s having a bad day or sleep over at her place if she is going through a really tough time in her life.

11. He treats other people with kindness and respect.

How he treats other people (especially when no one is looking) is a sure sign of what kind of person he really is. If he treats people with respect and is kind and compassionate, he’s a catch. If he is dismissive, rude or even uninterested in the people around him, run! Any negative attitude and energy you notice will likely be directed at you when all the lovey-dovey feelings he has for you wane – and the feelings do wane naturally with time.

12. He’s got his act together and doesn’t need you to babysit him. 

Everybody plays the cards they are dealt. Nobody is perfect. Great guys have their own issues too. He might go out clubbing with the boys and get drunk, but he will still get himself home safely. He doesn’t need you to watch him so he doesn’t do something stupid, carry him home after a drinking spree, or worse help him foot the bills because he is paying child support somewhere. He’s got all his stuff under control.

13. He is in good terms with your family, and has made sure you’ve met his.

It just makes sense to him that he should know and at least be civil with your parents and other family members, and for you to know and do likewise with his, including any siblings, grandparents, nieces and nephews. After all, you can’t quite know where you are going together unless you both know where you are coming from.  

14. He keeps his apartment neat and tidy. 

It doesn’t have to be sparkling clean, but his apartment is not a garbage dump. In fact, he doesn’t even have to have his own place, but any where he lives is clean, tidy and orderly. A neat and tidy house reflects positively on his character and mental state.

15. He doesn’t want to, but he is not afraid to lose you.

Yep, that’s a good thing because it means he is not needy or clingy. He’ll give you your space when you need it and allow you to pursue your own passions because he wants you to give him his space, as well. He’s a great guy! Featured photo credit: StephenandMelanie via flickr.com