Here are 20 small things you can do to be mentally stronger in 2016.

1. Read an inspirational book at least once a month

Reading about how other people overcame obstacles in their lives can give you great inspiration in your outlook on life.

2. Start the day with a coffee

By starting the day with a coffee, you are activating the brain from the moment you step out the door.

3. Do the Sunday crossword

There is nothing better than a lazy Sunday morning enjoying a late brunch and giving your brain a good work out. Why not up the game a little and tackle a cryptic crossword.

4. Talk a walk in the park

The brain is an organ that needs a rest every now and again. By taking a brisk walk in the park, or anywhere away from noise and disturbances, you will be more alert to tackle the most strenuous mental challenge.

5. Take up meditation

Meditation is a wonderful tool to get you mentally strong. Meditation is a powerful tool that can transform your very being, it can take you to the peaks of bliss and ecstasy.

6. Eat breakfast

Do not leave the house without having a breakfast. The brain needs fuel for it to function effectively. If you are someone who does not enjoy breakfast a simple banana on the train or in the car on the way to work is enough fuel for an hour or so.

7. Ensure a good nights sleep

Mental toughness needs rest. When you sleep, your brain removes toxic proteins, which are by-products of neural activity occurring when you are awake.

8. Play chess

Not only is it a great game that you will enjoy, but your brain also loves the challenge chess gives to it without putting a strain on it.

9. Ask questions

For many mentally strong people, the one thing they most remember that has changed their lives has been the answers to questions they asked. Asking questions do not make you look stupid or weak but show an eagerness to learn and explore more possibilities.

10. Eat lunch away from your desk

Creativity improves when you move away from your desk at lunchtime.

11. Walk straight and tall for 5 minutes a day

Standing tall and proud for at least 5 minutes a day opens up your perspective and feel confident and in control.

12. Take a power nap

Research has shown that all it takes is 10 minutes of sleep to really boost your concentration, performance and improve mood.

13. Be thankful for one thing every day, even if it is your morning coffee!

Powerful people embrace what they have to be thankful for and tend not to dwell on what they do not have.

14. Do something different at least once a week.

Mental toughness is about your habits, not your motivation.

15. Learn to say “no” more often

The more difficulty you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress. Mentally tough people know that saying no is healthy.

16. Be without your phone for 30 minutes each day

Okay, I know, I am not going to get you to give up your phone for one day a week so I made this task simpler. Once you realise that the world will not end if you do not have your phone, or that your friends can wait 30 minutes before you return a call, you will feel an incredible feeling of release.

17. Have one less alcoholic drink a week

Alcohol affects cells in the body, and the most immediate impacts are seen on the brain. Alcohol is a depressant that affects the brain by causing the brain to slow down.

18. Smile to a stranger once a day

Smiling leads to a decrease in the stress-induced hormones that negatively affect your physical and mental health. Smiling to a stranger makes this ever more potent.

19. Sing in the shower

Singing in the shower boosts your mood by releasing endorphins and oxytocin in the brain, hormones that bring pleasure and relaxation.

20. Take 1 hour a week out for YOU

By taking time out for yourself you are being productive. It is important to be content with being alone and not feeling the need to be constantly with people. Solitude can be highly beneficial to your mental health, creativity, and productivity.