Have you been hit by a truck? No. You’ve been hit by the consequences of 2am sambuca shots. You desperately try to remember what happened, you’re sure you said you would only have one drink. Alas, you had more than one. This day is going to be bad– but when you start to lose hope, remember this: There is an app out there for everything. These apps won’t necessarily cure your hangover, but they might make it hurt less. Whether it’s reducing the post-alcohol guilt, ordering your junk food fix stress-free, or just with good old-fashioned distraction, there’s sure to be something for you.

1. Hangover Meter


We all have that one friend whose hangover always seems to be worse than ours (despite drinking half as much) and this app uses actual science settle the ‘who feels worse’ debate once and for all. It measures your hangover by tracking your hand shakes when holding your phone at arms reach in front of you. You can then compare and share shakes with your other hungover friends. If you want science to reinforce your eight hour “woe is me” feeling, then this is the app for you. We should of course point out that there are other ways you could test the intensity of your hangover; ranging from the press-up challenge, to an overly competitive game of Monopoly (not recommended). When all you need is a solid dose of self-pity, Hangover Meter is there for you.

2. Waterlogged


Although not designed specifically for a hangover, we’re confident this app can stop you from feeling so terrible. We all know one of the main reasons we feel like a shell of our former selves after a night out is because we’re dehydrated. When your brain is clouded and your stomach won’t stop churning, it’s sometimes difficult to remember to drink, and also to remember how much you’ve had throughout the day. Waterlogged allows you to input your water intake, see how much you’ve already consumed, and set reminders for when you need to drink more. If you’re feeling extra organized then set it up the night before, and spend the next day (virtually) hangover free.

3. BrainWave Hangover Relief


We all feel a bit sensitive when we wake up in the morning after a heavy night, and that’s what BrainWave is here for. Instead of playing standard relaxing sounds like so many apps out there, the app plays special low-frequency alpha and theta waves to help soothe your head, nausea, and discomfort. The app supposedly works by synchronising your brainwaves to a specific frequency by sending two different audible frequencies to each ear, soothing your head as the sounds match human brainwaves. It has other relaxing background sounds such as ocean waves, rain and thunder. Even if it doesn’t work, it’ll make you feel less guilty about lying in bed all day if you can convince yourself it’s thundering outside. The app has a daytime and nighttime mode, although we’ll go out on a whim here and say that if you’re still this hungover at nighttime, then you’re a lost cause.

4. Hang Over

Free on Android

Hang Over is the perfect app for those of us who still don’t know our limits, despite the number of times you have stumbled home at 4am vowing to never drink again. Whilst we don’t want to be one of those people who get their phone out during a night on the town, for this app, it’s worth it. The app keeps track of your drinks throughout the night, all it takes is one drunken tap on your drink of choice. Several hours after your last drink, the app will notify you to rate your hangover on a scale of 1 – 10. This is ‘learning from experience’ at it’s finest, as once you have had a few drinking sessions using the app, you will be able to look back on your drinking history and work out what led to the worst hangover. Whether it’s wine, spirits, or beer that leaves you feeling like death the next day, this app will help you to make more sensible choices the next time you get boozy.

5. Dominoes


That’s it, you’ve tried everything and yet your stomach still won’t settle. Well my friends, sometimes all you need is a monstrous pizza to guzzle down whilst lying in bed with a Disney movie. There’s no shame, we’ve all been there. For situations such as these, you need the Dominoes app. Just a few clicks and you can have all the pizza, chicken wings and wedges you need, delivered straight to your door. I have considered asking for it to be delivered directly to my bed before, but on reflection decided this was unwise. Unfortunately, hangovers are a part of life, and there’s not a huge amount we can do to stop them. Try these apps and you’ll be feeling good as new in no time – well, we can always dream. Featured photo credit: Albumarium via albumarium.com