Take some time to go through this list of 20 cheap summer activities and make some realistic goals to complete as many as you can.

1. Visit a strawberry festival

Summer is prime time for tasting strawberries. More often than not, an area that grows strawberries will have a strawberry festival. Indulge yourself in strawberry pies, jams, cakes and more!

2. Have a picnic

Take your partner or your family to the local park and enjoy a relaxing picnic. Designate each person to bring one food item of their choice to add to the fun.

3. Camp in your back yard

The summer heat can sometimes make it hard to sleep. Why not enjoy the heat outside in the yard? Pitch a tent or gaze into the night sky.

4. Take long walks

Discover something new where you live. Take the afternoon off from your chores and go for a long walk. You may be surprised by what you discover.

5. Break a world record

Breaking a world record doesn’t have to be time-consuming. You could even break one on your lunch hour. Give it a go!

6. Go on a bike ride

The number of bike paths on roads in big cities has increased dramatically over the years. Take advantage, and enjoy the summer breeze.

7. Join a gym class

The gym is not everyone’s idea of a good time, but why not go with a friend a join a class? Spinning, yoga and step classes are always more fun with friends, and a lot of gyms allow you to pay-as-you-go.

8. Find a new hobby

The summer is the perfect time to find a new hobby. Serotonin (our body’s natural “happy” hormone) is produced by the sunshine and will be at a yearly high, which is great for when we want to tackle something new.

9. Join a sports team

Not all sports teams are competitive and require huge amounts of your time. Join in the fun with like-minded people, get fit, stay healthy and make some friends along the way.

10. Make a slip ‘n slide

Gather your friends, some plastic sheeting, a hose, washing up liquid if desired, and make a huge slip ‘n slide just like these guys. Granted, yours won’t be as big, but you get the idea… it’s fun!

11. Make a treasure hunt for your kids

Today’s digital world sees our children more often than not playing inside than outside. Why not create a sense of adventure by making a treasure hunt? Only rule? It has to be outside.

12. Visit a free festival

Towns and cities are awash with free festivals, with themes from film to science. Scout your local area and discover something new.

13. Visit the zoo

Let’s face it: we love animals. While browsing news websites and social media networks you’re bound to come across a few pictures of cats. Take a trip to your local zoo for a better experience.

14. Take a road trip

Enjoy the open road with a few friends and take a road trip somewhere–anywhere. Just go out and enjoy the sunshine!

15. Play ultimate frisbee in the park

Frisbee is always great fun down the park, but why not turn it into more of a competitive sport by playing ultimate frisbee?

16. Make your own ice cream

Ice cream is a very versatile dessert. Make a sandwich, enjoy a cone, or simply just enjoy a bowl full. Better yet, making your own ice cream allows you to create any flavor you want.

17. Invite your neighbors over for a BBQ

When was the last time you invited your neighbors over? Do you even know them? Now’s your chance. Just ask each person to bring a food item so costs don’t mount up for you.

18. Get a summer job

For many students, summer is the time for relaxation and fun. But who said earning money and being productive isn’t fun? You only get out what you put into a situation.

19. Attend a charity event

Attending a charity event is a great way to raise funds and awareness for a cause, meet new people, and generally have a good time. Search for your local charity event today.

20. Visit a national park

National parks are a great way to explore nature and learn something new. You could even volunteer and make a difference in helping restore natural habitats.

21. Visit your local comedy club

Local comedy clubs are extremely underrated. They are cheap to attend and no doubt you’ll have a barrel of laughs.

22. Make your own hammock

Hammocks are very relaxing, are perfect for summer afternoons and are surprisingly easy to make.

23. Read in your new hammock

Now you have your very own hammock, the only thing left to do is enjoy it. Grab your favorite book and read to your heart’s content.

24. Watch a movie outside

Movies are great. Relaxing outside in the evening is great. Put them together and you’ve got a perfect combination. In D.C, Maryland and Virginia this summer, for example, you can enjoy a huge number of movies outside.

25. Take a hike

Hikes are a great way to keep fit and see more of Mother Nature. There are countless trails available for you to explore. Why not try some this summer?

26. Learn how to fly a kite

As a child, you probably had a kite and haven’t touched it since. Why not dust it off and attempt to fly it? It’s tricky, but well worth the challenge.

27. Work out at the park

American cities are full of parks with ample space for a work out session. No doubt you’ll be happier to work out in the sun rather than a crowded gym.

28. Take your dog to the beach

One of the many joys of owning a dog is taking him or her for long walks during the summertime. This joy is enhanced when visiting the beach, for both you and your dog.

29. Make a summer smoothie

Healthy, delicious and perfect for the summer. Not only that, there are countless recipes ready for you to try.

30. Attend a free yoga session at the beach

No experience needed and all skill levels are welcome. Take yourself and a buddy down to the beach and try some yoga. You’ve got nothing to lose! Featured photo credit: Ian Wagg via unsplash.com