1. Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk

Crush It! provides just as much great life advice as it does the strategy for entrepreneurial success. Gary Vaynerchuk energetically narrates his work, encouraging the listener not to seek out a career that fits their passions, but to find a way to turn their passions into a career. This is how you identify the line of work you have enough drive to pursue aggressively to achieve success. Hearing the author tell his own success story—ups and downs included—is as inspiring as it is helpful, and his passion for his project is the perfect companion to yours. This is one of the best Audible books for aspiring entrepreneurs. Get the book here!

2. Getting Things Done by David Allen

Getting Things Done has expanded Allen’s already foolproof method to account for more modern challenges that the era of technology presents. Allen claims that productivity is simply about properly organizing your to-dos so you don’t overwhelm your brain. Once you’ve done that, it’s possible to reach the ever-elusive inbox zero—both in your literal email server and the rest of your life. Listening to Allen’s anecdotes about how he developed his method is truly worth your while. Get the book here! 

3. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret is a classic in the motivation category and has been recommended by some of the most impressive celebrity tastemakers in the world (like Oprah!). Byrne performs her text, which focuses on our internal power to manifest change with mindfulness and intentionality, making for the perfect guide on the journey to self-empowerment. Throughout the novel, she includes many examples, research, and testimonials to support the legitimacy of the Law of Attraction. One of the best books on Audible, period. Get the book here!

4. The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday

In The Obstacle Is the Way, Holiday claims that successful figures throughout history were not successful despite their obstacles, but rather because they engaged with those obstacles and impossibilities in a specific way. The principles and stories Holiday lays out in support of these claims are truly fascinating. Through exploring an ancient formula for success, you will no doubt be rethinking the way you approach every roadblock along your journey. Get the book here! 

5. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

In this audiobook, Sincero convinces you how awesome you already are. Sincero approaches New Age wellness topics with frankness and open-heartedness to help the listener cut through the haze that prevents you from being your best self. This audiobook is centered on attitude and confidence. Listening to her advice is a lot like having a heart-to-heart with the most honest and hilarious friend in your life. If you need a little bit of tough love and some good laughs, this will be one of the best Audible books for you. Get the book here!

6. Living with a SEAL by Jesse Itzler

You might think having a Navy SEAL as your roommate would bring about an attitude of stoicism—but instead, it caused a boatload of unexpected shenanigans. From Navy Seal David Goggins’s scheduling a snowy run in the middle of the night to a series of unfortunate walk-ins, Itzler narrates his housemate’s antics in a way that brings some much-needed humor to the motivational genre. This audiobook provides a healthy dose of serious motivation. In the end, what you get is a much-needed attitude adjustment: what we think we’re capable of is nowhere near our full potential. Get the book here! 

7. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

You’re probably familiar with Marie Kondo by now, as well as her passion for turning messes into opportunities for growth and reflection. In The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Kondo’s trademark zeal for taming one’s space is exactly what listeners can expect to hear. Though much of Kondo’s advice is practical, Emily Woo Zeller’s excellent performance helps the author’s words about treating your space, your items, and yourself with dignity feel both informational and inspirational. Get the book here! 

8. Drive by Daniel H. Pink

Pink opts for a scientific focus towards changing our minds and behaviors in his audiobook. Decades of work come together and provides a deep dive into the science of what motivates human beings. This listen is short and consumable, something topical and easy to listen to on the job or on your commute that will offer insight into the motivational framework in many parts of your life, both professional and personal. Get the book here! 

9. Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

Bernstein dives deep into the spirituality of her teachings on the law of attraction. Super Attractor is an Audible Editors Pick and an engaging, motivating look at how being in alignment with higher forces at work in our lives can bring us the things we’ve always wanted. Bernstein provides listeners with personal anecdotes about her manifestation practices, practical mental exercises for encouraging mental alignment, and advice for being realistic with yourself while also radically ambitious about what good things you can attract. So do yourself a favor and pick this book up. Get the book here! 

10. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

The 10x Rule forces you to take a good hard look at your limits and whether you’re pushing yourself to achieve all that’s possible in life. This audiobook packs a motivational punch and refuses to beat around the bush. You’ll learn how to wake up and do the work necessary to get what you want. Cardone lays out his 31 tenets of success, most of which hinge on the notion that being successful takes high rates of activity (10x our normal rate, to be specific). Pushing ourselves into overdrive, Cardone says, gives you the ability to reach for bigger and better in all areas of your life. So, if you’re looking to achieve more in your life, this will be one of the best Audible books for you. Get the book here!

11. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

Positivity can only take you so far. At some point, we all experience circumstances or emotions that require more than just an upbeat attitude to deal with. In The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck, Mark Manson speaks directly and honestly to listeners about how to deal with the fcked up world around them without losing their motivation to do great things. Manson is not your everyday motivational guru. This audiobook presents a no-nonsense guide for muscling through the tougher parts of life. This is an excellent choice for anyone, but an especially great choice for self-help skeptics who may otherwise reject the optimistic “woo-woo” approach regularly adopted by motivators. Get the book here! 

12. The Antidote by Oliver Burkeman

Oliver Burkeman writes for exactly the type of listener who needs motivation but doesn’t have the desire to digest it in its characteristically optimistic format. He delivers his thesis that positivity doesn’t always work; therefore, sometimes only the negative path can help us. Burkeman tells us, in his own words and voice, that it’s okay (and even powerful) to embrace every inescapable, ugly fact in our lives and that it can even be an incredibly powerful experience. This is unlike that of any other audiobook in the genre. The Antidote encourages the listener to move radically toward truth, no matter how painful, making it a standout among its peers. Get the book here! 

13. The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

This ambitious audiobook sees best-selling author Jonathan Haidt’s study individual ideas that have endured through centuries and permeated different cultures, examining the source of their staying power. Listeners are encouraged to find comfort in how blockers to happiness, though they may feel unique, have been universally felt by millions across times and cultures. With Haidt’s diligent, thoughtful examination brought to life by the skillful narration of Ryan Vincent Anderson, the listening experience is simultaneously like an enthralling lecture series and an excavation of the wisdom of past ages. Get the book here! 

14. How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell

Sometimes, looking to others as role models is the best way to learn and implement effective practices in our own lives. This is exactly what Maxwell does as he provides 11 different models in How Successful People Think. Maxwell lays out each type with specific details and practical applications that make his advice easy to tangibly apply to our lives. This selection is an almost effortless listen—it’s digestible, straightforward, well-structured, and actionable, making it easy to follow along. Narration by award-winning audiobook veteran Chris Sorenson only furthers the directness of the core message, ensuring that you’ll be thinking more effectively and holistically than ever. If you are looking to learn how to think like the experts in your field, this is one of the best Audible books that you could pick up. Get the book here! 

15. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

Millions of people have engaged with Schwartz’s classic (originally published in 1959), and millions have come away inspired and changed. Today, the wisdom within is just as resonant—and actor Jason Culp’s narration ensures every word has an impact. Schwartz’s message is simple: to get the big results we all dream about, we have to think big first. Once we start thinking big, we can act big and then, finally, achieve big. The best part of this audiobook is how easy the advice is to follow and implement—after each chapter, Schwartz recaps the most important points and practical takeaways so the message never fails to stick. I feel confident when I say this book can change your life. Get the book here! 

16. How to Own Your Own Mind by Napoleon Hill

How to Own Your Own Mind is a unique opportunity to hear motivational advice from one of the most revered and successful people in history: Andrew Carnegie. Napoleon Hill’s original interview provides the structure for each of the three (yes, only three) chapters of this audiobook in which Hill explores the most important steps to having a mind that works with your ambitions instead of against them. Get the book here! 

17. See You at the Top (25th Anniversary) by Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar continually motivates many people around the world. The 25th anniversary edition of his smash-hit motivational program is a great place to either listen to his teachings for the first time or to re-experience his inspiring methods for a self-development top-up. The lessons are comprehensive, insightful, and incredibly applicable to everyday life. Ziglar’s energy is unmatched and undeniable, so listening to the live recording of the seminar where he presents his program provides an unforgettable experience. It’s one of the best Audible books for those looking for motivation boosts. Get the book here! 

18. Poke the Box by Seth Godin

Seth Godin thinks that achieving success in the world should never become our main focus; it should be the last thing we do. Instead, his focus is on breaking the mold and forging our path—creating a new reality for ourselves instead of just trying to find our place in the reality that was forced on us. Poke the Box is the culmination of Godin’s ideas about counter-cultural thinking and change. Assembled here, they form a cohesive guide to using subversion of the norm to accomplish one’s goals. This audiobook can break open old thought patterns in a short amount of time. Get the book here! 

19. Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy

If everything we wanted to do matched what we needed to do, imagine how easy it would be to stay motivated. Unfortunately, that’s not the case—which is something author-narrator Brian Tracy knows all too well. Eat That Frog! is his advice for maximizing our task-doing impact on those items you put off, making you not only happier when they’re complete, but making you much more efficient as well. This audiobook is the perfect choice for any listener looking to beat the endless cycle of procrastination, boost productivity, and adopt a better system of time management. Get the book here! 

20. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer

Not all motivational wisdom that applies to modern life is from the modern era. Dr. Wayne Dyer takes the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching—Ancient Chinese verses—and applies them to 21st-century circumstances. Dyer includes all 81 verses of the Tao, as well as 81 essays in which he interprets the lessons each verse contains and makes the ideas accessible for the modern listener. If you love ancient wisdom, chances are you’ll love this Audible book as well. Get the book here! 

More Books to Get You Motivated

20 All-Time Best Motivational Books to Inspire You 30 Best Productivity Books You Should Read To Boost Your Productivity 11 Life-Changing Books To Help You Build Better Habits

Featured photo credit: Malte Wingen via unsplash.com

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