Paying Student Loans

Student debt seems to be the one unavoidable facet of Millennial life. Some people like to write the growing debt off as the laziness of our generation, but we know better. We know that we’re out there busting our asses and looking for the most effective ways to get our debt paid off, and fast. Turns out, this is having a huge impact on the cities that we like too. Millennials are loving these often overlooked cities with lots of great employment opportunities and a low cost of living; the perfect storm for quick loan repayment.

Raising a Family

It’s tough to raise a family these days and nobody knows that better than new parents. Choosing the best city to raise a family in is hard work. Aspiring parents should focus on cities that offer good schools, quality children’s healthcare, and tons of other parents in the exact same situations that you’re in. And don’t stop at high school education when looking for a city with good local education facilities. We know all too well that having to look out of state for a good university can be financially devastating. Although we don’t think of it as having a huge direct impact, a city that’s easy on parents is critical as well. Look for cities that will treat you right and avoid triggering that ‘angry mom’ gene.

Cities with Culture

All those student loans weren’t for naught. Millennials are by far the most educated generation ever and our taste for culture is reflected in that. We’re not satisfied with earning a paycheck and then plopping down in front of the tv. Millennials love food, wine, music, and everything else that goes into a highly cultured city. We’re not afraid to move into a fixer-upper, if it means living in a city with a well-established cultural base. Unfortunately many of us have seen firsthand that our top cities for culture, like New York or Washington D.C., are way out of our budget. Meanwhile, the cheapest cities aren’t always the most family-friendly. The best cities for Millennials have to bring it all together into a well-wrapped package. Taking everything above into account, here are my top four cities for those of our generation.

1. Houston

This is no shocker. Ranking well in all three of our factors, Houston is quickly becoming a top city for young people. Its prime gulfside location keeps a steady flow of unique culture coming into the city, not to mention loads of great fish to fuel our shared craving for late night sushi. There can’t be any other city in the world, where you can get incredibly fresh sushi and authentic Texas barbeque on the same block. On top of that Houston had a remarkable 3.7% unemployment rate in 2015, almost two percentage points below the national average.

2. Dallas

It seems fair to say that Texas, once the paradigm of rural America, is making a name for itself in in the urban domain. First Houston and now Dallas, another hub of culture and beautiful mixing place for North and Central America. Add to that Dallas’s award-winning schools and its healthy 3.8% unemployment and you’ve got another great match.

3. Boise

I’ve gotta throw in a little hometown pride here. Boise isn’t quite the metropolis that popular Northwest cities like Seattle and Vancouver are, but it’s also not so remarkably unaffordable. Millennials are starting to realize this and Boise is growing like crazy, creating interest in new commerce centers and bringing great culture into the city. Local entrepreneurs are also taking advantage of the boom with popular destinations like the Boise Fry Company. If that’s not enough, Boise beats every other city on this list with a whopping 2.6% unemployment and tons of affordable housing.

4. Philadelphia

The only Eastern city on this list, Philly sets itself apart from its neighbors with affordable housing. It packs all the cultural punch of New York or Boston without the huge price tag. There’s absolutely no doubt that Millennials are already making their mark in Philadelphia and taking advantage of a world class city, at a discount.