There were times in my life when I wanted to give up, but then I would put on motivational video or listen to TED Talks about never giving up. It was because of their motivational speeches that I would feel inspired and motivated again. By listening to the powerful words, not only has my life changed, but I have also learned what a big difference someone can make to the lives of others, simply by saying something that resonates. If you are unfamiliar with Reddit, it is an online social media community where users vote on content. Some Reddit users submit links to online content and vote on which links are important. In my opinion, one of the greatest aspects of Reddit is the AskReddit. It is essentially a forum where a member of Reddit can post a question and the entire community can join in and give their opinion on the matter. Some are interesting, some are funny, and some are incredibly inspiring, like the one that you are going to read about in this article. Some Redditors were asked the question, “What is something someone said that forever changed your way of thinking?” Here are some of the top answers:

–luckyhenry –faelsoss –DiffidentDissident –loubird12500 –eyecebrakr

–RedheadBanshee –PM_ME_WALLPAPERS –kwyjiboe –maelfey –wearinsweats

–Andromeda321 –Tinkletyme –-eDgAR- –vforviolet

–trytryagainn Featured photo credit: First Descents via –Fightsactualfoo –corneliusthedog –maeEast –munnyfish –AF79

20 Inspirational Sayings People Were Told That Changed Their Way Of Thinking Forever - 8220 Inspirational Sayings People Were Told That Changed Their Way Of Thinking Forever - 8320 Inspirational Sayings People Were Told That Changed Their Way Of Thinking Forever - 9820 Inspirational Sayings People Were Told That Changed Their Way Of Thinking Forever - 26