Own your title of “Grammar Nerd.” It’s an honorable distinction that sets you apart from the rest. It may also be a predictor of your current or future success. Here are 19 reasons why grammar nerds are more likely to be successful.

1. They are perfectionists

Grammar nerds work their tails off until everything is perfect. Who cares that you haven’t slept in 56 hours as long as everything is where it’s supposed to be? Perfectionism is an important trait for many highly successful people. Rejoice!

2. They pay attention to detail

Grammar nerds pay attention to every detail when reading, writing, or speaking. That focus flows into everything else they do. If you’re going to be successful, you have to pay attention to the details. Who knows when that one little thing will be the make-or-break factor to accomplishing your dreams?

3. They know how to articulate their thoughts

Grammar nerds are so good with syntax that they’re better able to say exactly what they mean, and mean exactly what they say. This is huge when it comes to sales, meetings, growth, leadership, parenting, and everything involved in being successful.

4. They care about the little things

Grammar nerds care. It’s not just that they pay attention to details, it’s that they genuinely care about the little things. After all, big things are just a lot of little things put together, which makes them rather important.

5. They have better writing skills

Grammar nerds can focus on the details without getting lost. With their superior writing skills, grammar nerds are better at proposals, assignments, their own resumés, and general communication skills, giving them a leg up along the path to success.

6. They utilize rules creatively

Grammar nerds know the rules backwards and forwards. They know what’s normally done, as well as what can be done creatively without breaking the rules. Instead of thinking inside the box, they use the box as a tool for progress — a critical skill for being successful.

7. They analyze everything

Grammar nerds analyze and re-analyze everything you put in front of or say to them. If you’re going to be successful, you have to scrutinize every little detail. No one ever became successful without having an analytical mind.

8. They have sharper minds

Grammar nerds are great at quick assessments, a symptom of a sharp mind. Because they think more swiftly, they’re able to learn and improve quickly, giving them a notable edge on the success front.

9. They are incredibly organized

Grammar nerds know that everything has a purpose and a place. A more organized life means minds that function more clearly than those who are disorganized, which is rather impactful when you’re striving for success.

10. They give better impressions of themselves

Grammar nerds pay more attention to detail, giving them the upper hand when it comes to making impressions. Everything from how you carry yourself to the specific words you say affect others’ views of you. Because it’s about who you know rather than what you know, grammar nerds’ abilities to leave better impressions give them another leg up.

11. They think things through thoroughly before finalizing anything

Grammar nerds are programmed to edit and re-edit everything before declaring it final. This habit of thoroughly proofing every minor thing is foundational to long-term success.

12. They believe in doing things right

Grammar nerds are the embodiment of doing the right things the right way at the right time, which just so happens to be a very important thing when it comes to success.

13. They have high standards for themselves and others

Grammar nerds have higher standards than their colleagues, whether while working or for life in general. They push themselves to surpass those high standards, and expect those around them to do the same. This constant push to improve is another marker of success.

14. They are great conversationalists

Grammar nerds know their respective languages far better than most. They have a larger vocabulary and a stronger grasp of syntax, making them better conversationalists. This pays off massively through sales, networking, negotiating, and managing — among other things — all of which are important to gaining success.

15. They understand that it’s what you say and how you say it

Grammar nerds know that inflection and proper phrasing are key to communication, and that communication is key to furthering yourself in whatever you do. They present things how others want to see or hear them, helping them to gain favor and making them more likely to be successful.

16. They work harder

Grammar nerds spend more time in deep focus — it’s not easy making everything perfect all the time. Their innate work ethic propels them high above their colleagues, causing them to reach success more quickly.

17. They are great leaders

Grammar nerds know how to communicate in a way that helps others improve — a primary characteristic of great leaders. They’re able to handle situations and conversations in ways that others agree and respect, creating a solid foundation for success.

18. They can handle more work

Grammar nerds can take on a heavier load. They’re accustomed to taking and improving upon others’ words and ideas, increasing their general workload. Because they are able to work more without fatiguing, they are more likely to be successful.

19. They work well independently

Grammar nerds are incredibly self-motivated. They spend plenty of time away from others, motivating themselves to work. This inner drive to work well catapults them forward along the path to success.