1. Beer Pong

In recent times, this has become a party essential. Even if the party is with people under the drinking age, you can just replace the beer with lemonade or squash. Regardless of the drink, this is a great way to have fun, and it’s an extremely simple game to organize. All you need is some plastic cups, a table, and a ping pong ball. To play with ten plastic cups, set up a triangle with four cups in a line closest to the edge of one end of the table. Then, place three cups in front of these cups, and then two in front of these. Finish off with one single cup closest to the middle of the table. Essentially, it will look like the shape of a triangle; like the red balls in snooker (or multi-colored balls in billiards) before the break. With this set up on both sides of the table, players will stand behind their cups on one side of the table, and take turns trying to throw the ball into the opponent’s cups. When a shot lands, the player behind the cups has to drink its contents; the first team to remove all of the other team’s cups is the winner. When it comes to breaking the ice, this will bring the competition and life out of everyone.

2. Forehead Investigator

With just some post-it notes and a pen, everyone can get involved in this game, and it’s a great way to have fun. With a post-it note each, everyone must write a famous person, character, or name that will be recognized by all on their note. Then, each person sticks the name they wrote on someone else’s forehead (make sure the recipient doesn’t see the name). If all goes well, everyone will have a post-it note on their head. Then, taking turns, you will ask each other questions that will give a yes or no answer, using them to try to figure out the name on your forehead. With this game, you can have forfeits and funny punishments for those who take the longest to guess their person, and a cool prize for the winner.

3. Truth or Dare

Truth or dare is a party classic that has been played for many years. Simply sit in a circle, or around the room, and take turns to either answer a question truthfully or perform a dare instead. The only things you need to play are some good truth or dare questions[1] to use. Although, these days, you can just download a truth or dare app[2] to handle everything. Either way, if you’re getting to know people, the truth questions are a great way to do this; but perhaps you may learn even more about others from the various dares that you get them to do!

4. The Mummy

Finally, let’s finish with a simple game that will get messy and produce a lot of laughs. In truth, it couldn’t be easier; after splitting into teams, each team will have a designated mummy. Then, as quickly as possible, each team has to wrap their mummy completely in toilet paper so no visible skin or clothing can be seen (except for the mouth and eyes of course). The team to mummify their player the fastest wins!