1. Eat Breakfast

Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast, as it will help you concentrate and maintain your weight. Besides breakfast, be mindful of what you are putting in your body. You get out what you put in!

2. Smile

It’s amazing what happens when you smile. In today’s busy world, many of us walk around with our heads buried in our phones. Take a break from your busy day and smile, it will naturally put you in a good mood!

3. Be Present

Be mindful by paying attention to the moment. Throughout the day, just stop what you are doing and realize what is going on around you. It’s so easy to run around in auto-pilot and fall back on our bad habits. If we can consciously take ourselves out of that state a few times a day, it makes a big difference!

4. Slow Down

We all have “so much” to do every day! The problem with being “busy” is we actually end up getting less done, and our work suffers. We like to “multi-task” which is actually counterproductive. Pick one thing at a time and do it mindfully. You will produce a better end result and experience less stress throughout the day.

5. Drink Water

The more water you drink, the cleaner your body and mind become. Start substituting water for what you normally drink. If you drink soda, stop! You will be amazed at how much better you will feel and think!

6. Take Breaks

No matter what your day entails, make sure to take frequent breaks. A recent study shows that your brain works at a high level for about an hour and then slows for 15-20 minutes. So, work for an hour and take a 15-minute break. This will help your productivity, and your peace of mind!

7. Move

When you do take those breaks, move! If you sit at a desk all day, make sure to schedule times to get up and walk around, or at least stand up and stretch. It will help you stay energized throughout the day!

8. Write it Down

Writing things down during the day is a great way to remember things and enforce goals you are trying to accomplish. Whether it is a pen and a pad of paper, or an app on your phone, get in the habit of writing things down. You will be amazed at how much more you remember, and how organized your life becomes.

9. Listen

Start listening to people. No, really listen. Instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next while they are talking, cut out the chatter in your head. Just sit there and attentively listen to what the other person is saying. You will be amazed at what you learn from what is being said, as well as who is saying it.

10. Take Action

We say we are going to do this and do that, but rarely do this or that! Pick something each day that you want to accomplish, and do it! It’s amazing how good it feels to finally start doing things you’ve been wanting to accomplish, even if they are small ones.

11. Small Wins

It can sometimes seem like we haven’t had a “win” in a long time. This can be because we often work on large goals or projects. If you don’t already, break down your larger goals and projects into smaller ones. Each time you finish your daily goal, feel good and enjoy your win. Small wins add up to big ones!

12. Me Time

You should be taking small “me times” during the course of your day. Me Time can be anything you enjoy, and is something that takes you away from the clutter of information we are bombarded with. Taking me time lowers your stress levels, and allows you to live a longer and healthier life.

13 Be Positive

This is easier said than done. Beginning your day with a positive mindset is very important. During the course of a day your mindset will be tested. If you can mindfully keep a positive mindset throughout your day, you will have a happier and more successful life.

14, Limit Worry/Anxiety

Stop worrying about what happened yesterday and what is going to happen tomorrow. Be present and think about today! There is nothing you can do about yesterday and tomorrow hasn’t happened, so enjoy today!

15. Breathe

Yes, if we stop breathing we die…I get it. I’m talking about mindful breathing. If you start to feel anxiety or overwhelmed, stop and take a deep breath! There is also a form of breathing called “box breathing” which helps you relax and strengthens your brain.

16. Listen To A Song

This is actually a mindfulness exercise that is easy and fun. Be in your own space, relaxed, put your earbuds in and put on a random song. It works better with a song you don’t know very well. Sit or lay there for the 3-5 minutes (length of the song) with your eyes closed and just listen. Don’t think about anything but what the music brings. Listen to the different sounds and just observe the power of the music.

17. Avoid Negativity

Don’t surround yourself with negative people! Limit the amount of time and energy you spend with negative people, it will have an immediate positive effect on you.

18. Laugh

Just as smiling has a natural effect on your mood, so does laughing. As you avoid negative people, gravitate towards funny ones. Watch a funny show or movie, anything to get those endorphins pumping.

19. Plan Your Next Day

At the end of your day, sit down and write what you want to accomplish the next day. This transfers your thoughts of tomorrow and puts them down on paper. You will sleep better, as you won’t lie in bed worrying about what is going on tomorrow. When you wake up, all you have to do is look at what you have written down and follow the plan.

20. Sleep

Make sure you are getting enough sleep. We are supposed to get 7.5 to 9 hours a night, and the average American gets 6.8. Start scheduling your sleep and start getting the correct amount. You will be amazed at how easy life becomes when you get enough rest. It has an impact on your energy, mental capacity, mood, emotional intelligence, and overall short and long term health. So, write down what you will be doing tomorrow, get a good nights sleep, wake up, start adopting these little things into your day and begin to live a happier, more joyful life! Featured photo credit: aaaaannnnddd JUMP…! by Grego via flickr.com