You don’t attract opportunities because you are not upgrading
I often get asked by my coaching clients: “How can I get more opportunities in my life?” This is a really important question. New opportunities enable us to advance in our lives and careers as a result of an abundance of options to choose from. In the case where we seldom get a chance to upgrade our current situation through new possibilities, it is a common occurrence to feel stagnant, unhappy and unproductive. Most people will assume that inability to attract opportunities is directly tied to lack of passion and merely waiting for a miracle to appear out of the blue. However, this is not the entire truth. There are two elements to successfully attracting new opportunities.

Want progress? Do something new and work on your ‘attractiveness’

“To get something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” –Unknown. This thought-provoking statement suggests that people stay in their own comfort zone and fail to broaden their horizons. As a result, they often resign from their plans too early and settle for mediocrity. Surprisingly, these are often disciplined people who work hard for their living and are respected members of our society. The second and not-so-obvious element is the fact that our inner self reflects in our external environment. The truth is you have to shift existing behaviors and mindset in order to attract opportunities. Favorable circumstances and success come to the ‘attractive’ people who develop ‘inner beauty’, often meet new people, build new relationships and form new business partnerships. It is vital to work on personal development and on character development.

Apply these 3 strategies to attract new opportunities

1. Surround yourself with success.

There is a saying: “You earn the average income of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. Your environment is crucial to your happiness. Successful people have winning habits, strategies and ‘attractive’ personalities. By spending time with them, you will subconsciously start to model these behaviors. Likewise, negative people significantly impact their surroundings, often lacking ambition and spreading pessimistic thoughts.

2. Get out of your comfort zone.

Staying in a familiar environment is comfortable because you know what to expect. However, by not stepping out of a comfortable environment, new things will seldom occur in your life. The aim is to create opportunities by stepping outside the comfort zone instead of waiting for them. Otherwise, your life will be nothing more than comfortable. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will allow you to meet new people and attract a whole array of new situations.

3. Perform daily routines to shape your character.

A strong and attractive character is a result of systematic practice. One of my favorite quotes is “where attention goes, energy flows – results show”. Good conduct and behavior are results of our thoughts and habits. If you are able to set out behaviors that you will repeat daily, your character will be transformed and opportunities will appear as a result. For instance, you could have a morning and evening routines to prioritize and reflect on your current tasks.

How to succeed in the long-term? Use self-reflection and be consistent

Usually people regret things they didn’t do when they had the chance to try. Attracting new opportunities is not down to just luck – step out of your comfort zone and start working on a brand of attractiveness which consists of your character, heart and spirit. The key is to do monthly or quarterly self-reflection activities to evaluate your progress and analyze new areas requiring development. It is important to be systematic in your actions, as they will increase your chances in the long term to attract plenty of new opportunities.