1. You have created goals

The stepping stone to any achievement you will make is having a goal or a desire. The best path to success is to know where you are headed. With this you can track your success and reach out for your desires.

2. You are willing to take risks

Rich and successful people are not averse to risks. They step out of their comfort zones and chase opportunities rather than wait for them.

3. Have a product to sell

Whether it is your skill, service, or knowledge, have something to sell. According to growth hacking expert Neil Patel, “You have to get your product out there, as fast as possible, to start collecting feedback and keep improving it on a regular basis.” This will keep you on a path to success.

4. You have the right support group

You have positive people around you who believe in you and your goals. They see you for your possibilities and successes rather than your failures.

5. You seek knowledge

You are constantly improving and learning. You don’t want to get stuck with old ideas, but be willing to find the information that will help you grow. “To this day, I still make time to read a book a week,” says multimillionaire consultant Sam Ovens.“This has taught me more than any class, mentor, mastermind group, or conference ever has.”

6. You can adapt

You are flexible with the times. You are not rigid or looking for things to appear the way you want it. You can tolerate change and deal with it.

7. You don’t make excuses

You have no time for complaints. Rather you are a problem solver and you are constantly looking for solutions to problem.

8. You are proactive

You are constantly putting your energy and time into those ventures you believe in. You don’t wait on your goals, rather you are active and you go out to reach them.

9. You can save a good percentage of your earnings

People think it is all about earning and spending, but successful people are renowned for saving a portion of their income and using this as an investment for their future.

10. You are optimistic

You know that you will reach your goals. You don’t let challenges overwhelm you rather you use them as a platform to rise and meet your goals.

11. You can deal with your failures

You don’t see failures for what they are rather you see them as stepping stones to the success you desire. You learn from your failures and grow from your experiences.

12. You are clear about what you want

You don’t let people’s opinions take you away from your path to success. You have absolute clarity and focus on your goals.

13. You have a successful mentor

You can seek for the help of a successful person who has gone through a particular path before you did. You are willing to seek for their help and support in reaching your career goals.

14. You can delay gratification

Whether you like it or not, success requires time. Successful people can delay gratification by dealing with the pain and challenges of today so that they embrace the joys of tomorrow. Yes, it takes discipline and mental strength to wait on the successful fruition of your actions.

15. You are consistent

You show up daily to get the job done. It is not about your present circumstances or what ordeals you are going through. You are so passionate about your desire that you consistently work toward your objectives. Featured photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bethanysydney/14527146400/ via flickr.com