Whether it be around money, gender stereotypes, or yourself, these dis-empowering beliefs are most likely still lingering in the back of your mind holding you back from accomplishing what you truly desire. We all have limiting beliefs, and it’s these beliefs that hold us back from following our dreams. I believe that if you implement these 4 ideas into your life, you’ll start removing your self-limiting beliefs today and create a more empowering lifestyle for yourself!

1. Identify Your Limiting Belief

To make things simple, a limiting belief is an assumption about reality that isn’t true. It’s true to you because you believe it to be true, but this assumption of what is true is holding you back from growing as a person. The key here to identifying your limiting beliefs is to first get clear on what your beliefs are. This means take a pen and a piece of paper and write down everything that you believe to be true in your reality. Here’s an example: Whatever it is that you believe, write it down. The next step is to observe. Observe the beliefs you just wrote down. When speaking about what you believe to be true to yourself or another person, observe what you say. Usually our limiting beliefs will reveal themselves through the words that we speak and feelings we feel. If you’re talking about your beliefs with a friend and you both get into a dispute about what each of you believe, observe your point of view and take note of theirs.Then seek for the truth. Be open to new information and try to search for an answer around this topic. Your goal here is to find and embody a more holistic, empowering and universal belief to replace the old one.

2. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Do you tend to put other people above yourself and believe that you can’t accomplish what they can? When we compare ourselves to others in this way, it tends to kill our confidence and makes us feel inferior. Do you have some type of skill that you feel confident about? When watching someone who is more skilled than you, do you start comparing yourself to them? Maybe you start focusing on how much better they are and start thinking that you’re not good enough. This leads you into doubting yourself and even your dreams. This type of thinking is natural, but it doesn’t help. There is no reason to downplay your potential because someone else is currently better. There will always be someone with more expertise and more experience than you. This doesn’t have to mean anything about you though, unless you make it about you. You are a unique person with unique traits and skills, and other people with more success than you in various areas don’t dictate the success you can create for yourself! Don’t allow yourself to compare yourself with another person. If you do this in a self-criticizing way, this does nothing but hold you back from your full potential.

3. Stop Letting The Past Define Your Future

Do you tend to relive past mistakes and failures? Everyone has made mistakes in their life, but not everyone interprets mistakes in the same way. Mistakes and failures from your past don’t have to define what is possible for your future. But this is exactly how many people view their past. They let the past define who they are and end up limiting the possibilities for their future. The past doesn’t have to define or limit you. Your future is created in this present moment of time. Realize the mistakes you have made, let the past go, move on and create a future for yourself where that mistake has liberated you! “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. Take Action And Test Your Assumptions

Nothing will shatter your limiting beliefs like pushing your boundaries and living on the edge. Your dis-empowering beliefs tend to bring up fear, anxiety, and overall resistance in your life. When we feel resistance, we interpret this as a sign that we aren’t doing something right, or that we can’t do something. We hit a roadblock and stop doing what we know needs to be done. Instead of letting the feeling of resistance keep you stuck, get in motion and do what you know works. This is where developing empowering beliefs comes in handy. Your new empowering beliefs will keep you motivated and determined to accomplish your end goals! Don’t assume you can’t do something because you feel fearful and nervous. These feelings simply mean you are venturing out your comfort zone and enhancing your personal growth. Removing limiting beliefs is only hard if you make it. Follow what I’ve outlined today, open yourself up to developing new and more empowering beliefs and nothing will be able to stop your from becoming your greatest self! Do you think you have a belief that is holding you back or have you overcome any limiting beliefs? Let me know in the comments below! Featured photo credit: Photopin via pixabay.com