1. You understand that the beach isn’t just for summer

Wrapping up warm and walking on a deserted beach in winter is a uniquely invigorating experience.

2. You always feel a little bit smug

After all, you get to live somewhere that people yearn to visit all year.

3. You’ve discovered that solutions to most problems can be found by sitting on the beach and staring out over the water

Similarly, if you’re in need of some inspiration, you will find it by digging your toes in the sand.

4. You take it personally when people leave trash at the beach

You wouldn’t leave trash in their backyards, so why do they leave it on your beach?

5. You always have something to do when you live near the beach

Even if it’s just sitting on the beach which is a perfectly valid way to spend time, unlike anywhere else when just sitting and doing nothing is clearly a waste of time.

6. You know that any food tastes better when eaten sitting on the sand

Even better if it’s been prepared on the beach. You’ve perfected the art of preparing and eating food on the beach without ingesting gritty sand, this is a skill to be envied by the casual beach visitor.

7. You never get bored of the view

Especially the sunsets. And the sunrises. And during the midday sun.

8. You’ve accepted that your house will never be completely sand-free

Ditto your car, clothes, hair, and pets.

9. You can instantly categorize visitors into beach “types” just by looking at them

This categorization enables you to predict their behavior on the beach, providing you with hours of entertainment as you watch and nod knowingly.

10. You hope you never lose the childlike awe of the beach

The delight in finding and collecting pretty shells, or coming across small sea creatures in little pools of water, is not reserved for children or occasional visitors.

11. You know that there is no sound in the world better than the lapping of waves on the beach

And no smell better than the salty sea air.

12. You’re constantly torn about your feelings towards tourists

You understand that they are essential for the economy of the area, and you love to see them arrive, but you wish they could be less intrusive in your beach paradise. You aim to be friendly and welcoming to them, but wish at times they showed more consideration for their surroundings and the local residents when they visit.

13. Your wardrobe is 80% beach wear

In the summer you can easily forget that other types of clothes exist.

14. You respect the power of the ocean

You’ve seen it at its calmest best and at its roughest worst, and understand the need to always respect it.

15. You get defensive if anyone compares your beach unfavorably to other beaches

They clearly haven’t understood your beach, and this situation must be rectified immediately.

16. You mistakenly think you’ve seen it all

However long you’ve lived near the beach, and however many things you’ve seen there, every year when the visitors arrive you will be surprised by new things they do, wear, and say.

17. You can’t understand anyone who says they don’t like the beach

They might as well say they don’t like breathing.

18. You can’t imagine living anywhere else

You may leave for a while, but you’ll be back. They always come back.