However, excitement and joy often cloud one’s judgments, leading us to disastrous consequences. It’s been calculated that on an average, there are about 3 accidents involving cars in Europe every summer. One must be aware this calculation is just based on Europe, it could be a larger number if you would calculate worldwide. It often involves excited families and dramatic friends, instead of leaving a memory of having the best time of their lives, it just ends in a tragedy. Often times these accidents are due to careless driving and the “Caution to The Wind ” character. Here are some practices to enjoy a safe and happy summer road trip.

1.Never Disturb the Driver. If You’re a Co-Driver Keep That in Mind.

If you’re travelling with 5 or more people, it’s hard to contain the excitement. It’s easy to indulge in the fun that goes on in the back seat. Sometimes you might feel left out and feel the need to contribute and you stop prioritizing your driving. If your co-driver too failed to insist on the importance of concentration, then this could actually be your biggest haphazard. What happens if you lose concentration for just a moment? It couldn’t be the end of the world, you may argue. Based on my personal experience, this is where people lose not only their happy memories, but they tend to lose their loved ones or even worse, their own lives. After being a depressed victim of witnessing my friend losing his life to this same reason, I can’t help but send the story of caution through my writing. If you’re a co-driver, your responsibility is to keep the driver awake and focused on his driving. You should refrain from disturbing or dragging the driver into situations and circumstances that might take away his focus on driving. Furthermore, if you’re the driver, you should always keep in mind that you’re responsible for the number of lives in your car. That should be a perfect reminder why you should never be distracted.

2. Never Text and Drive.

We function on a very technological level. We prefer hanging out with our virtual friends compared to interacting with people. Therefore, we are never apart from our devices, unless we are taking a bath or sleeping. Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and various other networks seems to always be a priority in our lives. Therefore, it’s never surprising that the most common deaths resulting from accidents are due to texting. The text and drive concept began with our first mobile phone. It never ended there, as our technologies seemed to improve our everyday lives, it also became the biggest haphazard of the road. Hence, if you’re driving make sure to keep your phones on silent or connected to a Bluetooth. A Bluetooth connector could either be an additional software with the car or a separate device attached to your ear. Google too has created voice commands, where you’re able to voice out your reply instead of texting. Practicing this doesn’t only spare your life, but it also saves the lives of others on the road. I don’t think so you would want to be the cause of another being’s death.

3. Always Carry a Pair of Sunglasses.

The sun during the summer is our worst enemy, often times it’s too powerful for the mortal world. The heat seeps through our skin, cooking it from the inside however the worst isn’t the heat, but the glare of the sun. The bright sun can often time deprive you of your eyesight, especially while driving. This in many cases can lead into an accident, which either harms your physically and financially, or harms another person. Therefore, the best way to prevent any of such incidents from occurring is to take proper precaution. In this case, it would be to always carry around a pair of sunglasses. There are various ranges for proper sunglasses, the best would be the UV400 rated sunglasses. This is because these kind of glasses only allows minimal amount of light penetrating through (3%-18%) and also act as amazing light reflectors. It helps you protect your eyes and gives you the necessary vision needed for driving. They  say caution is always better than consequence.

4.Never Assume Speeding Is Cool.

If you’re in Germany this summer, you’ll soon realize that there is rarely any limitation for speed on the freeway. The cars fly down the freeway in competition with Nazcar. I suppose some of the drivers might have even broken the world record. However this isn’t something to be taken lightly. In other words, it’s an unofficial death sentence on the road. Even though it may pain your ego or you may get classified as uncool, when faced with a challenge to speed across the freeway or any random street, please reject such ideas. It’s better than inflicting serious danger upon everyone around. Often enough, the innocent victims involved are your passengers or another user of the road. Summer is a season to be remembered and road trips are events that create beautiful memories. Try to always stay on the safe side when you’re on the road then you will definitely have the best summer of your life without hurting anyone or yourself. Featured photo credit: via