1. Rock out. Listen to any kind of music that you find soothing.
  2. Call someone you know who will listen to your day.
  3. Give yourself a pep talk. Remember that the situation is temporary.
  4. Pick up a carrot stick and chew away. In other words, eat something but make sure it’s healthy.
  5. Chew some gum.
  6. Have a laugh. Sure the situation you are in isn’t laughable, but it really does help to laugh even at yourself. This is when calling a friend may be particularly useful, to help you find the humor in the situation.
  7. Get outside and take a walk. While walking just enjoy the scenery. Decide that later is a real good time to do any worrying.
  8. Decide to worry about the problem later. All you have to do is make the decision to make time for worrying later.
  9. Fix a hot cup of green tea. Use a natural sweetener, like honey, and sip away. Chamomile is also a natural soother; try some before bed or when you need a good dose of loving kindness for yourself.
  10. Find a mediation exercise. There are many available on YouTube. Take a few minutes, close your eyes and be soothed by the sounds of nature or a chant.
  11. Stand up and stretch it out. Take your time and really stretch your muscles. Stand up and stretch your leg and hip muscles.
  12. Give yourself a massage. Rub out the stress you may be holding in your neck and shoulders.
  13. Tense and relax your muscles, from your toes, to your abdomen, to your arms, and finish with the neck muscles.  Remember to do some deep breathing.
  14. Follow a strict sleep routine. Experts still say that a full seven to eight hours are needed for a good night’s sleep. When your sleep pattern is disrupted, it can lead to higher stress levels during the day.
  15. Take a breather. Inhale deeply, hold for five seconds and then breathe out slowly.
  16. Use a warm wrap to ease stressed muscles, especially in the neck.
  17. Find something to be thankful for. Researchers say that concentrating on something good in your life reduces stress and anxiety tremendously.
  18. Relax the neck muscles, right at your desk, with some head rolls and shoulder shrugs. Reach up and stretch your arms, if you are stuck in a cubicle all day.
  19. Start a private journal–one that is either electronic or hand-written. Either way, take at least 10 minutes a day to write it out. Some psychologists recommend having more than one journal. Get in the habit of jotting down the good things you see and feel.
  20. Make a point of celebrating your accomplishments. Go ahead and give yourself compliments for a job well done. Save up some money to treat yourself to a special treat. You deserve it.
  21. Sing along to your favorite tunes. Belt out your feelings while driving or in the shower.
  22. Try looking at your situation from someone else’s perspective. For example, go ahead and talk the situation out with yourself, you might just end up with a smile on your face.
  23. Instead of focusing on the future or the past, try to stay in the moment. Doctors call this being “mindful.”
  24. Get up and do something besides worrying. Worry does the body and its defenses absolutely no good. Featured photo credit: Common Kingfisher Relaxing/Vinc3PaulS via commons.wikimedia.org