That was definitely the case for me when I took a 6 week sabbatical last year to explore Central America on my lonesome. I spent a year traveling solo around the world in my early twenties but I was young, dumb and completely naive. Doing it again in my thirties proved to be a different experience; it was less about partying at each new destination and more of an inward journey. While at times it was daunting, it turned out to be an illuminating experience that cracked me open. Traveling alone can be an unnerving endeavor regardless of gender, but there is something about women who choose to take themselves out of their comfort zone to face the unknown that makes them wonderfully exciting people to date. Here are 20 reasons why.

1. They value their independence.

Cue the soundtrack to Destiny’s Child ‘Independent Woman.’ The clothes she’s wearing? She bought them. That trip to Florence? She bought that too and has no qualms about enjoying it all on her lonesome. There is something incredibly sexy about a woman who pays her own bills and lives life on her own terms. Hurry up and catch her while you can as these types of ladies don’t tend to stay in one place for long.

2. They will value your space.

If you are the type of person who needs breathing room in a relationship, then dating a lady who grabs life by its horns might just be a perfect fit. These types of ladies aren’t looking for anyone to complete them; they are comfortable with themselves as individuals and therefore won’t be blowing up your phone every 30 minutes with needy text messages. They love their own space and as a result will value yours too.

3. They have a healthy relationship with fear.

Women who routinely open themselves up to new experiences typically don’t let fear stand in their way. They are comfortable pushing themselves and don’t buy into the pathos that the world is a dangerous place. This doesn’t mean that they take unnecessary risks and place themselves in dangerous situations; it just means that they do their homework beforehand and weigh the risks versus the rewards.

4. They are spontaneous.

Looking for a lady who is happy to take off on a whim? Ladies who travel alone usually fly by the seat of their pants and are comfortable with spontaneity meaning that your relationship will never be dull. Wake up and decide to go on a road trip for the weekend? This chick will be riding shotgun right alongside you.

5. They have vast reserves of inner strength.

Traveling by yourself means that inevitably endless hours will be spent alone with only your thoughts for company. It takes a certain amount of strength of character to be comfortable with this in addition to dealing with any mishaps that might occur whilst on the road. With nothing or no one to draw on other than your own strength, women who take these kinds of challenges on have endless reserves of inner strength, which makes them wonderfully strong minded companions.

6. They know that patience is a virtue.

One of the downsides of travel is that sooner or later, you will encounter delays. Whether its flight delays, traffic jams, cancelled trains or a slow-as-molasses cab driver, one thing that travel teaches you is the art of patience. Rest assured that your date will likely be pretty comfortable with the premise that sometimes stuff happens and patience pays. So if you find yourself trapped together in traffic, know that she will take it all in her stride.

7. They have a curious mind.

People who enjoy traveling to different countries and experiencing foreign cultures typically have a curious nature. Dating a woman who likes to travel alone means that you will never be bored, especially when you try to keep up with her inquisitive nature and insatiable appetite for learning new things.

8. They work hard but play harder.

All travel and no play makes for a very dull trip indeed. If you are looking for someone to kick back with on the beach after a day exploring new vistas then look no further than a lady traveler. Women who feel comfortable enough in their own skin to travel alone can make for great company and probably more than a few laughs (and beers) along the way.

9. They are comfortable being alone.

It probably goes without saying that those who travel alone enjoy their own company. When you take it upon yourself to travel by yourself, there will undoubtedly be endless hours spent gallivanting from Point A to Point B. Women who enjoy these types of trips tend to relish this time alone and are more than happy to while away a few hours sat at an airport lost in their own thoughts.

10. They are open minded.

Another positive aspect of dating women who do it alone is that they are open minded. In and of itself, travel expands the mind which makes it harder to hold onto outdated prejudices or ignorant beliefs. These types of women have seen a vast swath of the world through their own eyes and tend to have an easier time recognizing any similarities they share with foreign cultures rather than focusing on the differences.

11. They relish their responsible side.

Taking off solo requires a certain amount of planning and responsibility, you have to really know yourself and what you are and are not comfortable with. Dating a women like this means that she’ll have a deep understanding of herself and what risks she will and won’t be prepared to take in life.

12. They trust their intuition.

Being a female traveler means that in certain countries they could be faced with a potentially dangerous situation. Being cognizant of these risks means that they largely rely on their intuition to stay safe. They are more experienced at reading a situation intuitively which means that they tend to have astute street smarts and as a result means she probably won’t be dragging you into any types of troublesome situations.

13. They are decisive.

Being so in touch with their intuition and sense of responsibility means that there will be no umm-ing and err-ing when it comes to decision-making. If you like a lady who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it then dating an independent woman might just be the ticket to a long lasting relationship.

14. They have a good head for money.

Any type of travel invariably incurs expenses and one of the many skills of an experienced traveler is their head for money and ability to budget accordingly. Don’t expect any princess demands from these chicks; they have a keen ability to be mindful of costs and stay within a budget, meaning it’s unlikely she’ll be taking your credit card on a shopping spree.

15. They are fun to talk to.

Spending large swathes of time alone means that these ladies are more than happy to strike up a conversation with a passing stranger. Talking to people from exotic lands is a wonderful chance to work on their conversation skills so that you can be sure you will never run out of interesting things to talk about.

16. They have a wrath of interesting stories to tell.

Traveling to far-flung locales or even traveling locally provides a plethora of interesting stories to tell. Don’t expect to be bored, these ladies are more likely to regale you with fun anecdotes about their crazy adventures rather than wanting to recap what happened last night on the Bachelor.

17. They say Yes to Life.

Women who live to travel embrace spontaneity which inevitably leads to a passionate view of life and a positive mind set. As a result they are more likely to say yes to life and open themselves up to new experiences which are wonderful characteristics for a fun filled and exciting relationship.

18. They are constantly expanding their comfort zone.

It’s important to know that these women like to push themselves and do not like to live their lives penned in by their comfort zones. If you are the type of person who enjoys pushing themselves and trying new things, then dating a lady who gets her kicks the same way might just be a match made in heaven.

19. They are resourceful.

Inevitably there will be times during a trip when things go wrong. From a stolen passport to missing luggage, these types of situations are incredibly frustrating but useful learning experiences. Having dealt with these types of situations before means that women who enjoy traveling alone are pretty resourceful and are fairly quick to figure out a solution making them great companions both on and off the road.

20. They take each day as it comes.

Lady adventurers are very familiar with the phrase Carpe Diem. They are aware that life can pass you by in an instant and so they strive to make every day count. Their focus is primarily on staying in the moment and not choosing to dwell on the coulds, woulds and shoulds of life. Having a partner with these types of qualities means that they don’t often let life drag them down and prefer to focus on the positive, which is an infectious and fun mindset to be around. Featured photo credit: Photo by Ed Gregory via

title: “20 Reasons Why You Should Date Solo Women Travelers” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-07” author: “Frances Cook”

1. They are independent

It’s seems like the most obvious one, but it’s true. Women who travel alone don’t depend on anyone to get their work done. They are used to depending on themselves and when they are in relationships it’s no different. They don’t depend solely on their partners and contribute equally which makes for a good relationship.

2. They are patient

Hours of waiting around, flight connections, and misplaced baggage makes them incredibly patient. They are used to facing chaotic situations and are able to maintain their composure. When they are in relationships, this patience allows them to be calmer in the face of any issues that arise.

3. They aren’t afraid of being alone

They enjoy quiet solitude from time to time because they are used to being in empty airports at the crack of dawn. When they are in relationships, they like having time to themselves and are fine with being alone. In relationships, they don’t mind having time apart from their partners, which makes for a healthy relationship.

4. They are good problem solvers

Because they have been faced with countless issues whilst traveling alone, they have had to deal with them alone and have developed good problem solving skills. This helps them tackle day to day issues with ease. When in relationships, they are able to prevent any arguments from starting by solving problems before they start.

5. They look at the world differently

Because they have traveled alone, they have spent a lot of time reflecting and absorbing the beauty of the world. They are able to look passed small flaws and see the bigger picture. When in relationships, this allows them to be more accepting as they understand that flaws are part of being human.

6. They are appreciative

They are used to being by themselves and so they are used to doing things for themselves. They don’t expect anything of anyone. This makes them appreciate it when their partners do simple things for them. Appreciation makes for good relationships.

7. They are comfortable with change

Women who travel alone are constantly in changing environments. They are able to adapt to changes quickly. When they are in relationships, sudden changes in circumstance don’t upset them and they are able to adapt quickly. This avoids any tension and keeps the relationship healthy.

8. They are confident

As they travel by themselves, they have learnt to be confident. Confidence allows them to love themselves and thus love people around them. This makes for stable, healthy relationships.

9. They know themselves well

Traveling alone has given them time to grow and learn things about themselves. Women who travel alone are fully aware of who they are and what they want. Because they know themselves, they are able to be settled when they are in relationships and form healthy bonds.

10. They are open-minded

They have seen different parts of the world and thus have been exposed to different cultures. This makes them open to different ideas. This helps in relationships as they are able to understand their partners point of view better.

11. They can protect themselves

They have had to take care of themselves because of all the solo travel and therefore are fully capable of protecting themselves. This gives them strength within themselves. When they are in relationships, this helps them feel independent, which makes for happier relationships.

12. They can manage their money well

Traveling alone forces you to organize your money well. Women who travel alone develop this skill. Therefore in relationships they experience less tension when it comes to money.

13. They are good planners

Women who travel alone have learnt to manage their time well and plan ahead. This enables them to be good planners, which helps ease any tension that arises in relationships.

14. They are good decision makers

They have had to make decisions under pressure before and therefore they know how to successfully make good decisions. They don’t face any trouble that comes from bad decision making. This allows them to form healthy relationships with fewer arguments.

15. They see the beauty in others

They have been around so many people and have learnt to see how everyone has beauty within themselves. They see the best in people. When they are in relationships, they look for the best in their partner and focus on that making for healthier relationships.

16. They are willing to try new things

They are open to try different things because they are more cultured due to their solo travel. They see the importance in experiencing new things. This helps keep relationships fresh and therefore healthy.

17. They are up for challenges

When things get difficult, they don’t back down. This is a skill they learnt while they travel alone as they have had to face many challenging situations that they have overcome. When they face obstacles in relationships they work at it instead of walking away.

18. They have incredible stories

Because they have experienced a lot of the world alone, they have many interesting stories to share. Therefore relationships with women who travel alone are never boring because of all their experiences they have to share.

19. They place value on things that are important

They have seen so much of the world alone and have had time to see what is really important in life. Therefore they don’t value material possessions as much as they value experiences and emotions. This helps them form healthier stronger bonds with people.

20. They have learned to love themselves

Because they have had time to reflect on themselves and learn who they are due to all the solo travel, they are truly connected with themselves. They develop a love for who they are and this allows them to love other people deeply. Featured photo credit: Girl Pointing At Sky In Summer via