1.Your teacher loves to give out free food.

We all know food is the best way to a person’s heart. Any teacher that brings snacks to a classroom or says those golden words: “if you’re going to eat in this lesson, you must share with the whole room,” must be incredibly loved. And that’s how we end up falling head over heels for biscuits and the art teacher all at once.

 2. Your teacher wears the coolest clothes.

Dressing right is key. We all know the teacher look – if it involves dressing-gown style cardigans, leather elbow patches, thick Trelawney lenses, frumpy jumpers, or baggy cuff-linked shirts, we’re just not interested. But is that – is that a pencil skirt? Is he wearing Hollister? Ooh lala, French is suddenly our kind of language.

3. Your teacher is totally down with the kids.

They don’t even mean to be cool, but they just so happen to have a Twitter account and an uber cool Instagram full of foodie pics (our favourite), sunsets, and ironic selfies. And even though your ‘follow’ was never reciprocated, you still stalk the account at least once a day.

4. Your teacher drops the mask once in a while.

We all treasure those moments when the teacher admits that they are not just a teacher and shows us pictures of the kids, or lets slip about a drunken escapade over the weekend. We’re not just the students anymore – we’re equals. Oh my gosh, we’re friends.

5. Sometimes, your teacher is just as bored as you are.

We’ve all had those lessons where the teacher ditches the lesson plan. “Let’s have a debate.” “Let’s watch this film that’s distantly related to World War I.” “Why don’t you all write a play about the American Civil War and act it out?”  We love the chance to get creative and throw away the textbook for those vital minutes of the day. And we love Mr. Thompson for it too.

6. Your teacher even gets tipsy at Prom.

That English teacher who stumbles in her heels, the math professor who throws up on his shoes – it’s all so human. The easiest way to fall into a teacher crush is discovering that… they’re human too?! Who knew?

7. Your teacher is on your level.

The teachers that host a debate about the pros and cons of Zayn leaving One Direction, who discuss the ethics of a ‘cut for Zayn’ hashtag and help you work out what the hell is going on in the run up to an election – the teachers that engage you as a person in society and not a child in a school, those are the teachers that are in your fondest thoughts.

8. Your teacher can be smooth as silk and cool as a cucumber.

They never get flustered in the cinema when you’re in the next row of a Fifty Shades of Grey screening. You’ll still get a wave and a smile and you won’t be ignored in a shop queue, on a bus ride, or in a restaurant. You both have lives, it’s no big deal to wander into them outside of the classroom.

9. Comedy is your teacher’s first language.

You have banter, and they give as good as they get. You drew a rude part of the human body on the board, did you? They might happen to remark on its rather unimpressive size and speculate on the perpetrator. They might call you nicknames or give you a stupid hat to wear when you give the wrong answer. They make you laugh, and you think they’re a hunk and a half.

10. No way – your teacher makes mistakes?!

Sometimes, they even spell things wrong on the board and congratulate you when you correct them. They can forget their textbook or arrive late to class. They’re your favourite, they’re adorable, because a bit of human frailty is always instantly lovable.

12. Your teacher loves to sit on the desk.

I know, it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when they teeter on the edge like that and slouch just like you do? You’re thinking — what a thrill seeker, they’re totally casual and cool.

13. They can be totally badass.

This is a rare occurrence, but when the moment comes, we can’t help but get a bit hot under the collar. They’re angrily snapping a pencil in two or ripping pages out of your folder, because they care.

14.  Your teacher loves a good criticism sandwich.

None of us likes to admit that our favourite teacher criticises our work, but let’s remember, folks — they do it because they care. So it’s lovely when those cutting negatives are squished between your excellent spelling and perfect grammar, not to mention a smiley face. Thanks, Mrs. Cogsworth, you’ve softened the blow.

15. Your teacher runs that extra mile.

There’s always one teacher who has a special warm place in our hearts. This gem stayed after school, did extra marking, tutored us into lunch – and although, admittedly, we didn’t enjoy it much at the time, we owe our A and our place at University to this marathon runner. All we can say is: thank you so much for your patience. We would have given up on ourselves way before you ever did. Featured photo credit: Glenderful via farm1.staticflickr.com