These are just a couple of the problems that can occur with mass-produced office furniture. Not that buying something from the high street is a bad thing though; many of their furnishings and fittings have now been manufactured to look higher end, and you certainly can’t argue with those prices! In some cases, purchasing home office furniture that’s been personally tailored to your space by, for example, a professional joiner, is a much more convenient option than taking a chance on something that hasn’t. Here are four key reasons why home office furniture that’s been personally tailored to your space can save you a lot of stress and possibly even money!

1. It will fit perfectly in your space

Unless you’ve taken the time to measure up, there’s every chance the flat pack bookcase you bought from Ikea won’t actually fit into the space you picked out for it. You may even find that you can’t actually find something that does fit the dimensions you calculated. Something that’s been personally tailored towards your home office, on the other hand, will. As well as getting the height and width of the piece spot on, someone like a joiner will be able to design it to fit into any strangely shaped alcoves or nooks, saving you quite a chunk on replacing a piece that didn’t fit after all.

2. It won’t be affected by wonky floors

It’s quite rare that every floor in your house is completely level. While it might not be so bad that it resembles a fun house, it is enough to make shop-bought home office furniture sit slightly off-kilter. In the same way that furniture tailored towards your particular room can slot into any of its nooks and crannies, it can also be cut to mimic the slope of the floor. The result is a piece of home office furniture that sits perfectly straight and won’t keep irritatingly catching your eye while you’re trying to work!

3. It won’t conflict with the rest of your home office design

It might be that you aren’t experienced in effective home office design, or that the colourful desk you saw in a catalogue doesn’t look quite the same shade of green in real life, but either way, it’s very easy to choose pieces of off the shelf furniture that conflict with the rest of your décor. Everything in your home office should be reflective of you and your work, including your furniture. Its style, colour and even texture all need to be taken into consideration, but with such a wide range of customer demands out there, it’s something that can prove quite hard to do on the high street who usually just stick to fail-safe combinations as a result. So if you want something like a chair in country cottage styling but also a bright pop of colour, a tailored piece is the way to go.

4. You won’t have to settle for second best

When you have such a clear vision of what you want your office furniture to look like in your head, it’s understandable that when you can’t find the right thing on the high street you settle for second best. This disillusionment with furniture you’ll have to look at and use every day can even eat into your work, creating a home office environment more associated with dread than productivity. This is one of the main reasons why personally tailored home office furniture should be considered as an alternative. After collaborating with a joiner or designer, the finished product will be exactly as you had envisioned and incorporate design elements like contours, paint colours, prints and even branding that is truly unique to you. As well as looking great, it’ll help boost you productivity. While tailored furniture and fittings are an expensive thought, they can actually prove more suitable for certain spaces and be more cost-effective in the long run. While I can’t deny that tailored furniture might not beat Ikea prices, it’ll certainly beat the competition in terms of quality, sustainability and the ability to get your requirements right first time. What are your thoughts on tailored furniture for the home office? Leave us a comment!