Life can get so busy and hectic that we just let the days fly by. We forget to always grow mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In simple terms, we forget to always make ourselves better. That’s not to say that you aren’t amazing just the way you are, but personal development and growth are both crucial if you want to maintain happiness, motivation, and peace of mind. These 16 easy habits can help you cover all the self-improvement bases, so that you can make each and every day a stepping stone to the “you” you’ve always imagined!

Enrich Your Mind

1. “Eat the frog”

No, not literally. Please don’t do that. The phrase “eat the frog” means to get the hardest task on your to-do list done and over with, ASAP. Solve a challenging problem early in the day, so it’s not weighing you down the whole day. Whether it’s getting a big work project done or calling your scary mother-in-law, just grit your teeth and get it done early. You’ll thank yourself later!

2. Start developing that skill you’ve always wanted

Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn? Get moving on it! There’s no better time than now, especially if it’s a new skill that you’ve always fancied. Want to learn a new language? Buy a language program or hire a tutor. Want to be a proficient flutist? Buy that flute and take that class already. It’s worth it if it’s something that will improve your mind in a way you’ve always dreamed of.

3. Make a deal with your friends

Money too tight to buy that expensive flute or take a class? Talk to your friends. Your friends have all sorts of talents and knowledge that you may not possess – and you have talents of your own. Make a deal with a friend to teach each other your respective talents. It’s the most cost-efficient—and perhaps most entertaining—way to enrich your mind.

4. Read, read, read!

Ask all of my friends what my biggest obsession is, and they’ll likely say books. And they’d be right. My room is full-to-bursting with stacks of books. Why, you may ask? Oh, let me enlighten you. (Prepare for some serious gushing here.) Even if they’re pure fiction, books can teach you so much. They open up your mind to different possibilities, different situations you may never experience, and different ways of thinking. Not sure where to start? Use Goodreads, which can give you customized recommendations based on your interests. To purchase books cheaply (I’m talking two or three bucks here, with no shipping fees for those in the United States), use

Nourish Your Body

1. Do a little resistance exercise

No, this doesn’t mean resisting exercise. Resistance exercise is essentially anything that causes your muscles to contract against external forces, like weights, bands, or your own body weight. Instead of beelining for the elliptical or the treadmill at the gym, try incorporating some weight training or body weight exercises. (Squats are a great place to start!)

2. Replace unhealthy foods with your favorite fruits and veggies

This may seem lecture-y, but that doesn’t make it any less truthful: that bag of Doritos is doing your body absolutely no good. Think of it this way: the food you eat is either healing or harming your body. Eat your favorite fruits and veggies on the regular, and you’ll most certainly be more on the healing end.

3. Take a class

Sometimes, being in a class with an instructor and other like-minded people does wonders for your motivation. Get a friend to join you in a class so you don’t feel tempted to skip, and try taking a spin class, or maybe a Zumba class, if you love to dance.

4. Hydrate!

It can be difficult to remember to drink enough water, especially when the option of soda or juice is present. However, it’s incredibly important to keep yourself hydrated. Carry around a water bottle with you and fill it on the regular. You’ll notice improvements in your skin, energy levels, and overall physique.

Cultivate True Happiness

1. Encourage others

It feels good to make someone happy, especially if it’s someone you care about. Plus, happiness is contagious. Express your appreciation to those around you. Let someone know that they’re doing a good job, and you’ll both feel a lovely mood boost.

2. Smile

No, seriously. Smiling has numerous health benefits, and it can release endorphins, which can make you happier. Even if you force a smile for a period of time, you’ll start to feel it. Next time negative feelings are trying to take control of you, just combat them with a smile.

3. Or better yet, laugh

You know how great it feels after a good belly laugh? That’s because of those lovely endorphins I just mentioned. Make it your goal to have a good laugh at least once every day, even if you do that by watching your favorite stand-up or forcing a laugh.

4. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good

Start to notice how you feel after interacting with the people you’re close to. Do you have any friends who drain you? Who are constantly negative? Or even worse—who subtly try to tear you down and sabotage your efforts? You can’t feel truly happy if you surround yourself with negative people. Try to spend your time with people who encourage you and inspire you. You deserve that.

Grow Spiritually

1. Set goals for yourself

And I don’t mean big career goals (although those are good, too). Start your day by thinking about one good thing you can do for the day, whether it’s something that will make you happier or make someone else happier. Set goals for your spiritual growth.

2. Practice gratitude every day

There will always be things in life that we want, but don’t have. It’s important to focus on your life goals, but there’s no point in sulking. Remember: there is always someone who is happier with less than what you have. By practicing gratitude, you are focusing on the things you do have, which will help you value your life and your choices. At the end your day, write down one thing you were thankful for that happened that day. Focus on the positives, and you’ll grow spiritually.

3. Give yoga a try

I love yoga. I am terrible at it right now, because I’m still a beginner, but I absolutely love it. It’s not only good for you, but it helps you truly clear your mind and become aware of your body. Even the most simple and straightforward poses have this effect. Start your day with yoga, and you will absolutely not regret it.

4. Keep it all in perspective

Life has its nuisances, its issues, and its sorrows that can feel all-encompassing and overwhelming at the time. It can be difficult to look past these things and see the big picture, but remind yourself that these problems will not matter to you in a year, let alone at the end of your life. You only have one life. Make it count. Featured photo credit: mynameisrebecca via