25. Sometimes It Really Is Best To Tell The Whole Truth.

English equivalent: Conceal not the truth from thy physician and lawyer.

24. Guys, Dress Nice ‘Cause It Looks Nice

English equivalent: The clothes make the man

23. It’s Time To Quit, But. . .

English equivalent: Old habits die hard

22. It’s Ok To Pretend

Crede quod habes, et habes~Moore

English equivalent: Fake it till you make it.

21. Learn From Your Mistake

Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare~Cicero

Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one.

20. Keep Learning

English Translation: And knowledge itself, is power

19. Why Not Just Be Nice? AKA: Karma

English equivalent: The door swings both ways; What goes around comes around

18. People Gossip

English Translation: Men believe what they want to.

17. Know Who Your Friends Are

Hostium munera, non munera~Unknown

Translation: Gifts of enemies are no gifts. Note: This advice has its root in the story of the Trojan Horse, the treacherous subterfuge by which the Greeks finally overcame their Trojan adversaries at the end of the Trojan War. English equivalent: Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

 16. Work Is Still A Four Letter Word

English Translation: Nothing comes from nothing (you need to work for something)

 15. You’re Stronger Than You Think You Are

Aegroto dum anima est, spes est~Erasamus

English equivalent: As long as there is life there is hope.

14. Actions Speak Louder Than Words

English equivalent: No need of words, trust deeds.

13. Nothing Lasts Forever

English equivalent: All that is fair must fade

12. Mind Your Own Business

mperare sibi maximum imperium est~Seneca

Translation: To rule yourself is the ultimate power.

11. Doing Nothing Is Sometimes For The Best

English equivalent: If you are unsure what it is best to do, do nothing at all

10. The truth is absolutely lovely

English Translation: Truth is hidden, but nothing is more beautiful than the truth

9. Remember No One Gets Out Of This Life, Alive

English Translation: Remember that you are going to die “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.” Jobs, Steve

8. How You Live Your Life Matters

English Translation: How well you live makes a difference, not how long

7. Take A Chance

Sapere aude~Horace

English Translation: Dare to be wise

6. Everyone’s Life Is Uniquely Their Own

English meaning: Nobody can fully understand another person’s hardship or suffering

5. Just ‘Cause Something Happens Once, It Doesn’t Mean Anything New Is Happening

English Translation: “One swallow doesn’t make spring”

English Meaning: A solitary event is no indication that a major change is taking place

4. Don’t Brag About Yourself

Translation: Empty pots make the most noise

3. Any Time Spent Reading Is Well Spent

English Translation: Take up and read; take up and read!

2. It’s Always Easier To Say Than Do

1. No Fear

Translation: The cause of fear is ignorance 25 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 1725 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 6325 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 7425 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 5125 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 1925 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 5725 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 225 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 9925 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 4125 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 9425 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 2725 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 7025 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 9225 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 7125 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 4225 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 9725 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 1525 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 5325 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 5925 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 9725 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 4725 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 5825 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 1825 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 8225 Latin Proverbs About Life That Will Enlighten You - 41