Maybe you believe that “all jobs everywhere” mean nothing more than a life of drudgery. Or maybe you ignore the signs that make you wonder why you do what you do. After all, you have responsibilities, you have commitments, and you need the income, so what if you cannot stand your job? Well, you have convinced yourself to put up with it because quitting is not an option! While quitting may not be an option, you do have other options. There are many shades of grey and you can do things to make the current situation better. You can find out even the wrong job can become more tolerable and pleasant when you take some action! Let’s take a look at 3 signs you are in the wrong job and what you can do about it without quitting

1. You Actively Seek Distractions at Work

If you constantly look for distractions at work and would rather spend your time that way than get any meaningful work done, you are in the wrong job. When your work is not important to you — especially when no one is watching you — you tend not to pay attention to it. Now what can you do about it without walking away? Focus on your current job responsibilities. Why are you not interested in them? You may not be challenged enough, you may not be learning anything new, or you may be ready for a new project and a change. Gather your thoughts, do some research on projects and programs in your team and find at least 3 new exciting areas where you can contribute. Then schedule a time with your boss to suggest how you can improve your productivity and contribution to the company by jumping on something new. Share your research and ask if she can readjust your current tasks.

2. You Have Zero Interest in Engaging with Your Team

Team dynamics are a huge factor and people do not always get along with other people. Maybe it is a personality conflict. Maybe it is the way they treat you. Maybe you have no idea why — but they rub you the wrong way. Whatever the situation may be, first have faith that you can change it. Then decide what kind of team conditions would create a nurturing workplace environment for you. You can then put together a simple proposal plan and talk to your boss about engaging with better people or avoiding engagement with certain people that you consider negative to your productivity. Do it in such a way that you bring the problem to her attention while offering a solution at the same time. Your boss’s job is to keep the peace within the team while keeping everyone productive and happy. You are helping her cause, so take charge of the situation.

3. You Are Doing it Just for the Money

Oh, the money. Especially the kind of money I made in my 6-figure job that I did at home in my pajamas. Let’s face it: the money is nice and there is nothing wrong with loving the money. But if you only do it for the money, then you are in the wrong job. To remedy this situation, just conduct this simple exercise: ask yourself what is it you would do for the rest of your life for free. Do this as a free-flow writing exercise, and don’t stop until you come up with the answer. That is your passion. That shows you work is more than just the money, and knowing what that passion is can help you build a path in that direction, even as you keep your current job. Over to you: Are you a victim of your job circumstances or are you willing to stand up and ask for a few changes to make your job better tomorrow? Let me know in the comments. Featured photo credit: Jason Goodman via