Nobody wants to be called or seen as a failure. No matter how hard and painful it is, we can all admit that we have failed in something in our lives. How was the feeling? And does failing once or twice actually mean you are a failure in life? Numerous institutions both private and state-owned have done a great job in educating (seminars, blogs, motivational speech, books…) general public on ways to adopt in order to succeed in life. But these efforts are all in vain if you do not take transitional steps towards success. So, what does it take to be successful?

Do I have to come from a rich background family? Do I have to get straight A’s at school?…

Look no further for the answers to these questions: here are some of the ways to adopt in your life from constant failure and disappointed to being a successful maniac that every kid would look up to. Heck yeah! You can be someone’s role model.

1. Savings

“Money: Save me today, I’ll save you tomorrow.” Hadn’t you heard this phrase before? Now you have. It’s tempting to think that there is no need to save, after all, if I got this today I shall surely get it tomorrow. Why should I limit myself in the name of saving? If that’s how you think then failure will be a constant shadow in your life. Life is full of uncertainties. Hey, you will get old one day, won’t you? You need to start saving for your retirement. Now! Young people find it a joke when you ask them to start saving for their retirement. “I am still in my 20s/30s, why should I save for my retirement? It’s not even certain I shall live to see the fruits of my savings.”/ I agree, we might kick the bucket before we enjoy the fruits of our savings. But, on the other hand, what if you age gracefully and reach to an age that you can’t work anymore? You have to retire and due to your ignorance you had not made any savings? This is the time you start claiming “life is too harsh.” The truth is: you are to blame. Yeah! You are the one who decided to take this path of failure. Despite the fact that you are healthy today you should save for your health. Isn’t that wishing yourself a bad omen? No! You should save for your health. “Life is full of uncertainties”, remember? And you are not planting a bad omen; it’s just a precaution to protect yourself from financial strain in case of any health epidemic.

2. Determination

You must know that success is not served on a silver plate. You have to work hard for it. You need to have a never give up attitude. If you fail once, that’s not the end. Try it again with a different approach. Do you want to have a private jet, live in a mansion, and have your own helicopter?… Have you ever wondered why they don’t advertise these extremely expensive luxuries on commercial televisions?… The answer is simple, “people who can afford these luxuries aren’t just seated watching TV.” They are busy making money. You don’t have to come from a rich family to be successful, in fact, research has it that most of the world’s richest people had a very humble beginning but worked their selves up to achieving a successful life, because they never stopped doing what they loved. They were determined to go through any obstacles that come their way.

3. Planning

“Failure to plan, is planning to fail.” In order to be successful, you need to have goals in life and a plan of how to achieve these goals. Hey, they need to be realistic plans and goals. You can’t be riding a bicycle and wake up one morning and say “before the end of the day I will buy a private jet.” It’s a good objective but hardly realistic and will only lead to disappointment. Of course, not unless you are planning for “an easy grab and get away” but it will only land you in prison. You need to start with realistic plans, execute them well and you will find yourself earning a lot of money and respect. Conclusion It’s every kid’s dream to be successful in life. But, it’s so unfortunate that these dreams don’t come true to many. There is a difference between saying “I want to be a doctor” and “my passion is being a doctor and I am working hard so that I can be a doctor.” How many people attend seminars or read on how to be successful? Of course, it’s a handful. Most of the times, all it takes is a slight motivation to find the right track, rectify mistakes and march towards success. Like I said earlier, success is not served on a silver plate. You have to make sacrifices. It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed or how many times you have been called a failure. If you do not stop on this journey, you surely will taste the success. Featured photo credit: ummzakariyya via