1. A date on Arthur’s Seat

Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful cities in the UK, but just one of many in Scotland. Its medieval old town and more landmarks than you can count in a day are a treat at every turn, but the best way to take in its impressive vista is from on top of Arthur’s Seat. Meet your date in the Royal Park and climb it together.

2. Look for deer in a coastal forest

Tentsmuir Forest near Tayport ticks all the boxes. Easy to access, the well-kept paths lead through a dense forest of tall pines, twisting and turning until it spills you out onto a huge pale, sandy beach. Views in all directions will leave you and your date lost for words. Watch for deer, the white on their rump is usually the thing that catches your eye.

3. Sunset selfie at St Andrews

Like Edinburgh, St Andrews has many stunning sights, so a date to this tiny city won’t disappoint. More the size of a small town, cobbled streets, a world-famous university and golf course, plus dozens of grand-looking buildings make for a pleasant stroll. Wind up at the ruined cathedral with an impressive seascape backdrop, perfect for you and your date’s first selfie.

4. Roam free in Rob Roy country

One of the finest national parks in Scotland, Loch Lomond and The Trossachs will steal your heart. The largest body of fresh water in the UK plays host to a variety of wildlife, including red squirrel, osprey and red deer. Expect to keep repeating ‘wow’.

5. See the Highlands and Islands from an awesome coast road

Head to the west coast road; drive north and take in mile after mile of jaw-dropping scenery. The islands to the left include Arron, Islay, and Jura, where George Orwell wrote 1984. Pristine white sands and turquoise sea aren’t unlike what you’d expect to see in a tropical paradise.

6. Experience early highland life

The Highland Folk Museum at Newtonmore is an open air museum depicting highland life throughout the ages. Dozens of dwellings, including a working croft, contain everyday items typically used in each period. As hard as things were, they loved their country. It’s easy to see why when you take in the amazing scenery.

7. Visit the world’s only Egyptian lighthouse

Your potential date may think you’re mad if you ask them on a date to see the only Egyptian lighthouse in the world – in Scotland. It’ll be worth it.

8. Climb Ben Nevis

Why not really show off your adventurous side and suggest a date to climb Ben Nevis? You don’t actually have to make it to the summit, but you can walk some of it, however much you both encourage each other to. Tick it off your bucket list that you climbed the biggest mountain in Britain.

9. Be William Wallace

Scotland’s history has been played out on the big screen numerous times, but the hit movie Braveheart will be one many of us remember. Glen Nevis and the Great Glen Way were a few locations Mel Gibson could be seen roaming the glens in a kilt.

10. Check out Robinson Crusoe’s home town

In the East Neuk of Fife is a tiny, one-street old fishing village called Lower Largo. Here you’ll find a statue of one of the most iconic characters in the history of fiction: Robinson Crusoe. Defoe’s famous castaway was actually inspired by Alexander Selkirk, a legal pirate who was born and bred here. The beach has excellent views down the Firth of Forth.

11. Fly a kite at Silver Sands

Silver Sands at Arisaig is a stunning stretch of beach. It’s hard to imagine it rarely being hot enough for a bikini or shorts. Crystal-clear sea and sand so pale it glistens gives an illusion of being on a Caribbean island. Take advantage of the breeze and take your date to fly a kite.

12. Spot a basking shark

There’s something beyond words to describe seeing the world’s second largest fish in the open water. Spotting one after patiently waiting brings out the child in all adults, complete with goofy grin. If it’s the wrong time of year, you might still see humpback or minke whale.

13. Find sea creatures in Pittenweem

Pittenweem is famous for its pretty fishing village and a thriving arts. But there’s just as much colour to be found in a rock pool. Gasp with joy.

14. Wave to the Jacobite

There couldn’t be a better place to see a steam train than one chugging through some of the best scenery on the planet. Wave to the Jacobite steam train’s passengers whilst on a date to famous Morar beach (it’s featured in Highlander).

15. Sunrise on a tranquil beach

Watching the sunrise on the Fife coast is special. The Bass Rock and the Isle of May attract lots of wildlife. The sea can be flat and silky-smooth like a polished ice-rink. Watch gannets glide stealth-like only feet above the surface. Perfect for seeing dolphin too. Perfect for a sunrise date.

16. Step in Bonnie Prince Charlie’s footsteps

The Glenfinnan Monument at Loch Shiel marks the start of the Jacobite Rising. It also stands in one of the most captivating and dramatic landscapes. The two of you will want to stop the clocks and imprint it on your memory forever.

17. Queen Victoria’s favourite view

The Queen’s View across Loch Tummel in Perthshire is a popular beauty spot which beckons you to enjoy in the arms of your lover.

18. Take in the Borders and Peebles

At Manor Sware, a metal plaque stands at the roadside marking a breathtaking view over Peebles. A great place to rest during a date outdoors in the Borders.

19. Feel alive on the Isle of Mull

Get your heart beating faster at Rubha nan Gall. There are superb views over to Kilchoan on the Ardnamurchan peninsula.

20. Spot orca under a bridge

The Forth Road Bridge at Queensferry, though not necessarily a pretty structure, is one of the most photographed landmarks outside of the cities. The views from the bridge are what makes it beautiful. Queensferry’s whitewashed cottages cling to rocks at both sides of the Firth of Forth; beyond is the open sea. Orca have been spotted here a few times in recent years, what a memorable date if you saw one!

21. The magnificent Stirling Castle

Stirling’s 12th century castle is the icing on the cake to what’s on offer in this historic part of the country. The distant Ochil Hills frame it beautifully.

22. Get your bearings at Cairn Table

If Ben Nevis feels out of reach why not challenge your date to a walk up Cairn Table in Ayrshire. You’ll stumble with joy at the top.

23. Fall in love with the Cairngorms

The Cairngorms National Park provides unlimited views that you’ll both fall in love with. It’s got it all: massive mountains, golden eagles, lochs and glens. Exploring its vast wilderness will invigorate you. Take a few steps off the beaten track. Enjoy a flask of hot chocolate while you bring yourself back down to earth.

24. A 50-mile view to Sutherland

Stretch your legs at Nairn beach and enjoy the epic views towards Caithness. Hand holding is optional, but why not have a brave heart and go for it?

25. A date under the Northern Lights

Galloway Forest Park is a delight during daylight hours, however, because it is listed as the first Dark Sky Park in Britain, get geared up for a date to remember under the captivating Northern Lights.

26. A picnic at Ruby Bay

Walk to the ruined Lady’s Tower in Ruby Bay near Elie for a picnic date with views to die for. The wide golden beach is a bonus.

27. Cuddle up in a hidden cove

One of the most beautiful beaches in Britain, the pale sands at Achmelvich might tempt you to roll up your trouser legs and dip your toes in the sea. Warm up with a brisk walk to a hidden cove for a cuddle.

28. Step foot on one of the best beaches in the world

Harris’s Luskentyre beach was officially voted to be a world best. Enough said.

29. The mystery of Fingal’s cave

If you or your date has a boat, Staffa is an island with a unique geological formation. Huge, pillar-like patterns formed by volcanic activity are absolutely remarkable.

30. Be fascinated by The Ring of Brodgar

Orkney is known for its superb panoramic views, but why and how the third-largest stone circle in the UK is here nobody knows.

31. Hike to Grey Mare’s Tail

Some things are worth the effort. Take your date on the road less travelled and be rewarded by a gushing waterfall, the fifth-highest in Britain.

32. See Buddhists on the Holy Isle

If you want amazing views and total peace, go on a date to the Holy Isle, Firth of Clyde. With a fascinating history stretching back to the 6th century, Buddhist have adopted it as their home and have set up a retreat.

33. Druid rituals and a river of blood

Scotland is a hub for anyone interested in the occult. The gorge at Finnich Glen is thought to have been used for Druid rituals. Its crimson sandstone turning the water red.

34. Unravel the Da Vinci Code

Get up close and personal at Rosslyn Chapel to inspect the mysterious carvings and symbols. Set in a barren landscape, this 15th century chapel’s clandestine history made it into Dan Brown’s hit movie.

35. Passions runs high at Culloden

Visit Culloden Moor, the site of the last battle on British soil. The ominous presence of fallen soldiers are a reminder of our mortality. It’s these sobering cycles of life which ignite passion.

36. A first kiss below Edinburgh Castle

Wherever you roam in Edinburgh, when darkness falls and the castle is dazzled with spotlights, take a moment to take in the sights, try for a first kiss.

37. A date to put your head in a spin

Corryveckan whirlpool is one of the world’s largest. This natural phenomenon can be seen between the islands of Jura and Scarba and will put your date in a spin.

38. Discover Fairy Pools

Skye has many beauty spots, and a date to explore Fairy Pools won’t help stop you taking the wall-to-wall stunning views for granted. The waterfalls emptying into aquamarine rock pools are hypnotic.

39. Meet the Kelpies

Take an early evening walk down the Forth and Clyde canal near Falkirk and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Two towering horse heads called the Kelpies are a work of art. The sculptures’ steel detailing shimmering under the lighting brings them to life.

40. Seeing is believing: spot Nessie

Sit in the ruins of Urquhart Castle and amuse yourself and your date by trying to spot the Loch Ness monster. Free, and stunning views are guaranteed as always. Remember, if you take your date to ten of these places or just one, he or she is bound to love it. Scotland is beautiful; make sure to enjoy its beauty and all it has to offer. Happy dating travels! Image Source: 1. via visitscotland.com; 2. via trailscotland.co.uk; 3. via Historicenvironment.scot; 4. via lochlomond-trossachs.org; 5. via westscotland.com; 6. via highlifehighland.com; 7. via inspiring-photography.com; 8. via ben-nevis.com; 9. via walkhighlands.co.uk; 10. via welcometoscotland.com; 11. via afamilydayout.co.uk; 12. via wowcher.co.uk; 13. via welcometofife.com; 14. via 500px.com/photo/23782123; 15. via tour-scotland-photographs.blogspot.co.uk; 16. via britainexpress.com; 17. via http://scotland.forestry.gov.uk; 18. via visitscotland.com; 19. via isle-of-mull.net; 20. via dailymail.co.uk; 21. via simple.wikipedia.org; 22. via photobucket.com; 23. via cairngorms.co.uk; 24. via nairnscotland.co.uk; 25. via scotland.forestry.gov.uk; 26. via flickr.com/photos/berenicecarroll; 27. via thebeachguide.co.uk; 28. via travelzoo.com; 29. via alexhyde.photoshelter.com; 30. via macsadventure.com; 31. via nts.org.uk; 32. via holyisland.org; 33. via zacktravel.com; 34. via pagepark.co.uk; 35. via wildeyedsoutherncelt.com; 36. via historicenvironment.scot; 37. via seafari.co.uk; 38. via isleofskye.com; 39. via thehelix.co.uk; 40. via scottishweddingdirectory.co.uk. Featured photo credit: Berenice Carroll via flickr.com

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