He’s Always There When You Need Advice

Brothers are excellent sounding boards if you need advice. Because brothers tend to approach situations head on, it’s refreshing to ask their opinion. Brothers will always listen to your woes, without blowing them out of proportion. 

He Doesn’t Over Do It Either

When you go to a brother for advice, they’re likely to keep their reactions to a minimum. The typical male approach to conversation makes for succinct and direct advice. This means you can vent your frustrations, without your brother making things bigger than they need to be.

He’s Easy To Hang Out With

Most brothers value silence. Being men, brothers are usually more happy to watch their favorite sport then constantly chat and engage. This makes your brother the perfect person to hang out with when you need a break from your social circles.

He’s Got Your Back

Sure, brothers are prone to push our buttons, poke fun at us, and otherwise drive you crazy, but when someone else tries to do the same, your brother will be there. Even if he’s not the biggest guy on the playground, your brother will play the alpha male for as long as it takes to scare your bullies away.

He Can Help You Woo Your Significant Other

Whether older or younger, brothers are usually full of tips and tricks to help you seem smoother than you are. Especially when you’re trying to impress the object of your affections, brothers will always help out. From cooking tips to creative date ideas, brothers know how to give you a boost.

He’s Usually Got Something To Laugh About

Another perk to having a brother, is boys are much happier playing games and laughing than getting wrapped up in social drama. When life has you down, it’s likely that your brother has something new to make you chuckle.

He Can Help You With Technology/DIY

Most brothers have different skills then you do, even if they’re happy to remind you constantly. Even though brothers try to sound important with their skills, when it comes right down to it, he’ll be glad to help you learn too. Even if your brother isn’t skilled in typical male areas like cars or sports, he’s likely to know more than you when it comes to technology or basic do it yourself repairs. Not only is it easier to learn when you have someone you can go to at any time, he’s likely going to take more time to explain it to you than anyone else.

He’s Usually Got New, Exciting Games To Play

Speaking of technology, brothers usually know all the current, innovative video games. Besides keeping you up-to-date, this can go a long way in helping you vent your frustrations and learn new things.

He’s Not Interested In The Gossip

Where your other friends might be excited about social drama, brothers tend to ignore it. When social drama and difficult situations come into your life, it’s the perfect time to hang out with your brother. We all need someone who would rather sit on the couch playing video games with you then make you relive your embarrassing times.

He’s Been There

No matter how crazy your problems, somehow your brother has done something similar. When you do complain to your brother, it’s almost guaranteed he has a story to make you feel better.

He’s Protective

Not only will your brother listen to your problems without judging or giving too much advice, he’s also defensive when things go wrong in life. Whether it’s tricky social situations, or flat out bullying, your brother never allows someone else to hurt you.

He Will Tell It To You Straight

Brothers are also incredible because when you have a problem, they’re going to tell it to you straight. Boys rarely feel the need to sugarcoat things, so your brother can be the perfect subject when you need a straight answer.

He’s A Wealth Of Good Prank Ideas

Should you need to get back at someone, or just need an idea for April Fools’ Day, brothers are a wealth of excellent prank ideas. Years of locker room stunts and camping mischief can help you out when you’re in need of a new idea. Just don’t forget that sometimes these pranks will be set on you.

He Can Usually Teach You New Sports

While many brothers may not be the best at sports, a lot of them can at least teach you a few pointers. This is particularly valuable to those of us who struggle in gym class, where brothers are happy to help you find the right approach.

He’ll Eat Junk Food With You

Brothers are also the perfect people to pig out with. Where sisters or female friends might be more conscious of what they’re eating, brothers are likely to just dig in. Whether you’re a guy who just wants to have a feast, or a girl who needs a break from societal expectations, brothers are always willing to grab a snack, holiday or not.

He’s Always Willing To Eat Your Scraps

Not only are brothers always willing to dig in when it comes to food, they can be very helpful when you’re small. As a kid, when parents expect you to finish everything on your plate and you just don’t have it in you, your brother comes to the rescue. Your brother is likely happy to grab a few extra bites of food, especially since boys grow like weeds. 

He’ll Show You New, Better Movies

Brothers are also a wealth of information when it comes to movies and entertainment. Your brother likely has very different interests from you, so his favorite movies are probably ones you haven’t seen yet. Particularly when it comes to kung fu, action, and comedy films, your brother likely has some excellent titles you need to see.

He’s Competitive

Brothers tend to be competitive, which can actually be a good thing. As long as you can bring your “A” game too, a competitive sibling can actually help push you to be your best.

He’s Straightforward

Even when you’re not asking for advice, everyone needs someone in life who can tell it like it is.

He’ll Always Try To Cheer You Up

Love them or hate them, brothers are really just big teddy bears. So much so, that when they see you suffering, thier first instinct is usually to get you out of your funk. Having someone around who wants to cheer you up is incredibly helpful on days when you don’t feel like yourself.