Their progress in life

People can be narcissistic in nature and they could want to involve you or make you envious of their achievement. Truthfully beyond congratulating them you have nothing else to be bothered about regarding the success of others. Focus on you.

When the world will end

A certain doomsday continues to loom over many citizens of the world. There is a general perception that you should make haste while the sun shines as the world faces its climax. Interestingly this prophecy has loomed for hundred, even thousands of years with no fulfillment.


People have a strong perception of myths and shocking tales that they want to involve you in them. Such stories should not deter you from focusing on important things.

When you will become married or engaged

There is nothing as derogatory as when you are asked when you will be settling down or tying the knots. Perhaps people are attaching their happiness to this factor; you shouldn’t.

What have you done with your life

Life is a movement and an endless cycle of events. You should enjoy the thrill of every experience you pass through and not become overburdened with your life’s low moments. You should focus on what you are doing with your life rather than what is in the past and you really can’t change.

Growing old

Growing old is a certainty; we are all going to reach it. Attaching any more importance to it than the certainty of facing it can be a drag and cause you unnecessary anxiety. Focus on the moment. Enjoy your youth!

Your failed relationships

Heartbreaks can be devastating. But if you have been pushed out the door from a marriage or a relationship, it is important you shouldn’t beat yourself about it. You don’t need to let the negativity of what didn’t succeed become a constant cause of worry.

Losing your job

The heartache of losing your job can cause a whirl of emotions, but if you have been through searching for a job before you can as well repeat the process rather than care so much about what has been lost.

Getting even

To some the idea of letting go doesn’t apply. They feel that they have to pay every tit for tat. But that shouldn’t be you. Focusing on paying back every hurt could make you cold and unforgiving. A negative emotion has a way of affecting your positive energy and attitude.

Missing an opportunity

Opportunities seldom come by according to some. But if you are an interesting and a positive person you should understand a lot of opportunities would come in your life. you can’t be like every other person who is willing to cut corners and act desperately to catch every opportunity.

Getting scammed

We are all duped once in a while. The truth is that there are very few people who have not been stolen from at least once. So why cry at losing what you can recover later.

Buying the next funky product

Two things are implied when a product is popular, new and fantastic – the product will be expensive. Keeping up with the Joneses may not be favorable with your long term success so why associate yourself with popular products that will put a hole in your pocket.

Things you cannot have

A lot is attached to possessions and people tend to measure you according to what you have. But you shouldn’t be bothered about these things.

Others’ opinion of you

What others think about you doesn’t really count. What counts is your opinion of yourself.

How many friends or followers you have on social media

Having many friends or followers on social media could be cool but does not effect your general position in life. Don’t care about these 15 things, and you’ll have an easy, breezy life! Featured photo credit: via