1. You do no wrong

Okay, maybe you’ll take a little blame sometimes, but the odds are typically stacked in your favor. Why? Because your big doe eyes are impossible to stay angry at. Any dispute between you and your siblings will obviously result in you bringing home the win. You may have stolen your sister’s $30 Dior eyeliner and used it as a replacement for your black crayon, but she really shouldn’t have left it lying around with the rest of her belongings in the first place. How else were you supposed to complete your special edition Sleeping Beauty coloring book? You couldn’t just skip over Maleficent!

2. You’re never without a bestie

Sure, you’ve got friends and siblings, but are they really listening when you vent? Probably not. Dad is though. He may not always want to hear your most recent gripe about your current boyfriend. He might also roll his eyes when you whine about your boss’s seriously ridiculous request that you clean the bathroom, but he’s there to listen. He’s your best friend. You may not realize it at first, but as you grow older, it becomes clearer and clearer that this man was the OG bestie all along.

3. You learn to recognise good people

A solid example of a good man is an important thing in a girl’s life. This is why daddy’s girls don’t settle. We know how a girl should be treated and mutual respect is a requirement for any romantic relationship. Other good things daddy’s girls learn include typical dude things like changing windshield wiper fluid, going with the flow when things get tough, establishing dominance in the workplace, and making an awesome seasoning out of random household condiments.

4. You’ve got an honest opinion

He may not always want to tell you what you want to hear, but sometimes you need a little honesty. While your mom and your friends feed you the compliments you need to stay motivated in refining your skills and talents, your dad dishes up the constructive criticism you need to take things to another level. The trick here is not totally freaking out at his attempt to provide feedback. Ultimately, it’s this honesty that helps you grow to be the amazing person he always knew you could be.

5. Car trouble is no trouble

Most people look at their Check Engine light and see dollar signs. You see another reason to give your dad a call. No matter the problem, he’s there to help you find the best solution. Need a ride back from the shop? He’s there. Looking for a car while yours is out of commission? He’s got your back.

6. Your favorite meal is just a phone call away

As a daddy’s girl, you’ve grown to love the same food your dad loves. This means you’ve always got a dinner date ready to go when you’re craving a few rolls from your favorite sushi joint.

7. You get the BEST advice

Great advice comes from those who know you best. Daddy’s girls get it. This is why we always go to dad for advice. He offers the honest truth and solutions that align with our best interest. While friends lead you astray from time to time, dad’s advice never misses a beat.

8. You’ve always got an honest second opinion

Your friends told you not to worry about the horizontal striped bodysuit. What happened when you saw yourself in pictures? You’re worried. Dad could’ve told you that. No sugar-coated opinions here, just the cold, hard truth you need to avoid bad outfits and bad boyfriends.

9. You experienced an awesome childhood

If dad went, you went. From outdoor adventures to Broadway productions, our dads never let us miss a moment of the fun. Sure there was an age limit, but he didn’t care. Your 2-year-old self had a Phantom of the Opera ticket in hand as you strutted (ok, maybe wobbled) your way down the streets of NYC.

10. You have cool nicknames no one else can call you

It’s just weird when someone else calls you this name. It’s a dad/daughter thing. Any attempt of others to pick it up fails miserably and you wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s what makes it so special.

11. You’ve always got a friend who knows how to cheer you up

Others may try, but sometimes they fail. Dad? He never fails. He knows all of your favorite things and spares no effort in offering them to you in his quest for turning your frown upside down. Maybe one day someone will get close to this 100% success rate, but no one will ever get it quite like Dad. He’s been your best friend your entire life.

12. Someone will always love your Christmas presents

You get him and he gets you. This makes gift-giving fun. Friends and family won’t always love the “from-the-heart” gifts you give them, but dad will. Anything from his little girl might as well be a golden remote that grants access to unlimited football, all year round.

13. And you’ll always get a present you love

Sometimes you get gifts that you’re not so stoked on. Your friend or family member chose something they thought was awesome, but you? Not so much. Obviously you put on your best act to show your appreciation and gratitude for the caution orange sweater with your first initial engraved, but they missed the mark a bit. The good news is that dad is there to make up for it. His gifts are always on point. He knows what you like and carefully chooses unique gifts to fit.

14. “No” is foreign to your best friend

What is a “no”? I’m still not completely sure, but it sounds terrible. Daddy’s girls simply don’t hear “no”. Even if negotiation is required to settle in some instances, you always come out a winner in the end. This goes back to the big doe eyes thing. He can ‘t say no to his favorite person on the planet.

15. You’ll never be without a guardian

Life can get scary and things can get hard. The good news is that as a daddy’s girl, you’ve always got an amazing friend on your side. You’ll never enter a battle on your own. Even better, your companion will be smart, strong, and dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for you.

16. You’ve got the biggest fan section at every event

Everyone is cheering, but you can always hear your dad’s voice above the crowd. He’s so proud of you and your accomplishments that bursting the ear drums of the audience members next to him is a non-issue.

17. Support for a big decision is never an issue

As a human being, you’ll be forced to make a major life decision at least once a year. Things get a whole heck of a lot easier with your dad on your side. He’s there to help you weigh the pros and cons, then make the best possible decision for your current and future happiness. The best part is, he’s there to support you and the decision you’ve made no matter the struggles that lie ahead.

18. A good example is never out of site

Looking for an example of someone who’s made it far in life? Look no further than your dad. He’s been there and done that. After all, he’s raised a daughter who absolutely adores him so he must have done something right.

19. Your secrets are always safe with someone

Secrets tend to leak when you tell them to a friend. Dad on the other hand, he never tells. This means you always have someone to talk to when things get hard and you need a trusted friend to help you through.

20. You always had someone in your corner at parent teacher conferences

Ok, maybe you should’ve paid attention in math. Maybe texting your friends about how insanely bored you were wasn’t the best idea. That’s beside the point now. You’re at parent teacher conference and it’s time to face the consequences…or maybe not. Dad’s in your corner no matter what. He realizes that you’re struggling and does his best to defend his daughter. After he’s spent 30 minutes explaining to the teacher that you are battling a serious case of TAD (text addiction disorder), he takes your teacher’s advice and helps you figure out the whole math thing everyone is so obsessed with.

21. There’s an AMEX gold card with your name on it

It may only be for emergencies, but it’s there if you need it. This makes life a whole lot easier when you find yourself in a bind. Maybe you should’ve changed your oil before taking your car on a girls’ trip to Vegas. The engine blew, but that doesn’t matter now. Your trusty AMEX has your back thanks to dad’s linked account.

22. Having a man is a plus, not a must

Arguably, one of the best things about daddy’s girls is that we already have an awesome guy in our lives. Any additional guys are really just a plus. This means you can take your time to find the one you can’t live without, not dive right into a relationship with the one you seem to get along OK with.

23. You’ve always got a great shopping buddy

He’ll pretend he doesn’t like it, but secretly your dad loves the shopping sprees you take together. You grow to like the stores that have sections for both men and women because this means you can shop for your favorite stuff at the same time. You get honest opinions (as mentioned in point 4) so you never have to worry that your shopping buddy is secretly sabotaging your attempt at achieving the perfect look for this year’s spring fling.

24. A good friend isn’t hard to find

Real friends are a rare thing. However, when you’re a daddy’s girl, you’ve had one since you made your first fabulous appearance on Earth. He’s there for you through thick and thin. He’ll always accept your apologies and will always make time for you no matter how hectic his schedule gets. Why? Because you two are best friends and that’s just what you do.

25. Your bond is unbreakable

When they said nothing lasts forever, they were wrong. As a daddy’s girl, your bond with your main man will never be lost. Even as you dive into your career, get married, or have children of your own, you’ll always have a special connection with your dad. Anytime you’re lost in love, life, or the crazy mess you call apartment living, he’ll be your go-to problem solver. Featured photo credit: Dad and Daughter via shutterstock.com

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