1. SoPets

First off we have SoPets, a blog offering advice on looking after pets, fun pictures, an “Adoption” section, and information on exotic pets. It’s a lively site with a fun design, so have a look around.

2. Only Natural Pet Store

If you’d like to offer your pet a sustainable, organic food supply then you can try Only Natural. Things are slightly more expensive here, but the quality of products goes up with the promotion of preservative free, sustainable sourced food stuffs. US only.

3. Bring Fido

Taking your pets with you on holiday is becoming an increasingly popular notion. Many hotels are catering for this craze, and you can use Bring Fido to peruse which lodging best suits you and your woof dog.

4. Web Vet

Before madly dashing off to your nearest vet, you can search through Web Vet‘s database for common ailments among animals. What could be a simple issue easily treated can save you time and money, and the site can provide additional information on how to care for your pet.

5. Pet University

With articles provided for by scientists, Certified Pet Dog Trainers (CPDTs), University Professors, and numerous animal authors, Pet University is an intriguing site. You can really learn what makes animals tick here, whilst picking up handy tips on what your pets expect from you.

6. Cat Lovers Only

A popular community for cat owners, Cat Lovers Only may have an archaic looking site, but they boast 82,000+ Facebook fans and a vast database of cat based information. A must for cat fans.

7. Pet Health Information

Here you can find a huge range of information about various pets. The site is particularly useful for anyone intending to buy a pet, as you can look up fundamental information you’ll need. Pet Health Information also offers some freebies, such as a free calendar and downloadable gifts and cars.

8. Omlet

This unique site offers all manner of unusual pet food products, gifts, toys, and endless other fun objects. Omlet cater for the more rustic pet owner; you’ll find a large range of products for chickens and beekeeping. For the former you’ll come across some excellent Extreme Temperature Jacket chicken coops, as well as high visibility chicken vests!

9. The Ultimate Hamster Cage

If you’re a hamster fan then you may want to consider upgrading to what looks like the best cage ever. Omlet’s Qute Hamster Cage is something special to behold, which means it comes at a price of £119. It’s split over two levels and, aesthetically, it’s like a living piece of furniture for your house. The Qute opens a window into the world of your hamster’s life whilst promoting fun and cleanliness.

10. Build A Hamster Cage

If you want to skip on the expense of the Qute, you can always try building a cage. The BabblePie blog displays just how very well. With a bit of creative flair, and assembling the right products, you can end up with a fine playground for your rodent friend.

11. What Not To Feed Your Dog

Canine Journal offer a very handy list of foods/beverages you really shouldn’t feed your dog. From the obvious (alcohol), to lesser known food stuffs like avocado and cat food. As dogs have a habit of mischievously snatching food, it’s worth considering what not to keep lying around in your dog’s line of sight.

12. PawsPlus

With PawsPlus you can find vaccinations up to 70% off standard prices. This low cost healthcare for dogs, puppies, kittens, and cats is brought to you through local pet stores. These are US based services, but you should check your favorite search engine for localized versions wherever you’re from. There are likely to be similar schemes.

13. DoggieBuddy

There are plenty of dog trick websites, and one great example is Doggie Buddy’s 52 Tricks To Teach Your Dog. This is an exhaustive list of new tricks which you can try and get your pet to obey – failing the more elaborate ones you can at least begin with “sit” and “stay”. A positive inauguration for any dog beast.

14. PetDiets

Aimed at cat and dog owners, this site offers information on healthy diets. Through Pet Diets you can also contact a nutritionist for further information. Very handy.

15. Parrot & Birdkeepers Club

Although a UK site, Lakeland Parrot & Birdkeepers offers an extensive range of information on birds, including detailed section on anatomy, a contact line for advice, and the chance to connect with enthusiasts from around the world.

16. Animal Planet

This is the Discovery site for the TV channel. Along with a helpful list of everything on throughout the day, Animal Planet has blogs on animal well being, a “Pets 101” section, fun facts, oddities, a shop with unusual gifts, and plenty more. A great site indeed.

17. Dog Shaming

Dog Shaming became an online craze in 2013. It acted as a fun way for exasperated owners to showcase their pet’s embarrassing behaviour to the world, whilst connecting them with millions of like minded dog fans. Although most owners no doubt secretly adore their pet’s eccentricities, Dog Shaming (and its other versions) is a revealing insight into the arbitrary world of animal behavior.

18. Exotic Animals

If you’re thinking of making a home for an exotic pet, or if you need to re-home your hedgehog/bush baby/bobcat/blue whale, then Exotic Animals For Sale is for you. Offering information and advice on the process, as well as animals already for sale, you can learn how to make a home for your new pet walrus. With 1.1 thousand Facebook Likes the site is certainly a sound place to start.

19. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

More commonly referred to as PETA, this organization promotes the well being of animals. You can support your pet, and help animals around the world, by signing up and getting involved. Featured photo credit: Wade Austin Ellis via unsplash.com