1. Split up all the chores.

There is no such thing as “men’s work” or “women’s work” to a feminist father. He has no qualms doing the dishes or cooking dinner, and would never want your mother to think it’s “her job” to do anything around the house. He takes responsibility around the house, regardless of the task.

2. Teach you about sports.

Just because your a girl doesn’t mean your father won’t teach you how to throw a football, or kick a soccer ball. He knows how important it is for boys and girls to get exercise, and he doesn’t think women should just be relegated to the sideline as cheerleaders.

3. Go to your “girly” events.

But he doesn’t fault you for being into ballet, either. If dance or art is more your speed, he’s more than happy to support you there, too. He’ll be the one pointing up at the stage when you come out, with a big smile on his face as he proudly watches you do your thing.

4. Teach you “guy” things.

Why wouldn’t he teach you how to change your oil just because you’re a girl? Surely you’re not afraid to get your hands a little dirty, and you’ll need to know how to do it at some point. Feminist fathers don’t see tasks as masculine or feminine; they see them as human tasks that we all must learn in our lifetime.

5. Teach the importance of math and science.

It’s pretty sad how many people think of math and science as “male” subjects. Feminist fathers see the potential for both his sons and daughters to be the next Einstein who ends up changing the world through their complex reasoning and critical thinking skills.

6. Care about all of your accomplishments.

He doesn’t emphasize certain subjects and events while minimizing others. Everything you accomplish, in his eyes, is incredibly important, and is one step closer to you being an independent woman who can fend for herself in life.

7. Foster your independence.

Along with the previous point, feminist fathers push their daughters to try their best without help from anyone else. They know society will anticipate weakness from young women, so he’ll push you to buck the system and show them you can make it on your own.

8. Support you every step of the way.

That doesn’t mean he pushes you too far, especially if you’re not ready to take the step. Your feminist father always takes care of you; in small ways, you’ll always be his little girl.

9. Push your comfort zones.

Feminist fathers teach you to never be comfortable with what you have, and always strive for more. Just because society thinks you should stay in a bubble doesn’t mean you have to, and fathers should push their daughters to expand their comfort zones as much as possible in order to succeed.

10. Know how to be silly.

No father can truly say they were a good dad unless, at one point in their lives, they dropped what they were doing, put on a tiara, and had a tea party with fifteen stuffed animals. Feminist fathers aren’t afraid to break gender roles and be silly with their kids, even if they risk their wives posting pictures on Facebook.

11. Show their emotions.

Good fathers aren’t afraid to let their children see them laugh, cry, or get upset. They control their temper and anger, but they also show their daughters how to deal with uncomfortable emotions. By not hiding behind a veil of stoicism, they show their kids it’s okay to feel blue sometimes, and they shouldn’t need to run away from their feelings.

12. Listen to you.

The best fathers take the time to listen to what you have to say. They take a genuine interest in your life, and offer good advice based on the situation. They will never let you feel as if they have bigger problems to worry about, because you are the most important thing in their life.

13. Stand up for what’s right.

Feminist fathers live by their word. They never play the “do as I say, not as I do” card. When they see something they know is wrong, they speak up about it. By doing so, they teach their children the importance of being the change they wish to see in the world, and that anyone can make a difference.

14. Teach you to go out and grab life.

Great fathers teach their daughters not to wait for someone to come sweep them off their feet so they can finally have the life they want. They teach their kids to work hard for what they deserve, and know that being passive will get them nowhere.

15. Treat their wives as their equal.

As I said before, feminist fathers live as they say to live. By treating their wives as their equals, they set the example for their sons and daughters that everyone should be treated with the same amount of respect, regardless of their differences. When sons and daughters grow up having two integrious role models to follow on a daily basis, they’ll surely grow up to find success. Featured photo credit: Flickr via farm8.staticflickr.com