1. They Visualize their Lives

Effective people know what they want, and they visualize and plan ways to get the things they want. Average people sit around hoping what they want will come to them. Stop procrastinating, figure out what you want, and how to get it.

2. They Don’t Take On More than they Can Handle

Everyone has their limits, even effective people. They complete one task before starting the next. Focus your attention on one thing at a time, and you will be more effective.

3. They Volunteer

Effective people are the first to volunteer for a job. They know this is their chance to learn something new, impress their superiors, and to meet new people. You can do the same.

4. They don’t Focus on Time

When effective people are given tasks, they don’t get stressed about time limits. Because of this, they can focus on the task at hand and get it done.

5. They Stay Healthy

Effective people know they need to exercise and eat right, and compliment their diets with healthy supplements. Learn more about the best supplements through Supplement Reviews.

6. They are Humble

Effective people can admit to their mistakes, and are humble. When they have done something wrong, they apologize, and they mean it. They are not arrogant, and they are forgiving, appreciating and learning from others.

7. They ask the Right Questions

In order to get ahead, effective people know that they have to ask questions. When you ask questions, you learn. This makes you more productive, and you will be more positive about the work you are doing.

8. They Say “No”

Effective people know that they can’t do it all, and sometimes they just have to say “no” to others. Don’t be afraid to say no if you don’t feel that you have the time or skills for certain tasks.

9. They Finish what they Start

Effective people don’t quit a project until it is completed. Even if they don’t enjoy what they are doing, they see it through to the end. You can be effective by making yourself do the same thing.

10. They Take Time for Themselves

Just because someone is busy and wealthy, it doesn’t mean that they are effective. Everyone needs to be able to relax and enjoy life. Schedule time periods that are just for you, so you don’t get burned out.

11. They take Ownership of their Failures

No one can do everything, and we all fail at things from time to time. The difference between effective people and average people is that effective people take ownership of their failures, and learn from them.

12. They Know How to Communicate

Effective people are good at communicating. They also work hard to ensure that they continue being good at this. They know how to hold their tempers, and how to keep their emotions in check when communicating with others.

13. They Don’t Get Bored, and they Don’t Complain

No one likes a complainer, and it is the complainers who end up bored and unhappy in life. Get off the couch, and get out there doing the things you love. Effective people get things done.

14. They Pick their People

Effective people don’t waste their time with people who bring them down. They stick with those who they want to have in their lives, people who are like-minded and positive. Look at your relationships, and ask yourself if any of them are holding you back from being everything you can be.

15. They Find Solutions

Effective people don’t see problems. They see solutions to problems. Average people see the problems and become overwhelmed by them. When you meet an obstacle, meet it head on, and figure out how to get past that obstacle. Featured photo credit: Spyros Papaspyropoulos via flickr.com