The above life-mantra is all you need to know. Don’t be surprised as you must be thinking that the article is about 42 pieces of advice and here is just a single sentence.Actually the above single sentence is an acronym for all the 42 below given pieces of advice that will now be retained in your mind forever.


  1. L : LIVE Life to the fullest.
  2. A : Be AUDACIOUS in each and every nook of life situations.
  3. U : Life is UNPREDICTABLE. Never forget this in time of hopelessness.
  4. G : Have GRATITUDE for each and every good thing that life offers you and in turn you will be rewarded with more smiles in life.
  5. H : Never give up on HOPE because that is what humanity consists of. People who hurt others, who do harm to their own species on the name of religion, cast or creed are the people who have already given up HOPE. So decide carefully before you cease to be a HUMAN.


  1. L : Be a good LISTENER. Rather than just speaking about yourself, allow others to speak. Listen carefully to others view point as this quality of yours can help you to develop your personality, improve your relationship,     and be successful at all positions of your life.
  2. O : Have OUT OF THE BOX THINKING. Having the same perceived notions as everybody else can never lead you to success. An out of box thinking can prevent the routine boredom away and can make you more creative thus opening your mind to new ideas.
  3. U : Develop your own UNIQUE IDENTITY. Stop being the part of a herd, rather use your own style and intellect which sets you apart from others.
  4. D : Never base your DECISIONS on an impulse. Important life Decisions should never be taken in moments of extreme emotions like in anger, in enthusiasm or in depression as it can make you regret later.
  5. L : Always keep LAZINESS at bay. Your lazy attitude can be a grave danger to your happy life, that accumulates your present problems and dump them into your future life.
  6. Y : Saying YES for everything can make your life problematic. You don’t owe anything to anyone, so it’s OK to say no for certain things you don’t like.


  1. T : TRAVEL as much as you can until you are young and able. Meeting new people, exploring new cultures and visiting godly creations around is the only thing that can easily grip you in the awe and wonder of Life’s       mystical creations. So travel and explore the beauty of life as much as you can. 13. O : Be a good OBSERVER. Try to observe and ponder what is happening around you. Be alert. Be           awake. Often, the most extraordinary opportunities are hidden among the seemingly insignificant events of         life. If you do not pay attention to these events, you can easily miss the opportunities.


  1. F : Ward off the FEAR of unknown. If you are afraid of being ridiculed or are frightened to cross the boundary of your dull life, you can never achieve your dreams.
  2. E : Don’t carry your EGO with you all the time instead try to be what you really are. Because an ego ridden soul is always in the fear of being attacked by someone else and always live in a virtual world of their own, where they never try to imbibe the knowledge and facts given by others.
  3. E : Inculcate EXERCISE in your daily routine.Think of the day when you were sick and you will surely realize the importance of good health. Without a good healthy body, it is impossible to concentrate your mind on           something productive.
  4. L : LOVE yourself the most. Learn to love yourself first instead of loving the idea of someone else loving you. Because The foremost thing that is important in life and that is the key to a positive change in life               is ‘you’ yourself.


  1. F : Develop the habit of FORGIVENESS. Yes, forgiveness is not always easy. But rather than holding a past grudge that can make your life hell and can harm you psychologically, try to become more strong mentally. It takes practice and effort to forgive, but it is well worth in the long run.
  2. R : Always REMEMBER your past mistakes as this can lessen your chances of making mistakes in future.
  3. E : Don’t be a EMOTIONAL fool. Try to be more pragmatic in life. Your emotions can sometime make you fall for the wrong person or thing.
  4. E : Make ENDURANCE your second nature. The power to withstand hardship or stress is not an attribute of a common man, only those who stand out of the crowd can show the quality of endurance.


  1. A : Avoid AMBIVALENCE in life. Fix a certain goal in life and be sure of it. And once you have selected your priorities in life, abide by it instead of creating confusions in your life.
  2. N : Learn from NATURE. Observe nature and learn from it. It can teach you many things that is normally hard to get.
  3. D : Be DARING. Never shy away from things that are right for you or for others. Even if the crowd around is just a mute spectator of an injustice, be bold and daring to come forward and put things right.


  1. D : DREAM a lot. Never stop dreaming of achieving things you wish in your life. It keeps the fire of life burning. Only those who dare to dream are the people who finally strive to make their dream a reality.
  2. R : READ as much as you can. You will not only improve your vocabulary but also your knowledge about the world, different cultures and various people that will expand the horizons of your normal mind. So inculcate the habit of reading in your daily schedule and you will automatically feel the difference.
  3. E : ENJOY life to the fullest. Never cease enjoying life because of the new found responsibilities or because of the people around you otherwise the dullness of life will start haunting you, making you frustrated with your current situations.
  4. A : AVOID STRESS as much you can. Stress and strain has become a daily part of our normal life. But stress can be a source of unwanted problems that can make us weak not only psychologically but also physically.
  5. M : Believe in MIRACLES. Life is full of mystery that is unsolved till now and to believe in the existence of miracles makes it more mysterious. Thus the acceptance of our miraculous existence, indirectly adds a zing to the normal routine of our life.


  1. B : Let BYGONES be BYGONES. Never carry the burden of your past history in the present moment.
  2. I : IGNITE the fire within. Never let your inner strength be marooned by the negativities of life.
  3. G : Never GIVE-UP in any situation. Remember that giving up your belief or faith in something because of an incident that has gone against your will, is not a solution to your problem. Always stand by your faith and see the impossible turning into possible.


  1. F : Stay by the side of your FAMILY no matter how hard the situation is.
  2. O : Be OPEN TO NEW IDEAS. Never be rigid in your thought process instead try to accept change and imbibe new ideas in your life.
  3. R : Create a good RAPPORT around. Communicate in a well mannered way with others and always maintain a good reputation of yourself among the group of people you normally meet.


  1. S : Learn to SHARE. Sharing is an important attribute in life that can make you realize the importance of giving to others.
  2. U : Be UNDERSTANDING to your fellow beings. You may never know what other person might have gone through in life so never be judgmental in your approach.
  3. C : Avoid getting trapped by COMPLEXES. So whether it’s an inferiority complex or superiority complex, never identify with any of them as they can easily steal away your natural charm and appeal.
  4. C : Be CURIOUS like a child. Never let the curiosity quotient drop in your life. As it is the only source that acquaints you with new knowledge and life discoveries.
  5. E : Be EMPATHETIC to other feelings. As it enables clear and helpful expressions of caring and concern     and sends message to another of acceptance (rather than apathy or opposition). Thus it creates an                 atmosphere of trust and genuineness with the people around you.
  6. S : SPREAD JOY around. Live and let others live by being happy and sharing this happiness with the people around.
  7. S : Be a SANGUINE personality. Try to induce positivity in each and every act of yours. Featured photo credit: Ed Yourdon via flickr.com