The definition of peace of mind varies from person to person, but generally, it is an attitude of acceptance toward life. It is a mind free from any emotional or mental fears and worries. Having peace of mind means you’re not dependent on anyone or anything to find happiness. It means that you take responsibility for your happiness, and you’re pursuing the things that bring joy and fulfillment into your day. Peace of mind is a gift that comes from within, and it’s something that you can easily learn to cultivate. In fact, it’s a skill that you can develop right now, regardless of your past experiences.

39 Ways to Find Inner Peace

If you want to achieve peace of mind and inner calm, here are 39 simple and powerful tips.

1. Listen to Music

Studies have found that relaxing music can help kids with ADHD to be calmer and focus. But it doesn’t matter what genre of music you want to listen to, as long as you enjoy it and it makes you feel relaxed. Music is food for the soul and an instant way to gain peace of mind. Researchers found out that listening to music can change brain function just like medication, particularly Celtic, Native American, Indian stringed instruments, flutes, and drums, as well as sounds of thunder, rain, and light jazz [1]. So what are you waiting for? Grab a pair of headphones and listen to these types of songs.

2. Deep Breathing

When you focus on your breathing, your mind’s attention is drawn to the life-enhancing process of drawing in air and exhaling. Take five long, deep breaths and focus on your lungs and diaphragm as you do this. This is a quick and easy way to instantly feel calm. Here’re also 5 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety (Simple and Calm Anxiety Quickly).

3. Go for a Walk in Nature

Getting out in the fresh air can do you a world of good and promote peace of mind. Take a break and get the blood pumping –  especially when the sun is shining. Too much concrete is never a good thing. Spending time in nature can actually make you feel younger and happier.  Listen to the birds singing and enjoy the peace and tranquility. You don’t have to go far to follow this tip. Simply take a walk along your neighborhood, or head to a park a few minutes from home.

4. Play with a Pet

Having a pet to play with is a great way to de-stress. Touch is a powerful sense and can ease tension and promote peace of mind. One study proved that even people dealing with mental health conditions reported a reduction of their anxiety through tactile stimulation with an animal [2]. If you have a pet, cuddle them. This will make you feel better and give you endorphins.

5. Get Enough Sleep

When we’re tired and grumpy, nothing goes smoothly. Get eight hours of sleep per night and regenerate your body. Quality rest will allow you to feel energized for the next day, affecting your stress levels. Have trouble falling asleep early? Try going to bed at the same time each night. A few minutes before going to bed, switch off your devices, play relaxing music, and have some tea. Establishing a bedtime ritual will help your body develop this habit. Maintaining peace of mind and wellness has the power to transform your life. If you’re having difficulty getting quality deep sleep, read this article, “How to Get Deep Sleep in 5 Steps Naturally.”

6. Declutter

Have regular clear-outs. Clutter can add to feelings of tension, while a clean and clear home allows a more peaceful mind. Think this is too big of a task? Do it little by little. Start with your desk, then work your way through your closet. Finally, declutter your kitchen and living area. You can give away the stuff you don’t use anymore or have them up for sale.

7. Acceptance

Acceptance is crucial for peace of mind. Accepting that there are few guarantees in the world and learning to tolerate uncertainty is a huge leap in the peace-of-mind stakes. Differentiate between what you can and cannot control.

8. Mindfulness

When we are mindful, we are fully present in the moment and acutely aware of our five senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. Engage your senses. This leaves less time for your mind to worry and think about “what ifs.” So how can you practice mindfulness? Try breathing exercises and meditation, and focus on one thing at a time. Here you can learn about The Power of Mindfulness.

9. Self-Love

The more we like ourselves, the greater our peace of mind. We accept ourselves more and feel at ease in the world, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. We experience less insecurity, and as a result, our inner peace is heightened. Practicing self-love is easier than you think. For example, you can set aside time for a long shower, treat yourself to a movie night, or light a few scented candles in your room. Self-love doesn’t always have to be grand, but it has to be intentional. Start by trying these 30 Ways To Practice Self-Love And Be Good To Yourself.

10. Be True to You

This is another vital component of peace of mind and wellness. When we practice congruence, we behave similarly to how we feel and think. When the way we see ourselves and the way the world sees us is the same, we are practicing congruence. Problems arise when we see ourselves one way (for example, as a loving mother) but behave in ways that are at odds with how we would like to see ourselves (for example, neglecting our children because we are too busy). Finding ways to keep our inner ideals and how we behave similarly is one of the keys to peace of mind. Find out How to Be True to Yourself and Live the Life You Want.

11. Sense of Humor

Laugh a lot. The world is instantly a better place when you can see the funny side of life. Laughter is a great antidote for stress and releases hormones that help us relax.So does this tip mean make jokes all time or watch 10 comedy movies daily? Of course not. It simply means to change your perspective.

12. Love Unconditionally

When you don’t expect anything back, it makes it easier to love without fear. When we love with conditions attached, our unmet expectations can create inner turmoil and feelings of resentment. Insecurities destroy the peace of mind. Unconditional love is the opposite of conditional love. Conditional love is your love for someone when you expect something in return. When conditional love is present in your relationships, it creates unmet expectations, leading to resentment, disillusionment, conflict, and unhappiness.

13. Go for Regular Health Checks

You may constantly tell yourself that “I want peace of mind,” but if you’re not doing anything about it, it won’t happen. It pays to keep checks on your health and look after yourself. Letting ourselves go can indicate a lack of self-respect, and this, in turn, will affect the way we see the world and the way others interact with us. Be kind to yourself and make the most of what you have. Don’t have time to visit a doctor? Leverage technology. There are tons of health apps available for remote health consultations.

14. Take Stock

Now and then, it’s a good idea to check whether you’re happy with the quality of your life. Do you like your job? Your relationship? Are you on the right track? Make adjustments if necessary to restore inner calm. By constantly assessing your life, you can catch both minor and major aspects that you need to change. This could be your career, romantic relationships, diet, or more.

15. Have Goals

This ties in with number 14. Goals keep us going in the right direction and give us a sense of purpose. However, making goals is not enough. Make your goals SMART; it should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. These parameters will make you more accountable.

16. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Learn to be more flexible in your approach to life. The more rigid our thinking is, the easier it is to experience situations that contradict our rigid ideas. When you catch yourself beating yourself up over something trivial, consciously tell yourself to stop doing so.

17. Live in the Moment

Instead of worrying about the past or panicking about the future, really enjoy the NOW. It’s all we have — this moment in time. When we live in the present, the concerns of the past and future can’t worry us. More than that, you’ll get more from life when you pay attention to the present. But how can you live in the moment? Every day, take a break to do something that makes you happy. Notice the little things – how the sky looks, how delicious your meals are, how your partner talks lovingly to you. Finally, take a break to do something that makes you happy daily. Here’re some tips on how to live in the moment and stop worrying about the past or future.

18. Worry Less

We apparently have 6,000 thoughts running through our heads every day [3]. Learn to “shelve” worrying by reminding yourself that most of your worries are unproductive and remove any chance of peace of mind.

19. Be Assertive

This is one of the best tips to achieve a calm state of mind. You have as much right to be here and to have an opinion as anyone else. When we become passive or submissive, we do ourselves a disservice. Being assertive isn’t about your needs ahead of others (aggressive) or their needs ahead of yours (passive). Rather, it is about compromise —  a “win-win” situation. When you know you deserve something more, do not be afraid to fight for it. Learn how to be assertive and stand up for yourself the smart way.

20. Speak Your Mind

Don’t be afraid to say what you’re thinking. This goes hand in hand with being assertive. Ask for what you want in life. If you don’t ask, you don’t get it. Of course, this tip is easier said than done. After all, not everyone can speak their mind, especially when other people are around. So start small, maybe this involves telling your partner where you want to eat for dinner or what movie you want to watch.

21. Enjoy “Me-Time”

A little bit of selfish time to treat yourself or do exactly as you please sets you up for taking on the constant demands of life. Balance in life is crucial. When you leave time for yourself, you can uncover the different layers of your being. This is extremely crucial for your personal development. So what can you do? Travel on your own, or eat dinner in your favorite restaurant alone. Don’t be afraid to spend time with yourself.

22. Frolic

The free online dictionary describes the word “frolic” as: All work and no play will stress anyone out. Make time for things you enjoy. Try to inject fun into situations that aren’t particularly enjoyable. Approach life with a playful attitude. When did you last let the child in you come out to play? Whether it’s dancing in the rain, watching an animated film, or just letting go of your worries, try out this tip.

23. Let It Go

There are some things that you just cannot change, no matter how hard you try. Know when to cut your losses and detach (just like how Elsa!). The best thing to do to let go is accepting what you cannot change. Acceptance will set you free from the struggle. When you start to let go of your past, these 10 things will happen.

24. Resist Guilt

Guilt is a negative emotion that removes peace of mind. Although it can motivate us (in the wrong way), it is still a toxic emotion. In fact, one study showed that it could literally weigh you down [4]. Challenge the reasons for your guilt to make sure you aren’t placing unnecessary pressure on yourself. If something doesn’t happen the way you want it to, don’t blame yourself. Remember that there are things you cannot control.

25. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

Focusing on all the things in our lives that we are grateful for promotes inner calm and reminds us that there are always positives. Sometimes we just have to nudge our awareness. The key to being grateful is to notice the little things. Had a great breakfast? Be grateful for it. Was your morning commute free of traffic? Give thanks for it. No matter how little it may seem, acknowledge the positive things happening in your day. Try these 40 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude.

26. See Failure as a Learning Curve

Failure has such negative connotations, but actually, everyone fails. How can you improve or learn anything if you never fail? Even the most famous people failed at some point in their lives. A healthy attitude towards failure encourages bravery. It’s not you that is the failure. Instead, it is what you tried that failed. There is a big difference. Eventually, you’ll get the hang of it. Just don’t be afraid to try again.

27. Connect with Others

One of the true joys of life is sharing life with others and knowing that others “get” you. We feel less alone, and feeling understood allows a fantastic sense of well-being. Make an effort to connect with others, even if it’s just to say hello. From here, you’ll be surprised at how you can help friendships and bonds blossom.

28. Test Your Limits

You’ll never know your true potential if you always stay in your comfort zone. As the old saying goes, it is better to look back and regret what you did than regret all those things you wish you’d tried. Start where you are. Push yourself to do something difficult each day. Sometimes that may be something as simple as saying hello to someone new or making a phone call you’ve been putting off. The aim is to stretch yourself, learn and grow as a person. Learn to step out of your comfort zone: 10 Ways To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Overcome Your Fear

29. Find Positive Outlets for Negative Emotions

Sports, online forums, like-minded people, hobbies…whatever takes your fancy. Suppressing negative emotions can lead to ill health. Release tension and frustration in a pro-social way and feel much happier. When you learn how to channel your negative emotions well, you can avoid blowing things out of proportion. If you constantly repress your emotions, it will simply drain you. Whenever you feel yourself feeling a negative emotion, remember your outlet.

30. Slow Down

Why does everything need to be accomplished today? Often, we place unrealistic pressure on ourselves when there is no need to. Challenge your impatience, be mindful and enjoy life at the moment. This is how you can be calm and peaceful. But how can you slow down? Be deliberate in your actions and try not to rush.

31. Challenge Your “Shoulds” and “Musts”

Self-induced pressure never leads to inner tranquility or peace of mind. Replace “should” with “could” and live more on your terms. “Shoulds” and “musts” are binding and lead to constant self-imposed pressure. Gently remind your inner child that life is not a competition and you don’t have to be the best at everything. You’re allowed to fail without being a failure.

32. Be Kind

It’s free, and it makes a difference. When we show kindness, it gives us an inner boost, too. Often, we are inclined to treat ourselves as we would our favorite person, so it’s good to remind ourselves as often as possible that kindness is free and there’s no downside to practicing it. You can try these 29 Ways to Carry Out Random Acts of Kindness Every Day.

33. Don’t Compare

The more we compare, the more we lose ourselves. Forget what everyone else is doing or saying. What do YOU want? We all have our paths to follow, and we are all learning and going through life at our unique pace. Focus on your journey and lose the stress of comparing yourself to what you think is going on in the lives of others. Comparison is the thief of joy. Our happiness lies in following our path, not in the feeling of being the same as other people.

34. Affirmations

Talk to yourself positively by using affirmations. A good example of one that encourages peace of mind is: “No matter what comes my way, I will find a way to get through it.” Believe in yourself and remind yourself regularly that you will be okay. By affirming yourself, you will gain a sense of control over your emotions. Need some more inspiration to affirm yourself? Here’re 10 Positive Affirmations for Success that will Change your Life.

35. Save a Little Money as Often as You Can

Putting money aside is always a good idea. If you can afford to save money regularly, do it. Start up a regular debit each month, and you won’t even realize it’s gone. It also helps to stay on track of where your money is going and what you need for the month. When you know how much money you have available to spend, you can decide to spend it on what you want instead of what you don’t want.

36. Less is More

Money buys choice, but it doesn’t buy us the happiness we crave. Be content with the simpler things in life — that’s where the real, long-lasting joy and peace of mind come from. When you apply this principle in your life, you will not only feel happier, but you will also instantly feel richer. So let go of your excessiveness and get to know what matters most.

37. Perspective

Always keep your eye on the bigger picture. Will you feel this way next week or a year from now? Will your current experience of life seem as important? More often than not, you will be just fine. Foster peace of mind by maintaining perspective in life. Shifting your perspective will help you to clarify what you really want and need. Remember that there is much more to our lives than what we see and touch. Never forget to keep the bigger picture in mind – and to be grateful for all that we have. When you do so, you will be rich in the best way possible.

38. Monitor Your Thoughts

Our thoughts can make or break our quality of life. Make sure to choose thinking that works for you. Talk to yourself as you would a best friend. Self-loathing serves no purpose and will undoubtedly extract joy from your life. Speaking kindly and lovingly to yourself will bring about the best in you and all around you. You truly deserve to be happy. Your thoughts can be a source of great joy or despair. The choice is always yours to take.

39. Stand Up for What You Believe In

Whether it’s protecting animals or helping those less fortunate than yourself, follow your heart and your passion. Fight the urge to fit in and do what’s expected. When you change yourself to suit others, you give away your peace of mind. But whatever happens, when standing up for what you believe in, do it with respect.

Final Thoughts

The most important ways to achieve peace of mind involve being true to yourself, accepting that life is uncertain, and watching your thinking. Many of us mentally “torture” ourselves daily with the things we tell ourselves. Trust your thoughts less, pay less attention to the negative ones and focus on what you are thankful for in life, and you’ll be well on your way to the inner peace of mind. Featured photo credit: sean Kong via