1. They don’t believe in the pass-fail model.

Mentally strong people don’t believe in the big red F. Every experience, even the one that didn’t go well, is something you can learn from. If you consider things that you have done in your life as simple failures, then you need to start thinking more complexly. Mentally strong people understand this, so should you.

2. They don’t believe that failure is inevitable.

Even the most disastrous circumstances can turn around, if you have the right attitude. Mentally strong people don’t believe that there is a point where you should give up, so you shouldn’t believe it either. As long as there is will there is hope, so keep pushing forward even when the odds are stacked against you.

3. They don’t believe life is meaningless.

If mentally strong people couldn’t believe that there is a purpose to the world, they would never have become mentally strong.

4. They don’t believe things will always go the way you expect.

If you’re a pessimist, you should stop expecting storms. If you’re an optimist, you should stop assuming there will never be clouds in the sky. Always be prepared for the inevitability that our days can be very unexpected, either for good or for ill.

5. They don’t believe that there is no hope.

Mentally strong people don’t believe that there’s a dark place that you can’t crawl back from. Your hope for the future is very much in your control, so own your fears and push past them.

6. They don’t believe that miracles don’t exist.

Unlike the overly negative, mentally strong people don’t believe that the miraculous is impossible. That doesn’t mean they believe in a higher power, per se, but they are convinced that truly great things can happen to you if you don’t let negativity get in the way.

7. They don’t believe they have to do everything perfectly.

Perfection is a myth. The circle is one of the most beautiful constructs in the world, and still it has an infinite number of decimal points. Learn to round to 3.14 in certain aspects of your life so that you don’t become obsessed with the idea of perfection.

8. They don’t believe in waiting too long for the right moment.

The right moment is when you take action, so why wait? When the opportunity is there, seize it and don’t look back.

9. They don’t believe their past inhibits their future.

Mentally strong people don’t believe in the restraints of the past that prevent future success. Everything can be overcome, with energy and time.

10. They don’t believe they die alone.

Too many think that, no matter how many friends they have in life, everyone dies alone. Mentally strong people don’t believe that lie, understanding that the relationships you cultivate are always with you even if no one is sitting by your deathbed.

11. They don’t believe cruelty is necessary.

Mentally strong people don’t believe that you have to be mean to see results. Drill sergeants can make their cadets run a hundred laps, but positive encouragement is what will mold them into better individuals.

12. They don’t believe they have learned all there is to learn.

Some would say they know everything they need to. Others know better. Mentally strong people don’t believe that there is ever a point where we stop learning. The world continues to change around us, so our education should be never-ending.

13. They don’t believe that they need a substance to feel better.

Many are stuck in a rut where they need something to make them feel better, whether it be drugs, alcohol, food or something else. Mentally strong people don’t believe that you can never break free of that dependence.

14. They don’t believe in weakness.

Mentally strong people are better off than most when it comes to well-being, but they don’t consider others weak for not being as happy as they are. Everyone is dealt different circumstances, and it’s a tougher road to good mental health for some than others. The mentally strong understand that fact.

15. They don’t believe change is impossible.

A lot of people refuse to accept the idea that people can change, but mentally strong people don’t believe someone can’t grow to be better. If they did, they would have never gotten to the great place they’re at today. Featured photo credit: Happiness/Moyan Brenn via flickr.com